Tin Hat time
Anyone else worried that this will lead to the scanning of brain frequencies to hear what people are thinking about?
75 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jan 2009
I have seen the Gritter out here in Newcastle plenty of times but its not been spreading. I think we have matched sunderland with a big fat £0 in spending on grit (not just the emergency spending) and plenty on Council members expenses.
Come the revolution they will be first against the wall, after the Marketing Division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.
I have found my android hand set works fine. Though I have an unlocked handset.
Does anyone know if these issues can effect both network locked and unlocked handsets?
I'd be willing to be the code monkeys working for the mobile networks have caused the issues by adding unwanted crap onto the android platform
We are playing catchup to the rest of the world to still be behind the rest of the world. America has 100 Mb broadband and Japan has plans to go into the Gb range (if they haven't already).
Why don't we simply put something awesome in place and make the rest of the world catch up to us?
That would be a structure I'd happily pay tax for. As it stands I have to simply state I'm not happy getting charged for outdated infostructure.
Almost all of the economics of the "mighty" USA relies on trading with foreign countires, such as Britain (afterall we speak the same language).
Unfortunately I don't think either country can survive without our relations. Though I'm sure the recession from parting ways might be less painful than the current one we are facing.
Thanks to El regs ingenius photographers its possible to see the real reason the power failed. If you look closely they have captured the responsible party on camera.
Thants right, its no black pipe but a ninja in disguise.
Who knows why these mysterious warriors want the LHC out of commision, maybe they know something we don't about the LHC. Maybe they were hired by an unknown evil doer who is trying to create their own doomsday machine.
One things for certain, with ninja's working to sabotage the LHC you can rest asured that their will be more problems to come.
I enjoy the uncertainty of this rather crazy experiment. Who would have thought that a bunch of physics boffins would create an over the top theorical dooms day device all in the name of Higgs Boson.
I personally fail to understand how this experiment will magically link the quantum mechanics to Einstiens relativity. Someone still had to do the maths, unless they are trying to contact our foreign dimensional hyper evolved cousins long enough for them to pass through the secret science paper with the formula upon it.
Still whatever happens I'm grateful for the coverage and the nonesense spouted by the ever ignorant but always amuzing army of fuitcakes, pagans and erotic vampires.
Think I'll make sure I have a pint in hand and a towel on standby just to be safe.
The "smartphones" over here are more than a little out of date when compared to what the Japanese would call a normal mobile phone. Its like trrying to compare Nintendo WII to a NES.
The service provided over there is total bitching and practically like something out of a sci fi book. Kinda wish our service providers would pull their fingers out and catch up to the technology.
The true problem is not price but the titles available. I own a PS3 and would happily upgrade to blue ray for most of my DVD collection. The main issue is that there is not alot of GOOD movies available in blu-ray. You mostly get really turdy movies such as ultraviolet.
The best title so far has been Dark Knight, was filmed in IMAX and looks class in high def. I think its well worth upgrading. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't seen any good movies in high def.