* Posts by zenon3

1 publicly visible post • joined 1 Dec 2008

Down the Digital River, into the heart of download darkness

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"Apparently the notion of keeping your own copies of software installation packages is alien to people, and this is the fault of Big Business or The Man or something, rather than the fault of the person who didn't keep backups of something they might need in future."

Yes, that's exactly it. However, wouldn't it be nice if companies worked with you on this one rather than bending you over at every turn? You could be vigilant and backup every piece of software you own (onsite, offsite, etc), or they could do it for virtually zero cost in the name of.. oh... what's that phrase again... it's so rare these days... CUSTOMER SERVICE?

That's right, a sure way to win my business, nickel and dime me the whole way because it's within your rights while I try and figure out how to screw you back. That's my favorite game.