Down With Thought Police Censorship!
Maybe I've gone native since living in mainland Europe for the last 9 years, sort of lost my 'civilisation'. Can't help but think this is just another example of British culture becoming unanchored and having absolutely no centre to it apart from buying stuff and trying not to offend people.
The whole idea that a body can be offensive is strange to me. There are fat people, really skinny people and some in between. Some have got big knobs, some don't. What's the big deal? How can any of this be 'family unfriendly'? So many items of clothing are designed to reveal or enhance the ability to see the shape of certain body parts, so what's different about Speedo style trunks?
Oh, it's wandering pubes. OK, whilst I agree it's not a great look, it is a part of the body. The person didn't deliberately grow it so as to frighten a little kid did they? Can we look forward to the time when a woman is ejected from a public place for wearing a bob tube, or having forgotten to do a recent shave under her arms?
If a person wants to appear in public revealing lightly more of themselves than others would chose to do, why should anyone get wound up about it. As a father of two early teen daughters, I am not upset if they see sme dude in a banana hammock. They like me can chose to secretly i) laugh at what they see, ii) admire what they see, iii) just ignore it. I don't want the Thought Police to start this kind of censorship as it is just a matter of personal taste.