re: History Lesson
> Wars of conquest started by the Americans:
> War of 1812: failed attempt to steal Canada from the Brits
Was a legitimate part of the war, started by the U.K.'s actions, including but not limited to the seizure of US vessels while conducting their lawful traffic on the high seas and the impression of their crews into Royal Naval service. At the time, of course, Canada was a part of the British Empire.
> Mexican-American War: successful attempt to steal Texas, California etc from the Mexicans
Following decades of border skirmishes. And Texas revolted from Mexico independently. It was (one of only 3 states to be) its own republic prior to entry into the United States. (Vermont and California are the other two, btw, and Hawaii was, of course, a Kingdom)
> War of Northern Aggression: successful attempt to conquer the Confederate States of America
There was no such thing as the Confederate States of America, at least not as a separate nation to be conquered. The CSA was a group of breakaway provinces, whose status is actually rather similar to what the entire US's would have been had the Continental Army failed in 1776-1789
> Spanish-American War: successful attempt to steal Cuba, the Phillipines etc from Spain
War declared by the Spaniards. Neither territory was taken as colonial province, but were transitioned rather rapidly to independence. What, precisely, is the record of the British Empire on this point?
> Second Gulf War: successful attempt to steal Iraq from, er, the Iraqis
Second phase of U.N.-authorized use of force following Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and repeated violations of cease-fire. Should have started ten years earlier.
> Not to mention all the little "interventions" like Grenada, various bits of Central America, SE Asia etc.
Again, ironic in the extreme to hear Brits condemning the US for that. Think we learned too well from you? Is there any continent besides Antarctica in which the British Empire did not maintain colonial presence well into the 20th century? Of course, the US has always attempted to maintain, or rapidly restore, local control and governance.
> Do we see a pattern here?
I do. Revisionist history to make a charge which is without significant basis in fact and can be made, typically with more justification, against any large power in world history.