Re: Digital Defence Officer
DilDO perhaps
23 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Dec 2008
Exactly the same experience at the BBC. A thriving organisation (when I joined in the 80s) was utterly destroyed with the arrival of John Birt (darling of the tories) filling it with accountants and consultants ... followed rapidly a ridiculous internal market and everything being monetised ...
I’m at a loss as to how anyone thinks this way of running companies actually does any good . It always seems to destroy so much , apart from line the pockets of a few .
The BBC is a husk now and costs even more to run than it did before they started .... well done bean counters !
The release of the Xphone reminded me strongly of the release of the dreadful 20th anniversary Mac. Basically a lower end Mac dolled up to be more futuristic, but basically nothing new. A symbol of a company that had totally lost its way (Gil Amelio was boss at the time).
Steve Jobs returned, released the iMac and stopped the rot ...
Unfortunately he’s dead .
Major achievements for our current bespectacled boss are...
1. Removing headphone jack . ( a truly idodic decision).
2. Totally turning back on pro market ( though this was decided a decade ago ).
3. Making money ( very good at that).
Yes ... History repeating itself.
As an Apple user since the II ... Witnessing the catastrophic management based disaster culminating in Gil Amelio < millions of shit variations of the same product and the death spiral to near bankruptcy > till his return and the iMac and all the followed..,. The writing is on the wall..
So I was a very happy Homechoice customer for almost as long as the service existed.
Then Tiscali bought the operation and it feel apart...
I personally had no TV service at all for two months as a result of 'upgrades' then followed by the new STB and utterly shit modem combination which was as stable as a dog stading on it's hind legs whilst balancing several revolving plates on its nose with a tazer up its arse!
To compound matters the customer service totally fell apart...
I know I am in a HUGE silent majority of Homechoice customers who got screwed. It went from been a very good service to a very shit one.
Thank god I left!