The internet is a series of Rollercoasters
I think all this talk of Protocols and stuff serves to confuse the issue at hand.
I picture the analogy of the ISPs as a Rollercoaster owner.
He's advertising:
"Come right up!! You can ride THE WHOLE DAY for only $5!"
In the beginning, the service runs wonderfully and everyone's happy.
Then, as more people come through the gates for unlimited rides, the rollercoaster begins to creak and groan under the weight of all the people.
Instead of reinforcing the support beams and expanding the rollercoaster to cope with the increased business, the owner waves his hands around shouting "Hey! Hey! They're abusing the system.. we've got to slow the whole ride down or the whole rollercoaster's gonna collapse under all this strain!! "
All this while he's happily taking people's money as they come in through the gates.
So basically, my message to the ISPs: If you want all those extra customers, you're gonna need extra bandwidth. End of story.