* Posts by Paul Kelly

3 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Dec 2008

Brit porn filter censors 13 years of net history

Paul Kelly
Thumb Down


>This whole discussion is seriously out of perspective. If it had been google or the bbc site that got blocked then yes I could see a reason for some kind of uproar. But this is ridiculous.

It's inspiring how selflessly you're prepared to see eveyone else's freedoms curtailed in the name of thinking of the children.

Mac supremacists annexe Maidstone

Paul Kelly

Advanced Photoshop Tutorial

Not only have they picked a terrible name, but I was delighted to see the high-quality reflection effect on the button reading "Buy Now - Pay Later" at their website. Another triumph for Apple-wielding graphic designers!

Exam board to hear appeal over format cockup

Paul Kelly

Point-missing on a vast scale

Can all the people posting comments along the lines of "There's no excuse for Edexcel not accepting Word .doc files, they're so common and everyone uses MS these days" try to hang on to the point that the course requirements specifically state that portfolios have to be submitted as a .pdf?

The school submitted portfolios that didn't meet the stated requirements of the course and didn't contain all the necessary files to display properly; as a result, they were all marked down. What else should Edexcel have done? The teacher, and the school more generally, are the ones at fault here. They failed in their duty towards their students and buggered up everyone's work. It has nothing to do with whether Edexcel's computers have Office installed or not.