* Posts by Cerastes

4 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Apr 2007

Net censorship growing worldwide



"Burma, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen" they are all Islamic States, except Burma which is primarily Buddhist.

This surprised me because we are all led to believe by the media that China has the most censorship.

Perhaps it's because the Internet is controlled by the Great Satan, according to President Ahmadinejad.

Spaniard buys flat complete with mummy



Did he purchase the flat using a morte-gage?

Robbers superglue naked man to exercise bike


In other circumstances...

a combination of Vaseline and solvents might make an interesting afternoon.

'Traffic Taliban' moots speed cameras in cats' eyes


Brunstrom the sensationalist

The usual cause of decapitation of a biker is when the biker is leaning his bike to go round a right hand curve and his head comes into contact with a truck coming in the opposite direction; whether due to the truck running wide or the bikers head crossing the middle of the road.

This is not a speeding issue. The speed of the biker or the truck have no importance - contact means the heads coming off.

Using such violent images for effect proves this mans lack of judgement and shows the lengths that Brunstrom will go to achieve his goal. He should resign as this is clear sensationalism.