Ouch - I got attacked - why?
Hi again,
2 posters here attacked me/my comments - but I'm not sure why.
Simon Banyard started with:
"You'd rather have a brick with limited functionality?"
What an odd thing to say!
i don't understand why *anybody* would want that - and I don't understand what makes you think I'd like that.
My main concern is not losing my freedom to use my content/data and my computers/devices. i don't want to be restricted by a big company (and their media/content partners) - that's all :-)
Then you say:
"Why do you geeks think that pretty = bad and easy to use and intuitive = crap?"
Was that aimed at me?
You missed my point - or maybe i didn't make it clear.
My point is that I "DON'T UNDERSTAND" how people (who do or *should* know better) seem so willing to trade "FREEDOM" (of choice, to use their equipment, tools, data/content) for "shinyness" (lovely gadgets, easy to use pretty software).
I understand that they do (friends, colleagues, relatives of mine are in that group) - and I absolutely RESPECT their right to make that choice... however I don't UNDERSTAND the choice.
So - at no point have I intended to make a (clearly daft) statement like:
"...think that pretty = bad and easy to use and intuitive = crap?"
OK Simon? - apologies if I misled you :-)
Somebody else - who likes to post as Anonymous Coward said (to me):
"Try actually reading my comment properly. I explained that Apple are NOT blocking access to the iTunes library and I explained why."
Which is odd... as I never contradicted that in either of my posts here... and I even sort of agreed as I previously said:
"Why promote iTunes at all - why not promote an alternative?
Leave the Apple lovers to their iTunes store and restrictive iTunes app - they seem to like it and appear to believe it's good value.
Why not partner with someone else (music stores/services) and offer something different (better in some ways)?
Why not adopt (and adapt/improve?) and promote an open source music app?"
So Mr AC - what is it that has upset you?
My response to your post was to say that for me... the issue (Apple/Palm not playing nice) is daft and the WRONG ISSUE. We should be asking why Palm isn't prepared to put some effort into an alternative:
Me via avoiding iTunes
You via utilising iTunes XML stuff
Actually - aren't we (sort of) in agreement?
Happy Days!