* Posts by Nick

2 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Dec 2008

Ex-Star Wars boffins build mosquito-blasting raygun


Not original

First read about something quite similar in David Brin's novel Earth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_(novel), where one of the principal characters has built a system using lasers and sound detectors and other "Star Wars" technology to coordinate a pest protection grid.

So, these guys come second and only get credit for the implementation, not the idea.

Brit ISPs censor Wikipedia over 'child porn' album cover


What's next ?

Check out the next child-porn article to be banned:


These are the mores of a warped puritan society that glorifies violence and vilifies sex and the natural human form. Now, _every_ depiction of child nudity is becoming anathema. Even parents cannot snap adulating pictures of their naked toddlers, to show the world how plump and healthy their offspring is, for fear of persecution !

As the article states, the "porn" picture dates from 1976. So, every time the morality threshold changes, we should run ever everything through the new censor filter ? How about having a go at some Botticelli and Rembrandt, or even Michael Angelo ? Let's go back to the 18th century, when all male genitals were excised from statues, since they "scandalised" the "Good Christian" people !

And finally, who will censor the guardians of our "morality" ?