A shameful time for big tech and supporters
Of course this is censorship, political censorship, and built on a web of lies and distortions. Why shouldn't' people be allowed to say the US election was flakey - there are dozens of statistical red flags and hundreds of sworn statements detailing abuses. Why shouldn't people be allowed to demonstrate against such an abuse of the democratic process? Why shouldn't they be angry? And yet the media nd tech decries the anger, decries the genuine fear too. But will gagging all these people resolve the issue? No, more likely that instead of school shootings the US will now see a rash of big tech and media shootings. Censorship merely enrages it does not remove.
And the uniform applause from the media is quite slickening and self-interested. No one points up the inconsistencies. Amazon is furious about 98 nasty posts, but amazon literally sells Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
This is the world's darkest day since 1945, and nine tenths of people seem to be delighted.