* Posts by no one

2 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jan 2009

US woman says Ubuntu can't access internet

no one


This crap has got to stop. It's an external modem, and it does not actually require a Windows program to use. I know, PPTP means you can tell people 'One computer per modem, sorry.' and have them believe you, but no one with half a clue believes it.

Dell, if your Ubuntu install isn't pre-loaded with a pretty PPTP GUI, fix that now and teach your techs to recognize typical Verizon shenanigans.

Swoopo - eBay's (more) evil twin

no one


Sounds like a really old scam that works wonders in many online games. Offer to auction off some amount of cash, lets round to 100. Only catch, both the winner and second place have to pay. Swoopo sounds like they've gone one better and convinced everyone to pay. Still works, though, how ever you do it. It helps to have a plant to bid up to half the amount. If you only get one sucker, you can fleece them for what ever they bid. Get two, and after the plant gets them up near 100 units, they tend to bid defensively. "Oh crap, I'm going to have to pay 102 to get 100....oh well, might as well bid 105 and only lose 5 instead of all 102."

Heart, cause I just love seeing a sucker and their money parted.