Well done Lewis
...you are truly my hero and have my undying respect.
Could only have been improved by writing 'Micro$oft' or 'M$' but I guess it gives you something to aim for in the future.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007
"Worse, it is habituating children to a very high degree of surveillance, whilst at the same time destroying the potential for them to learn about relating to adults.
“We have had reports of how, in some schools, CCTV monitors sit in staff rooms. Teachers increasingly tend to intervene in critical situations in a policing or disciplinary role. The human to human contact is lost.”
How does having CCTV destroy the potential for kids to learn about relating to adults??
How if teachers intervene in a 'policing or disciplinary role' is human contact lost? Surely the key word there is intervene - teacher to pupil - human to human, no? Or is there a new species that I've overlooked?
"...software as a service and all the rest are bollocks"
I strongly disagree. I spent a few minutes chatting to Thomas Besthorne (Managing Director SAP Hosting) when I visited one of their datacentres last year. By offering software as a service, SAP is available and economically-viable to very small companies who otherwise could not afford the in-house expertise requried to manage and administer it.
In our case (1000ish users worldwide) it makes perfect sense to leave the running of SAP to people who know about running SAP, and get the best quality support backed with SLAs that we couldn't possibly match internally, all without taking on extra 'specialists' at great expense.
That's hardly bollocks...
Does Lewis Page also write for the Daily Mail???
"...children are already subject to a fairly intrusive degree of monitoring..."
WTF? Making sure that they attend class? Blimey, best get Amnesty International on the case - maybe get some of the teachers locked up for crimes against humanity.
The world's gone mad...
"I wonder if you'd be so cavalier if you worked in a bank's IT department and 10% of your customers balances were wiped out. If their typical sysadmin has an attitude like that, no wonder PlusNet are always screwing up."
But I don't work in a bank. Nor do I work for F9 / Plusnet.
I don't understand the point that you're trying to make. My issue is that not all PlusNet's (few) remaining customers are technically incompetent - some of us are just plain lazy.
But returning to the point, it is unbelievable that BT allow this debacle to continue. Having said that let's be honest - BT (although better recently) have hardly been whiter-than-white when it comes to service and customer care.
"....all the people with a clue have either migrated to another ISP or at the very least moved their email/hosting (hi Kitz and others, hope you're all well) to more resilient hosts."
Not entirely true. I have several clues - many more than most - I'm just very busy right now and the loss of a load of mail - 90% of which was probably spam (gee thanks again Force9) probably doesn't imact my life too much...
I agree with the rest of your post tho' - BT should just pull the plug and migrate us users across to a comparable tariff.
That I agree with the anonymous comment above - the £14.99 tariff and bandwidth usages suit me to the ground. However when you take into account that you have to find someone else to host your mail / domain, all of a sudden it doesn't seem so reasonable.
When I get some time I'll change to someone else - Sky maybe - but tbh it's almost a case of better the devil you know...
Whether I would use them as an ISP if I was a business user is entirely a different matter.
Simply put: eBay have a perfect right to define what people can and can't sell.
If they decide not to allow people to sell firearms and munitions, body parts, small children and hardcore porn then that is up to them - particularly (and this is most likely the point) if they don't want their name dragged through the mire when some terrible tragedy befalls another US school / university / shopping mall etc. It's simply them protecting themselves from future implication as most large corporations with a worldwide presence and reputation to protect would do...
Fair enough I say - although I'm from the UK where we don't allow people to carry guns at will (unless you live in Manchester seemingly).
As you point out - it won't make any real difference - if you want to buy that stuff there are many other outlets that will take your money. Most of your ire seems to be directed at the fact that you can't use your paypal account - I consider it faintly ironic that without the 'eBay fascists' you would not have the paypal service that you wish to use with other vendors!
"The implications of this are stark. All altruistic, moral, cultural or emotional behaviour becomes reconceived as the outcome of individual calculation. It is no longer just businessmen and traders whose behaviour can be understood in terms of rational self-interest, but that of politicians, parents and neighbours."
You mean that politicians might only lobby for things in their own self-interest rather than for the good of their constituents? *tremulous gasp*
Lucky that was pointed out as I might have continued with my altruistic world view...
I have had Sky+ for over 3 years and I have to say that the recent 'upgrades' have made what was at best a pretty flaky service even worse.
The worst thing about it is that if you record programmes using S+ you actually want to watch them - to then find that when you do play them back they crash the Sky+ box every couple of minutes (takes around 5mins to reboot!) or play back with dodgy sound can be somewhat frustrating.
It's lucky there's an alternative if you (or your missus) want to watch 24 / Lost / blah blah blah.