Yet another way that I'm being robbed of my rights...
As someone from a military family background, with family all over these isles, I was born and raised British.
I'm not English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish. I'm a Brit.
My family (who for at least the last 3 generations have served and fought for their country) didn't do that for Scotland or for England, they did it for The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Even my passport says that's where I'm from.
I'm almighty pissed off that I don't get a chance to vote on the future of my country and whether or not some nationalistic little wanker can carve off a part of it for him and his mates because they have a different accent to the other parts.
The fact that I can't even watch the debates and that the similarly small-minded little Englanders don't consider it important (it wasn't even mentioned in the first 10 minutes of the BBC 10 O'Clock News) is just the final kick in the teeth.
I truly hope that my country still exists by the end of September.