This is all part of a plot dating back to the years when Bob 'silly old bugger' Hawke was prime minister - as he was infamous for saying 'Australia is a primary producer - we don't need to worry about that Technology stuff'
Of course this attitude has been carried on by subsequent prime ministers with some of the worst damage done in recent years by Johnny Howl-hards anti education revolution (what spend money on Education when it could be better spent on tax cuts of maybe 50c a month??).
AWA, BWD, Applied Technology (Microbee), JNA etc. - all once (almost??) household names* for Australian technology now no longer exist - partly due to poor management decisions but also significantly due to lack of encouragement and support by successive governments.
Recently however there have been very embarrassing revelations that the core technologies used in wireless LANs was developed by the CSIRO which is not only Australian but (worse still) a Government body!
This has caused much consternation in the government, resulting in increasingly desperate attempts to prove that Australia has no idea about all this Technology stuff such as the great firewall/filter of Oz and now this - just further attempts to prove we don't have a clue....
*amongst Techs anyway - probably almost unheard of outside Australia, because, well we are great at exporting dirt, mutton, wool, even rice and cotton (how does an arid country sanely grow rice and cotton???)