* Posts by Geoff

3 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Dec 2008

Infant calls cops to dad's dope plantation



what a dope

UK will save its 48-hour opt-out, says employment lawyer


Forced to opt out?


Opting out of the 48 hour week

If you are 18 or over and wish to work more than 48 hours a week, you can choose to opt out of the 48 hour limit. This must be voluntary and in writing. It can't be an agreement with the whole workforce and you shouldn't be sacked or subjected to a detriment (for example, refused promotion or overtime) for refusing to sign an opt-out.

If you sign an opt-out, you have the right to cancel this agreement at any time by giving between one week and three months' notice. You can agree this notice period with your employer when you sign the opt-out. You can cancel an opt-out even if it's part of a contract you've signed.

ArseASA rules 'Feck' non-offensive


Re: To all those who think 'feck' is a substitute for a swearword...

er... I think I'd like to call bollocks on that one.

Although if you spell it 'feic' you might convince a few more people. 'Feic' is the Irish verb 'to see.'

I've had a few conversations about this with Irish people in the 4 years or so I've been living in Dublin. Mainly in pubs, where it seemed most appropriate. But people do talk about being 'fecked out of the pub' for pouring themselves pints. This being a non-literal use, in the same way that when I tell someone to 'f off' I don't literally mean for them to go forth and multiply. I'm not that biblical.

Time for me to feck off - it's after pub o'clock. After all, who gives a fuck, really?