* Posts by Geoffrey W

1334 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jan 2009


Linus Torvalds declares war on the passive voice

Geoffrey W

Re: He's right, of course

How do you know it's imaginary? Just coz you can't see it means nothing. There are lots of unseen things in the Universe. Cat's know more than those inscrutable eyes let on. Cats might be guardians*** and doG (sic) knows where I'd be now if I didn't let mine live here.

*** Guardians of what though: The keeper of the can opener?

Under-fire Elon Musk urged to get a grip on X and reality – or resign

Geoffrey W

Re: "Far right"

Agreed. I thought that almost immediately I posted, but was feeling too dispirited by then to go on... :-)

Geoffrey W

Re: I Feel Sorry For GB

WOW! A Trump channeler! covfefe on steroids!

Geoffrey W

Re: And he keeps digging a hole for himself

He's finally found a use for his tunnel digging device (whatever it was called Boring company?). He wants to know if that world inside the hollow earth actually exists, and if the deep state have been lying to us; Deep State is Literally a deep state...deep in the earth. So dig...dig...dig...down he goes! He's gonna get em once and for all!

Geoffrey W

RE: "conning useful idiots into getting arrested is exactly what Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil did and do"

Just stop oil, et al, organisers tend to put themselves on the front line too and do get arrested. Tommy Robinson (copyrighted Man of the People with a cheeky chappie name) runs abroad and takes refuge with those pesky furriners and conducts from that safe space. Total respect!

Geoffrey W

Re: "Far right"

RE: "Anything the far left doesn't like"

That's a bit axiomatic and self defining, isn't it? The left doesn't like the right? Right doesn't like the left? Those statements define what they represent,. It's a bit like saying Cats aren't keen on dogs, or snow doesn't like the sun. It's obvious and doesn't have any intrinsic meaning or wisdom to teach us.

Geoffrey W

Re: I Feel Sorry For GB

Not at all. I'd like the Bible to be taught in the context of demonstrating how silly and violent most religious tracts are at their core. I can't decide where you are coming from. Just for clarity my original post was sarcasm/irony/satire/mockery. I was taking the logic that nasty things not be shown to kids and applying it to the Bible. The right are saying Ban Bad Books. Bible is a bad book - though I'm with Hunter S Thompson on this; the bible uses the most vivid and magnificent language and I enjoy it to some extent. It's not very logical, moral, or reasonable though, and I certainly don't believe it contains anything approaching reality. Historical document, yes, demonstrating how humans think. A lesson in logic perhaps, or damaging forms of morality.

Geoffrey W

Re: I Feel Sorry For GB

I know why you're writing this; you're a rational human being and feel as if something needs to be said amidst all this nonsense. It's a natural response. I feel it too. You should try living in rural Tennessee (like wot I do). It might drive you mad. So many opportunities for rational responses which just cause befuddled expressions on local faces, occasionally worse, and rapid changes of topic.

Geoffrey W

Re: I Feel Sorry For GB

RE: "And you would like material showing sexual activity shown to children?"

Great point! I heard of this book still in schools that depicts sex (often deviant), murder, patricide, matricide, genocide, and lots of other really wild stuff. I think they call it "The Book" or something. Bible perhaps? You need to do something about it.

I have lots of examples to post if you'd like to see them.

Geoffrey W

Re: I Feel Sorry For GB

He claims to be from America so it's probably the one who likes to kill men for refusing to impregnate their dead brothers wives and letting their seed fall on stony ground (wanking). JD Vance, and his fervent republican buddies, aren't the only weird ones it seems.

Geoffrey W

Re: So what?

I don't mind the complaints at all. It's a pleasant background music to listen to while I settle down to watch the main event; Musk suing the advertisers for not advertising with twitter. Perhaps someone will decide that he needs to sue individuals, like me, for not having a twitter account. It makes as much sense to me as insisting that advertisers MUST advertise with twitter and waste their money on him.

Agile Manifesto co-author blasts failure rates report, talks up 'reimagining' project

Geoffrey W

Re: Some thoughts...

As an aside, and three days late, Viv Stanshall has recently released (despite death) a follow up to his first studio album: It's called "Rawlinson's End" and involves a baby dinosaur and is not bad (if you like this kind of thing. If you don't then just ignore me please). Find it on BandCamp.com published by Madfish Music.

Kindle sputters out: Amazon's e-readers couldn't download content for a short time

Geoffrey W

There is: Book. Tis what I call it. Or my "Library" A branch library, the main library is my 'puter.

And that's 3 recalls for Tesla Cybertruck in as many months

Geoffrey W

Musk exists in South California where rain is scarce; Between smoking cannabis and arguing on twitter he tends to forget about rain, especially in other bits of the world which aren't important anyway, so who needs wipers?

A cheeky intern nearly turned MS-DOS into NSFW-DOS

Geoffrey W

Re: "He was working on the copy command," explained Plummer

It also explains why it was caught; They didn't trust interns so checked the code more closely.

Attacks on UK fiber networks mount: Operators beg govt to step in

Geoffrey W

RE: "Under the bloody code over 220 crimes were punishable by the death penalty, it is time to bring it back. Punch somebody in a bar? Death. Set a 5G tower on fire? Death. Etc."

Make stupid and violent comments? Death! Goodbye!

Copilot can't stop emitting violent, sexual images, says Microsoft whistleblower

Geoffrey W

It's the scantily clad cats that worry me ᓚᘏᗢ

Windows 11 unable to escape the shadow of Windows 10

Geoffrey W

Re: RE: Start Menu

Just another example of someone completely unable to understand that someone else might have a different way of doing things, instead of doing it the "Right" way, like they do.

Chinese citizens feel their government is doing such a fine job with surveillance

Geoffrey W

I agree with the Chinese people; The Chinese government are indeed doing a damn fine job! They are very good at surveillance, though I don't like it any more than the Chinese people likely do.

Windows File Explorer gets nostalgic speed boost thanks to one weird bug

Geoffrey W

Re: just get Linux already

I'm way past the alcohol stage of Linux; I've been into the psychedelic stage for some time now and it makes much more sense when high!

Pack of GM Cruise robo-taxis freeze, snarl up Friday night traffic amid festival crowds

Geoffrey W

I'm unsure if humans are fully autonomous any more. I've witnessed people grinding to a halt in their cars coz their phone has lost it's signal and the GPS no longer works so they don't know where they're going.

More ads in Windows 11 Start Menu could be last straw for some

Geoffrey W

Re: Jackanory

It's not Jackanory that's the issue, it's the part that comes before the word. WTF does it mean?

Elon Musk to abused Twitter users: Your tormentors are coming back

Geoffrey W

Re: And to think that 30 years ago...

RE: The "drive by" down votes kill off discussion

It didn't kill off this discussion. Have another downvote!

Windows 10 – a 7-year-old OS – is still having problems with the desktop and taskbar

Geoffrey W

Re: Momentarily disappear

One would think that, being such a pedantic and finicky arse, you could have found a less stupid and more real word to use than "Seppo". I looked it up and am still uncertain. A US American? Confirmation momentarily?

Geoffrey W

Re: Exceptional service

RE: "(1) - pull the Windows HDD"

If you're able. I have machines that the pain of trying to open and remove HDD > pain of wiping and installing. Sometimes just buying a new one is preferable. I hate modern "Skinny!" laptops.

Twitter begs some staff to come back, says they were laid off accidentally

Geoffrey W

Re: Modest proposal.


Are you suggesting that El-Reg followers are worthy of being 'Only Fans' creators? Being a creator, as opposed to a mere wide eyed user, is the only way you make money from 'Only Fans', and reading the comments and articles herein doesn't have me releasing the locks on my wallet in expectations of the authors becoming visible on 'Only Fans'. It takes a bit more than wit and humour to make cash on 'OF'...alas.

Geoffrey W

Re: Modest proposal.

Ever since 'puters learned to talk to each other we have been enjoying social networks, including BBSs, Usenet, IRC, among others, so I doubt we are going to decide not to bother now. Heck, you could crowbar pen pal magazines into the mix too, without trying too hard.

And there is also a potential contender for Twitters crown flexing itself on the ropes as we speak - Take a bow and introduce yourself 'Mastodon'. The great FOSS hopeful will, perhaps, soon have us all 'Tooting' in twice as many characters. If it manages to hook itself into all the disgruntled Twits muttering to themselves in the corner and makes it easier to take all your followers with you, and makes it easier to find those ex Tweeters you still have an interest in reading what they 'Toot', then...why not the Mastodon era?

What a wonderful world!

This maglev turntable costs more than an average luxury electric car

Geoffrey W

Sorry, but I'm done with vinyl. Anyone who grew up with the stuff is surely glad they don't need to muck about with cleaners and brushes and balancing the damn needles and coping with wear and tear and...oooh, a million other aggravations. I was a bit upset when a stupid hurricane came along and wiped out my entire vinyl collection but I recovered and never looked back. Good riddance! Only thing I regret is the loss of my original copy of Bowie's 'Man who sold the world'*** which had the Bowie in a frock cover! Sob!

*** Yes, it's sad; I like to brag about having that fabulous object (which, if I still owned it I would never ever again play it. Just sit there stroking it with an idiotic smile on my face.) Still waiting to find anything digital that can generate that feeling I had when I found my copy.

Geoffrey W

Re: How about...

My HiFi set-up involves hiring the musicians to come and play in the living room. It has a few drawbacks - that Keith Richards was a bit of a bugger, and Johnny Rotten was just obnoxious; my cat is still nervous whenever someone with elevated hair comes in the house. It's worth it though, the resulting music sounds like it's right there in the room! Amazing.

Mozilla drags Microsoft, Google, Apple for obliterating any form of browser choice

Geoffrey W

Ooooh yeah! Another Linux variant to add to the pile! Thing is, I can't actually tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Instinct tells me sarcastic but I can easily imagine your words being uttered in all earnestness by some wide eyed FOSS nerd. The digital world is a tricksy place to be

Anti-piracy messaging may just encourage more piracy

Geoffrey W

Why not? 3D Printers!

Geoffrey W

Re: Rant

As if we don't have enough trouble from trolls in the commentariat without having to bear trolling from "Professional" journalists as well. If they were trolling then good riddance to em!

Geoffrey W

Re: Thanking users who choose legal means to get the desired products for their support

That's interesting...My favored market place for music is Bandcamp.com. Apparently bandcamp takes 15% and the musician takes the rest. As opposed to your figures where the musician gets 15% while the music "Business" takes the rest.

Plus, on Band Camp you get DRM free downloads, in HQ format like Flac, for the most part; and you can usually listen before you buy, just like those listening booths in record shops. Why go anywhere else?

I love giving my money to musicians I love (Barbara Manning..adore...luv...sigh...swoon...). Not on Band Camp? You likely won't get much from me then, or most of my friends either.

Running DOS on 64-bit Windows and Linux: Just because you can

Geoffrey W

Re: if you just want to run some DOS productivity app

I see you're trying to chop off the head of 'The Mountain.' He's a bit bigger than you. Suggestion #1 Run Away! #2 Run Away Faster! #3 Scream!

Geoffrey W

Re: if you just want to run some DOS productivity app

"Winds of Winter" seems to be acquiring it's own mythology, rather like Harlan Ellison's third "Dangerous Visions" anthology which in similar fashion was due to be published every year for about 30 years, before Harlan eventually left us in peace leaving the book unpublished, and lots of expectant authors likewise passing from the world without their DV3 stories emerging. And to think there is yet another book after winds of winter...I do love reading his indignation at the harassment he suffers from indignant fans, and likewise his ever optimistic announcements from time to time. Perhaps he needs to upgrade to an older version of MS Word and let Clippy help him in his struggles. A clippy influenced Game of Thrones! I'd read it. :-)

Geoffrey W

What a terrifying idea, makes me want to turn to wine and quaaludes

Geoffrey W

Re: if you just want to run some DOS productivity app

I believe George RR Martin still uses DOS Wordstar to write his magnum opii (opuses? Is that an 8 legged cat? What a terrifying thought.), though applying the word "Productivity" to his latest Ice and Fire book is a bit of a stretch.

Heaps of tweaks and improvements incoming with GNOME 42

Geoffrey W

Re: Progress; Re:Progress [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)̲̅$̲̅]

That's a good idea, and I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. I'm scared the previous dev integrated code and GUI a bit too tightly. Sigh...sleepless nights and screaming, ahoy!!!

Geoffrey W

Re: Progress

I generally agree with you but would offer a warning: I don't actually sell anything to end users, but work for others who do and one of them, with an old fashioned GUI that hasn't changed much since 2000, regularly gets potential customers who look at a demo of the software and say "You expect me to buy something that hasn't been developed since 1999?" The software is under constant development and changes almost every week and actual users love it, but the GUI remains the same and that seems to put newbies off. However, the developer can't afford to lose so many customers so we are undergoing an intensive project to "Prettify" the software so it doesn't scare potentials away. So looks "Can" be important; it depends on context.

Man arrested, accused of trying to track woman using Apple Watch attached to car

Geoffrey W

My watch winds itself with movement. Don't Apple watches do that? How primitive!

Driverless car first: Chinese biz recalls faulty AI

Geoffrey W

RE: "That necessarily means that they are all the test-until-it-works bandwagon, and some faults are not easy to detect immediately."

And how does being open source exempt you from that situation? You open source guys do test stuff, don't you? And then fix stuff...until it works?

And then someone decides it needs SystemD in it somewhere resulting in multiple forks. And...well, not convinced it would be any better really. We'll all be waiting indefinitely for Linux on the dashboard rather than Linux on the desktop.

Cyberwarfare looms as Russia shells, invades Ukraine

Geoffrey W

Re: I disagree with the rationale here

I really hope this wasn't a fake news kind of prank and they were really discussing the weather. 'Is it always this cold down here?' 'Oooh, you should have been here for Christmas!' Etc.

Geoffrey W

Re: I disagree with the rationale here

Restraint? I suppose so. There's a video of a woman confronting Russian soldiers carrying big guns, asking what they are doing here.

'Exercises' they said.

'So you're the enemy. Fuck off!'

'Don't escalate the situation further. Please go that way.' Said soldier.

'How could it escalate further? You fucking, unwelcome uninvited, piece of shit!' Said the woman before offering them sunflower seeds to put in their pockets 'so at least flowers will grow when you die down here on our homeland.' Of course, all this was spoken in Ukrainian, or whatever language they speak, so I'm relying on other's translation for my approximation of the words.

If she was my mum I'd be proud of her, though trying to contact her to make sure she's still angry and still in the world. Anyway, these days the Russians seem to prefer restrained methods of killing such as poisoned underpants and denying everything! The old Russians would have enjoyed this angry mum then hung her from a lamp post. This is the age of the smart phone camera, after all.

Geoffrey W

Re: may be coincidence

Funny; I'm getting more. A lot of mail using weird character sets - characters that look like E but aren't - and extra spaces between regular characters, and emojis stuck into words. Also an increase in sexy girls asking if I'm alone and would like some company, though using grammar so awful I am simply unable to mimic such atrocities, never mind exchanging fluids with such people. Ugh! I suppose it's small beer compared to real atrocities currently going on but it seems the world is still turning through it's shitty cycles. I suspect we will keep this up right to the next extinction event when the big space rock hits us... Big Bump! Don't Look Up! Don't Look Up! I weep in despair.

Wolfing down ebooks during lockdown? You might want to check out Calibre, the Swiss Army ebook tool

Geoffrey W

Re: Upwards thumb

Yep. FBReader on Android, but the last time I looked at the Windows version - admittedly a while ago now - it looked like it hadn't been updated since neolithic times and seemed a bit clunky, and I wasn't happy. Real reading, though, is done on a dedicated EReader. I have only bought one dead tree book in the past two years.

Geoffrey W
Black Helicopters

Re: Calibre is great

[*Cough*]-Apprentice Alf-[*Cough*]

Geoffrey W

Re: Upwards thumb

I have a few issues with Calibre so I tried Okular. Ugh. I think I have more issues with Okular. It looks dreadful. The font used is horrible and I couldn't find any option to change it. If font can be changed I don't know where it's hidden. Installed it; uninstalled it 30 minutes later. Why is it so hard to find a good Epub reader on the PC? I think I'll stick with Calibre. Just don't go criticizing the thing to the Author - his name is Kovid, of all things - He can be a bit abrupt. :-)

First they came for Notepad. Now they're coming for Task Manager

Geoffrey W

Re: Stupid

I Agree, but it's hardly a Motte and Bailey keeping out marauders from tinkering with a few innards. Once you're aware how to do it you're off and running and will soon forget there was ever an alternative. And it was already on the start right click anyway so there's already a bunch of people who won't even notice the change.

I can't believe I'm defending Microsoft but, come on guys! Really!

Geoffrey W

Nothing is burning down except a few commenters. They moved some stuff from the top to the left, and some stuff from the left to the top. So they rotated a few things. Agreed, it's a bit pointless, but it's hardly a great fire of london. It looked pretty much the same since Windows 8.1. I haven't checked with the blessed windows 7 [genuflect...genuflect] because I can't be arsed finding where I stuck those machines.

Geoffrey W

Oh, and the current task manager doesn't look like the article screenshot either. It has already been redesigned. The new redesign isn't really all that different from the current design. A bit of a non story really. Yawn...[returns to hibernation]...ZZZZ
