Mozilla should do what Steve Jobs wanted in 80s
Steve Jobs is claimed to say something like "The war is over, IBM won, it is time to move on" back in 1980s to Apple. He wanted Apple to concentrate on markets where they have success instead of trying to beat PC clone sales and market share.
If people looked to performance and quality of code, all would use Linux or BSD. It isn't good vs evil either, they choose definition of evil in elections.
While I was trying to explain why she or anyone stay the hell away from apps like life 360,I typed "life 360 Mozilla" at 7 AM local to search engine. A result popped up too. IMHO this should be the foundation of new direction.
Is it a generally known fact so people don't mention it? Alt right, crypto bros and conspiracy theorists hate Mozilla and Baker. I bet they are investigating new CEO's cultural background,religion, some education grants etc right now. Actually as this is a British site, let's call what they actually are: Neo Nazis. When I cared enough to follow the trails, it always ended up in some alternative browser community.