Roger Moore pioneered this last week didn't he?
What happened to a scroll running across the bottom of the screen with a phone number and the price of the goods + vat.
Seemed to work for SIr Roger last week?
14 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Nov 2008
Every time you get asked "what tv computer etc ....type of electrical product should i buy?" I send them to PC world. tell them to find what they like then go on-line and find it cheaper, more upto date and importantly, with friendlier service elsewhere within no time at all.
if it was commission based, oh its not worth thinking about.
Now I now this is not strictly about the article but it reminds me of Grosse Point Blank.
He says himself that he had "a certain disposition" for what they needed. Got trained by them and then went to work for himself after they had used him for what they needed.
Surely this covers a huge portion of the population who would not fit the profile for this type of work. Yes it is work, as Utopia is still around the corner and not quite here yet.
Ruthless, probably. Dangerous, only for two people and they obviously choose to be in the way. Necessary, rather that than collateral for the possibility of getting one.