Been there done that!
Got the t-shirt, mug and commemorative poster too!
Photos work as do basic port diagrams taped to the side of the cabinet!
59 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Dec 2008
Its my sanctuary where i keep all my stuff :)
Its being rebuilt next year into a nerd palace, i have been drawing it all up in CAD. Will be heated in the winter and cooled in the summer, a full lan, its own wifi network, workbench for car maintanence, workbench for computing work, freesat, coffee machine, really its an extra mini house all for me :)
Seriously, why does everyone have to go on about the NHS having Windows??!?!?!?
You have to understand the NHS has a MASS user base all of which are general Joes in the technical sense and you have to give them something they are already semi familiar with, giving them all Linux, OSX or whatever would only exasperate issues AND spending as all users would have to be trained to use it, and dont give me the "its really easy to use line" i'll grant you the likes of fedora and ubuntu are moving more and more into a user friendly world but still lack teh familiarity of our favourite OS!
HOWEVER to validate your argument with a little merit, a company which for the purposes of this conversation shall remain Anonymous does already cater for the needs of most of the NHS (and is already in double digits worth of trusts) is a web based system that whilst is only fully compatible with IE at the moment could possibly be moved onto other browser platforms allowing the use of a different OS, i would dread to think what the development cost would be but suffice to say it is possible, but no one has ever requested it!
Faxing patient records around? You cannot be serious!!!!
But more that is probable! Still a great find to support the hypothesis that life outside of our solar system is out there. It’s extremely arrogant of us to believe otherwise in my opinion! I won’t be ordering my tinfoil hat just yet though! Well done to the boffins at NASA for the confirmaion :-)
For all those who dont watch Stargate:
Though technically not powered by ducted fans it has 2 "drive pods" and its completely fictional but it does sound exactly like the sort of thing DARPA are after :)
I want one, i want one, i want one.
I mean really! Why would someone be so paranoid as to have their actual medical records removed! Also once they have been viewed then they are not deleted but archived due to legal reasons. Well newsflash people. Creating them puts a view on them so surely that means that nothing will be deleted only archived. Or if you take the view that creating them does not mean they have been viewed then what’s the point in creating them at all as no one would be allowed to look so why not just chuck all your paper work through the shredder and have your doctor continually guess what is wrong with you! IDIOTS! When is someone going to make common sense available on the NHS!
.... i might finally get a fibre connection in Milton Keynes? bloody nusance the whole city was built on a cable network and Virgin havent properly hooked us up with it but they were willing to dig up half of Luton and Dunstable 10 mins down the road to put it all in grrrr!
they're comming, they're comming!
Whilst it would be great to finally answer the question of life on other planets, but sadly i feel any race advanced enough to get here in the first place would be sufficiently equiped to deal with avoiding a windturbine!
What he found (if anything0?? :-( are they comming? Is it time for Tin Foil hats? Has anybody thought of the children?
Plus with UK prisons being bursting at the seams, then surely it would be better to ship him overthere.
Mines the one with the SETI Edition roll of tinfoil in the pocket...