Spoken like a true photographic illiterate.
11 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Dec 2008
...because the car is going to be sold in India, where people pound the life out of their vehicles without really understanding how they work or why certain things are the way they are. If it doesn't work properly even due to their own mistake or abuse, they're just going to go to the dealership and start screaming. Believe me I know...it's my home country. Reva is doing this to protect themselves and the battery. By the way, it looks like a good vehicle.
It IS possible to disable the startup tone, and has been for quite a long time. Let me Google that for you.
Anyway I'm all for quiet computers becoming ubiquitous, so unlike the rest of you, I'll give marks to Apple for being a manufacturer who is genuinely pursuing this direction. Sure, they might have made loud computers in 2001...but so did everyone else! Guess what, it's 2009 and they're shaping up. Don't berate them for doing what you wanted them to do in the first place.
By the way, I always liked the Apple startup tone, and since I don't reboot very much, I kind of look forward to hearing it whenever I do. Haha.
Sennheiser and Grado need some competition, and AKG's pro headphones are great stuff but too intense for average joes.
PS, having the response go out to 28 khz is not a bad thing at all. That's not even half an octave above 20 khz and they make them capable of that because they want any high frequency response falloff to occur BEYOND our range of hearing so that the very same fickle people who make complaints about them being overspecified won't complain about weak treble.
I find Israel supporters completely laughable. Is this a joke? No god would give anyone a "promised land" that was STOLEN OUTRIGHT from the people who have been there from time immemorial. No god would give people a land so they could carry out these atrocities unchecked. No god would teach people to make a nice country for yourself at the expense of everyone around you. No god would teach that some people's lives are worth more than others.
These gutless, inhumane oppressors always claim impunity because they are the "historically oppressed", but look at them now. Look at the quality of life in Palestine that the Israeli government is directly responsible for. They subjugate, kill, oppress and perpetuate the theft of land from Palestinians, while they then brainwash the world into sympathising with them by controlling the media. HELLO? WHERE ARE YOUR PRINCIPLES AND YOUR CONSCIENCE??? THIS IS GENOCIDE. There's no other definition for what is going on. For the Israeli government, Palestinians have less value than animals.
If you grew up in Palestine and you only knew death, destruction, violence, racism, oppression, hunger and poverty day in and day out, tell me what options you feel you would have outside of joining a militia. Diplomacy? Oh yeah, that's gotten us real far. It's easy for you to sit in your warm, comfortable armchair thousands of kilometers away and expound about "terrorism" and the "plight" of the Israelis. The UN is a toothless organisation, and its failure to rein in Israel's illegal atrocities and America's financial and material support for the killing of innocents highlights its irrelevance and irresponsibility.