* Posts by Jeff Wolfers

6 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2008

Britain's Harrier jump-jets reprieved to fly and fight again

Jeff Wolfers

Making sense

Coward.... you make the most sense of anyone here. I love the idea of a carrier-based strike force, quickly deployable and packing a punch. But with the UK's two flat tops, 'quickly' was rarely possible, and when choices have to be made, the fast jets win out I guess.

The US Marines are getting quite a bargin tho, what with 10 small deck carriers, many permanently forward based they can show up, rattle the saber and calm things down before they get out of hand.

There is after all only one superpower left on the planet. (even if they can no longer afford it either!)

Google: The one trick pony learns a second trick

Jeff Wolfers

High Stakes

No question that the tech nexus of Google, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon are circling each other, thrusting and slashing trying to take off hunks of each others core businesses.

Bing goes after G search. + goes after FB. Amazon attacks iTunes, etc

It's a great show that has but one beneficiary. Us! Competition is good. I don't care who 'wins' All I know is these new products and services are overall, quite spectacular and together are moving tech forward at an amazing pace.

May the best one(s) win!

Google Wave - interwebs idealism in real-time

Jeff Wolfers
Thumb Up

More wow

I use Google Docs today to co-edit docs with colleagues, a bit clunky, but is a HUGE help and speeds the collab process up in amazing ways. Wave takes that basic concept and wraps all the mail, etc tools around in in a very modern way.

Wait, this discussion could be a Wave!

I'm a sceptic now, says ex-NASA climate boss

Jeff Wolfers

who knows?

None of of 'lay' have access to the data, we all agree the models all suck, common sense says the Earth gets warmer and cooler all by itself, and it's all become a global political issue. Oh good!! Emotion and no facts ... a perfect storm!!

To the arm wavers: No one is arguing that burning less mid east oil is a bad thing... and that renewables and independence is a good thing

What's being argued is the, hell bent, the sky is falling madness of you zealots.

To the disbelievers: quit denying the planet is getting warmer and quit saying there is infinate oil we can pump and burn.

There has to be a middle ground here folks ...

When does a system become legacy?

Jeff Wolfers

Portfolio Management

We generally develop a set of criteria, both business and IT to rate our systems. We rate them every two years or so. Plot the scores on a 2x2 matrix and conclude:

High business and High technology = retain

High business and Low technology = reengineer

Low business and High technology = invest

Low business and Low Technology = replace

Regluar attention and managing systems a portfolio of assets is generally a useful thing to do.

- Jww

Why is information delivery so bloody hard?

Jeff Wolfers


Because it's a million separate problems, each with it's own domain space and use cases.

What question are you really asking??