* Posts by sage

29 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Feb 2009

Google Chrome extension bars domains from search results



Experts-exchange has definitely made me want this option for quite some time. There are a few others, but that's one of the most annoying. Although you can occasionally find an answer by scrolling to the bottom of their pages. I think the absolute worst domains are the ones where you click through to their page and the keyword(s) you were searching for is/are nowhere on the page, so you go back, hit the cached version, and still find nothing.

Android bites big chunk out of Apple iPad market share


Initial player?

"This is a new market, just starting and of course the initial player is going to have its dominance challenged and reduced."

Archos offered Android tablets before the iPad was even announced. Apple's rarely the first to do anything, yet news agencies constantly repeat the same garbage that all these devices were Apple's ideas and everyone else is copying them. When people go to you as their source of information, could you maybe try to be a bit more factual? Thanks.

US may disable all in-car mobile phones


Hello, police?

The car in front of me is swerving uncontrollably and someone could get... um, hello? Hello?

Shaping your next desktop upgrade


Next upgrade?

I'm planning my next upgrade to Linux Mint 10 when it comes out. Don't need Vista 7, MS Office, or new hardware.

4chan invades Tea Party website



Don't mind me, I'm on my way to page 10.

Steve Jobs denies Judas Phone antenna problems



"There is no Antennagate," Apple's CEO told a select group of reporters... After all, Jobs noted: "Antennagate has been predominantly a US thing."

iPhone 4 burns, hurts owner


Clearly that's not USB

... it's FireWire.


re: android

Uhhh, nope. Android is software, and this is quite clearly a hardware issue.

Google: 'We did not follow Apple into phone market'


according to Wikipedia...

From Wikipedia, "In July 2005, Google acquired Android, Inc."

I'm not sure how long Android Inc had been working on the platform before that, but it clearly shows that they actually didn't "follow" Apple into the phone market.

Now, you may argue that the term "follow" could be used in a chronological sense, but the article seems to use it otherwise: Jobs dubbed Google's "don't be evil" mantra "bullshit," lambasting his former Mountain View ally for treading on his turf.

What can Google's tablet deliver?


Who's copying who?

"But with the world and his dog also developing copycat iPads"

Funny how some of those "copycats" were in production before the iPad was even announced. In fact, I saw my first iPad copycat back in 2008 from Archos. Creative had iPod copycats before iPods came out. LG had an iPhone copycat before the iPhone was out.

None of those were Apple's ideas in the first place. The last good innovation I can recall actually coming from Apple was MacOS back in the mid-80's. Please, get over it.

...Oh yeah, almost forgot about the iMac copycats that people have been knocking pins down with for ages. I'll admit though, iMacs are indeed much more satisfying for that sport.

Dell bars Win 7 refunds from Linux lovers



I once bought a laptop from TigerDirect that had Vista preinstalled on it, so I reformatted and put Ubuntu on there. Rather than getting a refund, they informed me that by rejecting the EULA and removing Windows I had voided my warranty.

Windows may not be free, but the viruses you're about to get will be.

Security boss calls for end to net anonymity

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sage this retarded idea already

MS Zero-day security bug was two years in the making



The Linux one might've existed for 8 years, but it wasn't found and reported until recently, and the got patched within a day or two. The MS one was found and reported over 2 years ago, and is just getting patched now. That's not quite the same.

Furthermore, in order to exploit the Linux one, you had to have access to the computer itself. For the MS one, it's a web component, so you only need access to the internet. Again, not quite the same.

Brazilian TV ad: Save water, piss in the shower



I think you mean Mohandas Gandhi, not Mahatma. I'm pretty sure his racism and previous sexuality prevented him from attaining mahatma (or saint) status.

Google mocks Bing and the stuff behind it


Can't find it

The Data Center as a Computer. "If you Bing for it," he said, "you can find it."

I did that search on Bing, and gave up after 30 pages. I couldn't find it. I searched Google, and it was the 3rd result.

Obama fights cyber threats with new White House post


So what's the plan?

Running Windows with every antivirus, antispyware, and firewall out there and pretend that they're finally safe?

Or will they wise up and realize it's time to move to a more secure Unix/Linux platform?

Google toys with plug-in free YouTube

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Yes, please

I would love to see a Flash-free YouTube

White House confiscates hack's handset



When I've had to serve on jury duty, they always take everyones cellphones and other electronic devices at the lobby. Why is that so important in a civil court but apparently a non-issue in the white house?

And confiscating the phone because it rang? What is this, elementary school?

Mine's the one with the phone in the... huh? I swear it was in here when I took it off.

Win 7 RC fails to thwart well-known hacker risk


hide it all

Why stop at just the file extension? Text is ugly. It should only show the icon. Instead of just having to guess what filetype it is, having to guess which file is which would be so much more exciting!

BOFH: Spontaneous Legal Combustion


Platinum cookie

I don't have a Reg Platinum Cookie membership. Can I use my 4chan Gold account? I hear that'll get me in anywhere.

Mine's the one with the vote stuffer in the pocket.

Microsoft answers EU antitrust charges


Bundling? How about tying?

I think we all agree that bundling IE with Windows is a crap argument. They should be complaining about tying IE and Windows together. Can you install the latest Windows Updates with Firefox/Safari/Opera?

What about how IE is the only browser that can automatically install software (including malware) at the OS level? They need to sever the tie between IE and Windows, and come up with something like apt-url so that any browser could trigger the OS to install/update software.

Swedish factory fined $3,000 for robot attack


re: More Info Required

Do a barrel roll.

Google puts Chrome tabs on options list


re: @ sage

"Arent you supposed to do it yourself? After all the Linux fanbois are always banging on about how wonderful and empowering open source is..."

Are Windows users supposed to compile open source apps themselves too? No, but the option is there, and it's a great option to have.

The problem here though, is that the Chromium project is still missing pieces. I would compile it for myself, but it's nowhere near the state of Chrome for Windows. Hence the "And when the hell do we get Chromium up to date on Linux?"


re: what

It should be called google browserneilhanveydoesntcareabout. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean nobody else does. I'm just assuming that though, considering that I use it everyday myself. And yes, I run it alongside firefox. It's just much, much faster.

And when the hell do we get Chromium up to date on Linux? I tried it, and all I can get working is the mediocre alpha one.

Mac and Linux Bastilles assaulted by new attacks

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Oh noes, my Linux is hackable?

I just peed a little. I thought Linux was supposed to be secure, yet you tell me that if I give root privileges to someone, they can install stuff on my computer? Bawww. </sarcasm>


"When theres a trojen on windows (a trojan would be basically what is required, if all of these comments are true, to hit the linux machine ) its because its insecure. When its linux oh no its fine,"

It's a bit harder than that. With Windows, this sort of exploit is like by playing a CD in your car stereo, someone can steal your car. With Linux, you'd still have to walk them to your car and hand them the keys (and disable your ignition kill-switch if you have one). No offense, but it sounds like you're the guy this article was intended for. It's pretty much a non-issue, but El Reg is reporting this in a Fox News like manner for the attention.

Seriously Reg, wtf? Shame on you.

Microsoft's latest open-source release catches a wrinkle


re: who cares?


Google phone OS to transform Linux netbooks, says researcher


Why the need to lock it down?

I have a G1 with Android on it. It runs on Linux, yet I had to root it to get normal Linux functionality. I have Eeebuntu on my EeePC, and I'm quite happy with it. My only complaint is with the way Gnome handles maximized windows. If the window's too big, clicking anywhere will scroll the window up/down, but that makes it difficult to actually click on buttons and checkboxes in the app. Thinking about trying KDE or Fluxbox on it, but I have limited hd space to work with. Anyhoo, why lock it down and limit functionality? What's next, adding a 3 app rule?

Scotland Today in news nipslip outrage

Paris Hilton



Not a button hole. I can clearly see 4 nipple slips in the top photo.

(Paris, because 4 nipple slips in every photo)

Anonymous digs ahead of more assaults on Scientology

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