* Posts by Theresa Forster

9 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2008

Ten free apps to install on every new PC

Theresa Forster

Apps i always install

On a new Windows PC the following is always done:

stop it hiding extensions for known file types,

Set the swap partition as fixed 2x memory

Install Firefox and disable Internet Exploiter (IE)

Install Spybot S&D

Install AVG antivirus Free

Install RocketDock - amazing applesque looks and skinnable

K-Lite Codec Pack incl. Media Player Classic

Winamp + shoutcast (i stream to the internet a lot)

Notepad ++ (a must have)

Then for my official capacity as Developer



Java SDK

Official: Apple iPhone is a chick magnet

Theresa Forster
Paris Hilton

Come on Get Real

I would never go for a guy with an iPhone, I would much rather snuggle up with someone with an android that can be snuggled up to mine...

Social graces? Soaps?

Java and Scifi -

also must play Eve Online, World or Warcraft and Secondlife

I am ..........

Damn do i really sound that desperate....

Don't call me Ishmael

Theresa Forster

Computer Names

Well in the past i have had





Then when i ran my business network at home, my servers were called

Paige (the web server geddit)

Phoebe (secondary DNS server and Database Server)

Piper(Primary DNS and IRC Server)

With Remote NAS drives called Leo, Cole, Chris

The router was called Stargate (from the previous network listed above) but was changed to BOS (Book of Shadows)

Still i guess that has told everyone my favorite TV shows and my watching preferences.....

Go with what you feel is right, I just remember the stories about the company that after 2 projects were called 'Ren' and 'Stimpy' the management decided to call all projects after rivers until the next 2 projects were revealed "ubangi" and "vulgar"

Apple pulls Tank apps after Cartier complaint

Theresa Forster
Paris Hilton

What is the issue here?

I wonder what the problem here was, is Cartier saying that they own the word TANK,

I wonder if one of the applications was a Tank Battle game,

It would be nice if there was more information on the nature of said apps.

DNA database includes nipper and nonagenarian

Theresa Forster
Black Helicopters

CSI is not gone mad

If anyone has watched CSI then you should know that anyone at a crime scene needs their DNA to be taken so that it can be discounted when taking samples, for instance a newly born in their crib, a burglar breaks in via the babys room and proceeds to stab said mother, they will want to take the childs DNA to ensure that they are not looking for him/her rather than the actual criminal.

True the DNA shouldnt have been retained on the database but i think at the moment its a case of "we have DNA we must store it somewhere to perform the comparison"

As an aside, all the CSI operatives (gil grisome and co) have their DNA in there as well as prints so that anything they leave can also be discounted.

MPs vote to keep addresses private (theirs, not yours)

Theresa Forster
Paris Hilton


One question, when will the MPs be locked up and branded criminals for breaking the law.

On the Census You are required by LAW to give your details, does this ruling now mean that Members of Parliament and Candidates Standing for office are now exempt from filling in the Census forms or is the government now going to make it illegal to reveal an address to the public

(i can see the name on one of the forms "I live next to tony blair".

We fought long and hard to first of all get rid of the class system (at least how it was in the 19th Century) and then Equality for women, and now MPs are making themselves above the rest of us

Everyone is equal except some are more equal than others.

British troops to wear smart earplugs in Afghan combat

Theresa Forster
Black Helicopters

i think you misunderstood

ok well the crux is that it is like those damn sony PSP headphones, they make the big bangs sound less, it doesnt cancel out at all, it moderates the volume.

So i guess it means the gunshot a distance away would be fine but the guy next to you opening up in response would then be quietened so that you can still hear the boss screaming like a little girl as the terrorists shoot his pansy ass...

Kids' sites 'must register moderators'

Theresa Forster

Well there is a nice problem brewing

The problem with this law is the definition of Vunerable adults, Anyone who is seeing a psychiatrist or therapist is classed as vunerable (I know this from my second job of Clinical Hypnotherapist) Also it means certain groups online like Transexuals and Transgendered individuals also come under this remit so that means a confidential forum site for TRansexuals will now have to have their moderators checked to make sure they are allowed to help people in the same state as them usually....

Virgin Media to dump neutrality and target BitTorrent users

Theresa Forster
Paris Hilton

What about legitimate users

what about legitimate uses of downloads utilising the Bittorrent protocol,

For instance, it now may take weeks to get the latest patch for World of warcraft or what about someone downloading the latest Ubuntu or SuSe community distros

This is a bad idea and will cause problems for many legitimate users of the protocol...