on the other hand :)
the 620 does have a LED flash, and a front-facing camera,..
270 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Aug 2006
is the usual MS mantra
could we have the option to turn off AND REMOVE Charms and Apps completely - you could call it DISABLE PHONE MODE so folks with workstations can just get on with their work rather than spend months trying to find ways ways to make 8.1 functional
I love phone mode, but only on my phone
PS - can you bring back W7's transparency, that's the best looking OS you've made
it's called the iPhone - according to some sources it cost less than £150 for all the parts, the construction (using under paid workers on contracts with a 'non-suicide' clause), the packaging, and the P&P to anywhere on the planet - the rest is pure profit - so they could sell it for under £200 and still make a profit
I'm sure NTC, Nokia, et al, also have a massive mark-up. Hands up how many bought a sub £200 phone for £500 ?
what a fantastic news story, you must've really pulled out all the stops and put your most IT savvy writer on it to get this amazing IT scoop !
ok, sarcasm aside, is this aimed at your junior readers ? The completely irrelevant story of two peeps who got caught shagging somewhere inappropriate, yawn,.. maybe you mistook tabloid for tablet :)
mine's the one with the built in portable computer , media center, invisibility cloak, and time machine built into the breast pocket
Ballmer has always come across as an overgrown petulant child on too much sugar, bouncing around the stage saying 'I'm excited, I'm excited" - Gee, he's an excitable little fellow.
Windows 8 is so poorly thought through. Had it been tested properly it would never have made it through the door. It's fine for phone and tablets and for the computer illiterate, but wholly cumbersome for the pro desktop user, and it looks like 8.1 won't address half the issues. After Millennium and Vista you'd have thought they wouldn't repeat the same mistake again. Win 8 could be great, but they need to listen and think, somethin Ballmer was not known for
AVG is a joke !! It's one of the most pointless, bloated, and useless anti-malware products. It's previously detected itself as malware and deleted it's own files. It's also falsely detected genuine windows files as malware and bricked users machines. To use it is to invite stress, data loss, and a myriad of pointless pop-ups into your life ! Seriously, who uses this rubbish ? your almost better off installing a virus.
When you get a pop up advertising something, does this make you happy, or does it annoy you ? It's the equivalent of talking with someone when someone else puts their head directly between you and the person you're talking with - rude, and often punchable.
I take all adverts as a desperate attempt to part fools from their money by trying to promote something which isn't good enough to sell itself.
I think the only folk who benefit from adverts are the advertising industry who, of course, will tell you that advertising works. Not for me,.. it's more likely to put me off a product or brand.
Also, as others have mentioned, I only click an advert by accident, I would never buy from an advert - I don't think these accidental clicks are in any way accounted for, so said results are incorrect.
This idea that the desktop is dead seems to passed around by hacks (like it's some kind of contagion) who appear to repeat this blather without thinking it through..
I can appreciate if you are a casual user (the odd email, social networking, y'tube, etc, the odd little game) then tablets et al are absolutely ideal, certainly better suited than a comparatively cumbersome desktop.
But if you're in front of a screen most of the day then it should legible and large enough not to cause eye strain, and of course the devise needs to be powerful enough to do the work required, which is why a tablet/notepad is not a workstation.
For gamers, music producers, video producers, graphics artists, 3D artists, and more, a large screen (or several), powerful cpu('s), large fast storage, and powerful graphics are usually viewed as 'the more the merrier'. No one wants to spend hours squinting at a small screen and waiting ages for things to render - which is why people who need desktops use desktops.
You can understand why this may not occur to casual users, but it's akin to someone who only uses their little Ford Fiesta to pootle down to the local shop and back and occasionally trundle into town stating that F1 or WRC is dead simply because it doesn't figure in their experience. Go ask people who need desktops if the desktop is dead and you'll get a 'NO' every time.
PS - 16:10 wins over 16:9 (or even 4:3) every time, for obvious professional reasons
now I'll have to find a new reliable decent ISP !!.....
Does anyone know of a reliable decent ISP in the UK ?
BE weren't that great to be honest (though still better than most), and while their support always answered theur freephone support line quickly and they were always polite, they were also pretty clueless. I've been with them since they started in the UK. Initially it was a real struggle to get them to get their finger out. For the first 6 months they insisted I was 6Km from the exchange and 2Mbits was the best they could get me. I sent them a map showing I'm 1Km from the exchange and slowly, 1Mbit at a time, they eventually got me 18Mbits but that's slowed to 14 over the past 3 years and they don't have any idea why. Also for the past 3 years streaming any video (Iplayer, C4, Ted, etc) to any device (WiFi or Lan) gets interrupted every 20 minutes,... They've never been able to fix this,..their best suggested solution, update flash.
Other than that, they were cheap, and never screwed anything up. I've tried BT, Virgin (when it was Blueyonder), and Talk Talk (who were just laughably the most incompetent group of morons I've ever had the misfortune to deal with). Sky is obviously not an option. Is there anyone else ?
hardly qualifies as an article as it ignores to many facts to mention.
can only assume the hack that wrote this pointless drivel was having a thinly disguised rant based on misinformation.
the register should not be a place where anally retentive hacks can vent unfounded ill informed dogmatic opinions
Is it me or are people getting more and more gullible ?
unless your a moron or have a remarkably reduced genital set there just is no such thing as,..
- a phone, notebook or tablet that'll be out of date within 12 months and cost £500
- a car that's actually worth half a million
- a TV that'll be out of date within 12 months and cost £5000
these things only sell with such a high markup because some folk are dumb enough to believe the prices are reasonable, or are incapable to accurately value items - jus' sayin'
Arse ! more like.
Saying MS only have 20% of the tech market is like saying that bikes, trucks, boats, trains, and planes have quite a chunk of the transport market, therefore car manu's should be worried - talk about irrelevant !
Can anyone do all their work on a eBook reader, Portable Media Player, Tablet, or Phone (my MP3 player can't run an MS-OS. I suppose (if you care enough) you could ask what's the percentage of things that can actually run an MS-OS actually using an MS-OS ? - oh, 97% you say - well there you go.
they're still desperately hoping to be bought out and so don't want to give away all their stock at silly prices. Problem is, their prices were never that competitive so 10% off brings them in line with their competetors and isn't an attention grabber, especially when they not even doing 10% of everything, just a few selected items, at least thats what the shop-boy told my friend when he went to buy a laptop last week and charged the full (more ecpensive than most places) price - good ridance !!
was this rumour started by Apple? With all this petulant BS by Samsung and Apple you expect either one of them to turn round any minute and saying of the other 'you smel of poo' and 'yer mum dresses you funny'
I think if all countries banned the sale of Apple and Samsung products for a month because they're both whiny misbehaved shits, this would make both companies grow up a bit.
some legitimate sites will put put 60 or more cookies on your computer. This is unjustifiable.
I can appreciate the need for a banking site or a forum or any site where you need to log in my need to leave ONE cookie - this is not a problem for anyone.
But the fact that most sites leaving more than one cookie do so to spy on you, to steal personal info, such as surfing habits etc, which they then sell without your permission to greedy morons who will use it to try and sell you their crap (it must be crap, as if it were quality it would sell and they wouldn't be so desperate to find any means to increase sales).
Some sites use the "If you continue to use the site, we'll assume you're happy to accept the cookies anyway." - to which we can 'assume' that the webmaster of the site is a moron with no real knowledge of how to interact with people and so makes huge mis-assumptions as obviously the majority of security aware users are "NOT happy to accept the cookies anyway" and only a moron or conman would 'assume' otherwise.
Therefore, we are forced to accept compromise, or screen every cookie (which is time consuming, but at least it builds up a blacklist and shows you whether or not a website has integrity and respects it's users or not.
I'll accept one cookie, any more is really unnecessary and an unacceptable compromise
It seems remarkable that all of these items are so over priced. Clearly this is a list of the worst DAB's as they're all such a rip-off. The message seems to be don't buy anything from these manufacturers as they clearly over charge on all their products. Thanks for the heads up. Now I'll go look for the sub £50 DABS as none of these are worth a penny more. No wonder DAB is doing so poorly when a bunch of dodgy companies are incolved.
.. it has several "features" setting it apart from other hats. It has pockets and a built in sideboard, a foot pump, a 24 volt onion peeler, an elastic tape measure, a depth meter, a ticka-tape machine, it's scented with porridge and amonia, is powered by four 24v truck batteries, and comes with it's own trolley (with one broken wheel).
The extra weight of these additions means that the "AVG Hat" can no longer sit on your head, instead it rests on your shoulders leaving your head free to tilt and turn in any direction unrestricted more freely than with any other hat known to man - the new "AVG Hat" because if you don't know about hats you won't know why to avoid it!
One of the worst, crappiest, bloatware ridden, bits of free protection ever made. I didn't know it was still made. Does it work right yet ? Are people actually using AVG ? Have they not heard of "Avira", AVG's nemesis in that it doesn't have bloatware, it's the best free anti-virus bar none, very few false positives, and it works - unlike AVG
forget the crimes and atrocities Mr Assange has helped make public (oh, i see you have already), it's not really a crime when your government lie to you, mis-spend your taxes without telling you, or murder innocent men, women, and children whilst laughing about it. These things are secret because the gov don't want you to know and so it's none of your business. Stop complaining, stop having fanciful ideas about truth and justice, and STFU. Instead, look at the shiny Assange shaped object and hear our voice. This good man is bad. The truth he tells embarrasses us so it must be lies. Go back to work and be quiet !
thank goodness no-one had Apples attitude and took out copyright on the mouse, the monitor, or the internet - if they had it would be a very different world.
As far as I know, neither Apple nor Samsung have copyright of the rectangle, or the human senses of touch or sight, so using a tablet isn't illegal or licensed (yet).
Neither Apple or Samsung have a spotless past and ultimately it's the customers who are paying (through the nose) for their hissy fits in the court - I boycott both brands :)
it's a great way of sorting the wheat from the chaff - dumb anal companies desperately try to make profit from suing for things they didn't invent
you didn't invent chronological order
you didn't invent a basic shape
you didn't invent stealing other peoples ideas
boycott companies who claim to have
is it just me or is this whole thing preposterously boring now
they're like two petulant children, you turn your back and they mess about, you turn back round and they both point at and blame the other - they both need a good slap and go and stand in the naughty corner for wasting everybody's time.
Imagine if Tim Berners Lee had been as anal as apple, we'd have no internet. Lets just boycott Apple and Samsung and buy from less anal companies
yawn,.. i know,.. i'll get my coat
surely if you have an unstable overclock any OS run on it will be effected,..
unless MS have built some kind of code into W8 that will cause BSOD on O/C'd systems (which i think could be illegal) then this article is bunkum !
"Once a PC crashes, its crash probability rate goes up by a factor of 100 and for a second and third crash." - well D'uhhhhh !.. Not if you fix the problem, in which case the probability drops by an equal factor
Unless W8 is unstable, it should be more or less as effected by overclocking as any other OS
most likely someone (like Apple, HTC, Samsung, or similar) has paid the US gov to do this to delay Huawei and ZTE from the hitting the US market and taking over with their reasonably priced full featured phones
whatever the exact details you know the reason will be greed, toys thrown out of pram in tantrum, and several man with very small peni !
anyone who took Bill's comments seriously is far to stupid to have their opinion considered. It was said on a long running satirical comedy show, and in context could not possibly be offensive to anyone with a brain. Any council member who thought this required an official apology should be fired.