How about....
Per Ardua Ad Nauseam.
Just seems right on so many levels.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jan 2009
Is anyone else concerned about the use of this backronym (which I voted for BTW)?
My concern is centred on the well known inability of the male of the species to actually undo the average brastrap.
I feel that the task of firing the BRASTRAP (devine deity of choice forbid) should be allocated to a lady person to ensure that the whole thing comes off smoothly.
Right! Firstly, I am plod. Secondly, I am a forensic analyst.
For too long now HMG have had their heads in the sand (I could have put that more indelicately) with regard to what now seems to be called eCrime. That is, crimes committed by, to, for or with a computer or other digital device. They refuse to even count it, they know that if they do, they will be forced to do something about it, and once Pandora's box is open the lid will never go down again.
My main concern about the whole regional debate is that it will introduce another layer of bureaucracy into an already fragmented structure. We already have a regional structure - every one of the 40+ UK Police Forces has a High Tech Crime Unit, if Mrs Miggins wants to report a Crime, 'e' or otherwise, she has a police officer 'just down the road'.
How much will it cost to set up something in the area of 8 to 10 new regional units? Surely that money would be better spent properly resourcing the existing 'regional solution'. It could also be put towards a suitable replacement for the NHTCU (I was never their biggest fan but they served a useful purpose as a national reporting centre).
Still, I ought to be happy that at least someone is thinking about the problem, but, until HMG decide that eCrime actually exists and represents a real and current threat to both the private individual and the corporate entity in this country we won't get anywhere.
Oh well, this isn't getting the backlog dealt with!!
Not getting my coat, going through the pockets looking for some spare change!!