* Posts by Chris

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jan 2009

Worm breeds botnet from home routers, modems


LAN side...

What's the potential for a machine on the LAN side inadvertently running a script which attacks the router from there?

First Windows 7 beta puts fresh face on Vista


Vista for DAW work with Cubase

Since a couple of people have mentioned Vista in relation to Cubase...

In fact, if you read the Cubase forums (www.cubase.net), you'll find that a great many are now successfully running Cubase on Vista. Especially those running 64 bit Vista which opens up the possibility of loading very large sample sets into memory.

Works like a charm. Less drop-outs etc. on my hardware than with XP.

Only one thing not 100% there for me is: TC Powercore drivers. They need some work.