What learning curve?
What's all this stuff about a learning curve to use linux? I'm sitting here with an average computer running linux and all I did was stick in a live CD and wait for it to boot. I tried different versions and when I liked what I saw, then I clicked on "install". That's was it!
I didn't have to answer a bunch of cryptic questions about product code or stuff like that which I don't fully understand. It just worked. Perfect for old farts like me.
Unless you choose a unix like version, I can't for the life of me imagine what you would need to know that is so different from MS-windows. If I want more/new software, all I do is click on the name and it happens... no questions asked. I know that's different ... but is it difficult?
I've tried a bunch of distributions and settled on Kubuntu. If you can download, or get hold of, a CD and figure out how to boot from it, you're on the air. Even if you are familiar with MS-win, linux has got to be easier.
Things were different in the old days, but I figured it was time to see what the kids were up to these days.