* Posts by Matthew Smith

253 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2007


Manchester Uni wins radio telescope HQ

Matthew Smith

Big bridge

Yes, it was all over budget and saved by the commies. The construction company was more used to building suspension bridges, and assumed that this would be the same. It also received the first picture signals from the soviet moon probes and so they were published first in western newspapers before the people in Moscow received them. The Russians accused Jodrell Bank of theft.

This is all written about at Jodrell Bank, which well worth a visit along with the neighbouring arboretum. You also go right past/ under it on the main western train line south of Manchester. Its a right monsta thing on the Cheshire plain.

Braindead obituarists hoaxed by Wikipedia

Matthew Smith

Did it come from copy?

Entering 'Ronnie Hazlehurst reach' into google will trawl up the quite shameful culprits: Times, Independant, Scotsman and even The Stage.

However they all seem to be using the same copy, with some slight editing. Does this mean they copied and pasted the same text from Wikipedia, or a single source like Reuters got it wrong? Reuters being so sloppy is worse still....

Reg readers total 3,238 years against cancer

Matthew Smith

I want my money back.

I am alarmed at the comment of 'The organization said today it has completed its mission to demonstrate the viability and benefits of large-scale internet-based grid computing'. Thats not what it was when I signed up. I signed up on the day after launch to find a cure for cancer. I have generated 7 years and 133 days of processing time. For what? I've left my PC on overnight when it would otherwise be switched off. So it has cost me money, and generated greenhouse gases. Grid.org really should issue a news release about what all these years of effort have been used for. Will the research be of use to anyone?
