* Posts by Bart

1 publicly visible post • joined 11 Dec 2008

Abbey IT upgrade 'chaos' hits small biz banking


The FULL scale of the problem with Abbey IT upgrade

Following the upgrade, Abbey made impossible money transfers from Reserve Account to Current Account. To resolve the problem, they're quoting wrong (Personal banking) number, and on the Business number noone replies.

Worse still, Abbey has deleted ALL our standing orders, including PAYE tax payments due this week.

We were in the proces of moving out from Abbey anyway, after they raised THREEFOLD currency conversion charges 4 months ago (EUR to GBP was 0.8%, is now 2.75%), without notice of course, and not publishing them anywhere (hidden charge). I complained and got whitewash.

We will sue Abbey for the difference in conversion charges (stlg150+ every month!), as soon as our account is moved.

Do NOT bank with Abbey, unless you want to lose lots of time and money.