Disillusioned Nation
This is so overdue it is embarrassing. I for one would love the chance to use this mechanism to vote.
The problem is that it is not going to increase voting in this country until we have some sort of revolution here and the next government actually starts to look after its people first.
Then you will see an increase in voting; after all when you try to talk to someone and they dont listen how many times do you keep talking?
So here are my top ten Policies which would get the English people back into the idea of having a say in their country. (Not that I think we will see them!)
1. Do not allow people to stay in this country unless they have a skill to offer or a job to go to.
2. Stop wasting our tax payers money on Iraq. It was an ill conceived horrendous lie. Pull out.
3. Start public consultations on our public services and our transport infrastructure; we all use it every day why dont we have a way of talking about it as a nation?
4. Invest much more in the NHS.
5. Re nationalise the rail service.
6. This one isnt a policy, but where the hell is our pride for our nation?? I tell you where, its when we play football!!...why? because we cant believe in anything else!. If I looked on the TV one night and saw our prime minister showing passion and pride for our country I think id cry...we are all desperate for something to happen to make us believe again.
7. Homes and families. This is where the answers lie to ASBOS, violence, alcohol and drug abuse. We need our government to take responsibility for these problems and look at real ways of tackling them; I dont have the answers but I do know it all start with the family unit; something which now is harder and harder to hold together.
8. We need a permanent "none of the above" option when voting, after all what kind of confidence can you have in a voting turnout as low as the last one? At least if you give your electorate and opportunity to say we have had enough then something can be done about it.
9. Invest much much more in green technologies for power. This is so important to all of us.
10. More investment in education, after all knowledge is power.
Ill get off my soap box now ....hope it raised some passion out there!