What about us Yanks?
I didn't even know there was an app until today, then come to find out its not in the U.S. Store,
9 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2007
You can get Tversity to stream basically whatever to your ps3. The PS3 could have a longer usb cord but its really not needed since you can just plug it in while folding and don't have to worry about that burn-in. MGS4 will show what the ps3 can do. Even with the PS2 when they made God of War 2 it used 90%something of the ps2's processing power after 6 or 7 years. So i think that the war will be decided in 08.
Last year we were getting a new roof put in our Jr. High Library. And the roofers forgot to tighten down some of the bolts. Well it rained and rained. Some where around 4 inches and there was about a foot of water in the library because of seals on the doors to prevent flooding. Anyways 26 computers got fired and alot of books. But most of these books were 20 years old so no biggy. I know none of it is essential but they had to redo the card catalog system.