* Posts by Nik Peltekakis

18 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Is this the world's dirtiest PC?

Nik Peltekakis

Not bad...

But I have seen worse, ive had a dead mouse in there, the case so full up with dust it needed sucking out with a hoover, and 20 marlboro light...(that last one was either a joke or someone left them in there after smoking on the job.

I say a sticky for worlds dirtiest PC....readers send them in!!

Windows 7 still baking in oven, insists Microsoft

Nik Peltekakis
Thumb Up

Take A Look At Windows 7

Ive got Windows 7 on my PC and I have to say its pretty good too. Very stable and also does not slow down after being on for a few hours.

I know its about time we have more Mircosoft competition, its long overdue; but lets at least say that this is what Vista should have been and it definitely is a lot tighter and has many useful features when you delve a little deeper into the control panel.

Go take a look...its OK.

This will definitely become the next defacto MS OS; like XP.

Brown calls for e-petitions to get debated in Parliament

Nik Peltekakis


Wish there was a "none of the above" option on voting forms. The turnout at the last election was 39% of the electorate I think. How on earth can you have anyone elected on that low turnout?

I am totally confident the none of the above vote would win, which then got me thinking; who do WE the people elect to run our country from this victory?

I think we should have a party set up from a mixture of MP's (there has got to be some talent for running the country somewhere right?) and also people that we vote for in an X Factor style 'Policy Off' where they are held accountable to their policies alongside the MP's should they not deliver or lie.

Handing the politics back to the people?, Gordon Browns first steps in power want us to believe this, but I for one still cant believe how inept and out of touch the government are when trying to "reach out" to its people. Doesnt he realise that interaction is the key? Just do a speech somewhere, go on TV outside the usual "party political broadcast formula"; have a once a month Q and A on the internet; show some innovation and communicate with the people!

Otherwise its a flash in the pan for you my son.


Chilean scientists crack lost lake mystery

Nik Peltekakis

Response to American 12:56

Hi. OK, ill answer you points one by one. (Its quiet at the office next to the 300 year old castle keep).

Our English way of life IS being destroyed, there is no 'they', it is our government and the influx of foreign people coupled with the leaving of so many native brits (I think it is now 330000 a year?) that is sanitizing our country into oblivion.

Cooking?? I love cooking!, and have been making lovely authentic Bolognese, ragu, and chinese dishes for years; I was pointing out the lack of passion for, as an example; our own english breakfast; and how difficult it it to find a good one because it is being sanitized along with everything else in this country. Smoking ban?....give people the choice! Restaurants?? I never mentioned them; and as for being a "3 year old picky eater" I would love to know how you came to that conclusion; since when has wanting to put good fresh food in your stomach been picky?; are you having trouble seeing over your pancakes today?

Our immigration problem is a HUGE problem, please; that comment was a joke; I am not even going to entertain it. I respect your figures for your country; the simple fact is that over here we have an identity crisis; and no one knows quite what to do.

This is all a very big deal, when you have a history and heritage as long as ours it is A: worth remembering and B: worth protecting.

Hope this helps.


Nik Peltekakis


Thanks 11:41, I have a lot of pride for the land; im just waiting for something to believe in. In 2003, I regretted not going on the anti Iraq war march; and felt something akin to hopelessness when we went ahead and did it anyway...I know I know...its the agenda; but still when you have over a million people in one place saying "No do not do this"; and it happens anyway it pushed me over the edge for belief.

Insecurity is a huge global problem created by the US; it really is pathetic and I for one will always walk the streets, fly, go to bars and clubs; and do the things I want to do. If im unlucky enough to get blown to bits by a "terrorist" bomb then I will die knowing that karma has another pound of flesh to exact its balance on the real terrorists!

Blimey....my phone is quiet!


Nik Peltekakis

So True 11:09

Lets just hope we dont all disappear then eh!

Nik Peltekakis


Quibbling about it is most certainly not a waste of electrons. The word 'football' is English, and will become part of our fast disappearing heritage if not used to describe our national game.

Not only do we have to contend with a fast disappearing word, we also have a fast disappearing english nationality, along with disappearing english independent pubs, the inability to cook our own proper English fry ups properly any more (two of everything please....get met with 'that will be extra') because it is unhealthy; a fast disappearing community spirit...oh yea of course...that went ages ago; and a fast disappearing identity of what it means to be 'english'.

I love the green and pleasant land we all walk on; and thats about it. Most of what we have done to it is utter toss, and this piece of writing is way over the top; shoehorned in square peg round hole style but I love it!

I saw a Polish menu in a pub the other day, in a city dubbed 'little warsaw'...or something. People have to do crappy jobs, this is the case in every country in the world; (I have done my fair share of them) I wish our borders were harder to pass through and we had some kind of renaissance with the passion for our country. This of course is impossible with the english leaking away into europe, Oz; and anywhere else that has a Government that appears to listen more.

I could have written this with more aplomb and structure but people are counting on my support to keep the I.T infrastructure running; so ill try harder next time!

Always use the word Football!; and remember everyone; it is the only thing we believe in now as far as England goes; might as well there is precious little else!!


I saw aliens at Roswell, claims dead PR man

Nik Peltekakis


a load of old toss.

No not really, I believe it.

It wouldnt even surprise me if they announced all this as fact now.

I wonder how the religious world would take it.

Portable bots get cattleprod zapguns, hover capability

Nik Peltekakis


are enough people dying in the world already; all these technological ways to kill are scary.

Just fight with swords and shields; at least then when you have killed someone and their blood is in a pool at your feet you know what it means to have taken a life. Sitting at a monitor playing kill the "terrorist" is awful.

Im leaving at 4.

Paris Hilton says jail term has changed her

Nik Peltekakis


dont watch TV. I thankfully dont know about all this; and I feel much better for it!

Ignorance in this case is bliss!


Bush kills stem cell research bill

Nik Peltekakis

I Am

losing the will to live with this man; no comment! Or actually....lets have one.

I often day dream about what it would be like to be put face to face with someone like Bush or Blair in a situation where they are stripped of their Political identity and are mere humans just like you and me; lets say a mid air plane collision where I was off on my hols to greece and Bush was in Air Force One heading for a terrorist detention centre in Romania. Neither of us had sufficient injuries to kill us and seeing as the US cant come and pick us up due to explaining what it was doing there in the first place we would have time for a little chat!

Can you imagine the questions?...the sheer pleasure of being able to pick someone apart for what they have done. Dont get me wrong I dont usually extend myself to verbally assassinating people; to be fair I dont think I even have the intellect to do it; but in the case of Bushwakka ill make an exception.

I have a personal idea of hell, and it is your worst fear manifested onto your being for eternity, so i would like to ask Bush his most primal fear; and then ask him how he is going to deal with it consuming his soul for time neverending!

I know it doesnt bring back the thousands in both the US and abroad he has killed, but it does give a sense of satisfaction knowing there is always balance to be restored; and this man is sat at the top of the see saw with an enormous weight at the other end which one day is going to roll off. I hope it happens in his life time.

Employers must spot signs of depression

Nik Peltekakis


With all this technological progress, the desire to be constantly connected; and a constant flow of information perpetuating every waking minute of our lives it is only going to make more and more people unwell with anxiety/panic attacks and depression.

When are companies going to realise that people are its very nuts and bolts that hold it all together; and are regularly the most vulnerable. We are not a metal chair, or a PC monitor; we do not have dependable predictable reactive tendencies; it is almost as though we are being pushed to see how far we can be legally taken.

So where are we all being taken? This incessant march towards technological utopia, blurring the lines between what is our 'free time' and 'work time'. "Let me just put down my book/meal/hobby a work email has come in that I just have to action". It is this very process of our conscious mind feeling it needs to have the communication channels open at all times that is the victory the technological juggernaut needs to feed itself and grow stronger.

Most of us would hardly bat an eyelid at the arrival of an email during a meal/break and that person replying; be it at lunch or dinner and yet the more you think about it; the more absurd it really is. When do we switch off this communication and class ourselves as 'technologically unavailable'?

The fundamental point that is being missed is as human beings we have physical and emotional limits. Modern society puts tremendous strains on our happiness, relationships and personal development. What we see in the media and electronic communication is ever increasingly difficult to shut out because it is pervading more and more of our lives. It is no wonder more relationships are failing, more people are spending longer at work to pay for all the things they think they need; and more people are becoming depressed because they cannot bear the weight of modern life.

Lets not forget this is before we even look at the person and their circumstances which may have also bought on depression. We are the losers in this situation, and we all know that money does not make us happy; and this is what this corporate march it is all about. So ultimately we are cheating ourselves, as individuals there are no winners and we have to ask the question...

Is it possible to become depressed by modern life?

Straight blokes best at reading maps

Nik Peltekakis


What a load of bollocks; now wheres me car keys.

Pay-as-you-drive roads coming to the UK

Nik Peltekakis


I agree that the government isnt listening to its electorate, it never does; this is the single most important issue in our political debate right now. People are getting fed up with it....I wish we could have a revolution as that is whats needed; I know how to do it, I just dont have the cash!!

Anyway, on to road charging. Personally I dont have a problem with it, but only on the motorways. Other countries do it, such as Italy to good effect, and I dont see why this couldnt work provided all the money was re invested in the transport infrastructure for which we now pay. But as we all know this is where the deal falls over; a project such as this will have funds "disappearing" I have no doubt.

People need to realise that this needs to be dealt with, and we all have a responsibility to the environment; saying "well I dont make a difference" is just not right; and as a footnote, the M6 toll is a dream to drive through, and I dont mind paying the 4 quid or so one bit.

Argentinian commuters fight back

Nik Peltekakis


Great Idea, this would work wonders on the Southampton to London line, lets take a leaf out of their book!

New, New Labour gets new logo and website

Nik Peltekakis


I do not want to see Gordon Brown as Prime Minister.

Why?, because he doesnt look like someone who should be running the country. He worries me!

Who else agrees??

Survey: young Brits ready to embrace evoting

Nik Peltekakis

Dis(Illusioned Nation)

Good points Phil, I agree about the first one; where do I vote? Hahaha.

I think the defining moment of our government not listening to its people was the March 2003 anti war march in London.

When you think that over a million people (1.25 million?) marched, and they still went ahead and did it; you can forget belief cant you?

The sad thing is, because we dont seem to either as a nation change this, through voting or otherwise; the English people are leaving because they have had enough. I know, I will be one of them!

Then on the other side, we are becoming so multi cultural; thus losing our identity; and "britishness" is viewed through rose tinted specs because for all intents and purposes it is dead and buried.

Nik Peltekakis

Disillusioned Nation

This is so overdue it is embarrassing. I for one would love the chance to use this mechanism to vote.

The problem is that it is not going to increase voting in this country until we have some sort of revolution here and the next government actually starts to look after its people first.

Then you will see an increase in voting; after all when you try to talk to someone and they dont listen how many times do you keep talking?

So here are my top ten Policies which would get the English people back into the idea of having a say in their country. (Not that I think we will see them!)

1. Do not allow people to stay in this country unless they have a skill to offer or a job to go to.

2. Stop wasting our tax payers money on Iraq. It was an ill conceived horrendous lie. Pull out.

3. Start public consultations on our public services and our transport infrastructure; we all use it every day why dont we have a way of talking about it as a nation?

4. Invest much more in the NHS.

5. Re nationalise the rail service.

6. This one isnt a policy, but where the hell is our pride for our nation?? I tell you where, its when we play football!!...why? because we cant believe in anything else!. If I looked on the TV one night and saw our prime minister showing passion and pride for our country I think id cry...we are all desperate for something to happen to make us believe again.

7. Homes and families. This is where the answers lie to ASBOS, violence, alcohol and drug abuse. We need our government to take responsibility for these problems and look at real ways of tackling them; I dont have the answers but I do know it all start with the family unit; something which now is harder and harder to hold together.

8. We need a permanent "none of the above" option when voting, after all what kind of confidence can you have in a voting turnout as low as the last one? At least if you give your electorate and opportunity to say we have had enough then something can be done about it.

9. Invest much much more in green technologies for power. This is so important to all of us.

10. More investment in education, after all knowledge is power.

Ill get off my soap box now ....hope it raised some passion out there!
