May I say on behalf of his Scandinavian following : Lester will be truly missed.
A wit, an El Reg star, a virtual friend.
My friends and myself will raise a tankard in your honour this evening, Sir.
No icon, as you were one.
5 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jan 2009
I live in Norway and the whole question of electric cars is a strange dynamic.
The city centre is almost overrun with Teslas & Nissan Leafs plus a smattering of Kia, BMW & VW electric cars, in fact there's over 83,000 electric powered cars in Norway right now out of a total of 2.6 mill.
When first introduced, electric vehicles enjoyed free charging, free parking, could drive in the taxi/bus lanes to escape the long queues in rush hour into the city centre and also be exempt for toll road charges, no VAT on purchase price and free ferry passages.
Now people are fearing that these perks which where introduced to get people to go electric will be withdrawn slowly but surely.
But now when travelling to Oslo, the law states there must be 2 people in the car before you have the right to use the taxi/bus lanes.
In a shock announcement a few days ago, after 1st March 2017 electric vehicles will for the first time be liable for toll road charges (of which there are many!) during rush hour times.
From January 2018 that charge will double.
From January 2020 it will increase another 50% and also be payable at all times and not just during the rush hour.
In all fairness, if you drive a diesel car, the cost will be a little over £6 to get into Oslo while petrol heads will "only" pay £5 and that's only one way!