* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Man sold EverythingEverywhere domain for 'nominal sum'

Ole Juul

Who's a parasite?

"Either the domain is under active use or it is not - and if not, it should revert to "unused" after (say) one month."

There are indeed different definitions of active use. You should move to Denmark. There was a recent case there of a fellow who had owned a domain name (orango.dk) for almost a decade. He only had a simple web page which he used as a search portal, but what he was actively using was the name for his e-mail address. The Danish domain registrar did not consider this "active use" because he was not a company and so took the domain name away from him because a new company wanted the domain. A court case confirmed their right to do so. Public outcry didn't change anything either.

Email 2.0: Trying to catch up with the web

Ole Juul

E-mail isn't broken - users are.

If some people want something different, go for it. Pick a port, call it something else, and leave what works alone.

Javascript guru calls for webwide IE6 boycott

Ole Juul

re: RE: Control freaks

"Try using Youtube using Lynx. It doesn't work. That's because the browser is old and text only."

Many people use Lynx - a lot because they're blind and use DOS. There are also other browsers which don't "work" on Youtube. Besides not everyone is able to see or hear. Do we all have to be the same?

"Developers are sick of having to write special caveats in the code to deal with IE6."

Fair enough.

"They *are* in control. They write the content."

They are not in control - but many want to be. :) Besides, if developers are the ones writing the content then we're really in trouble.

Ole Juul

re: Ole Juul:control freaks


"It's about how the client, the person that hires the developer wants a website to look."

That is certainly a control issue and I can see how the developer can have a problem there.

"It's about coding css and html which will render the same regardless of browser"

No it's not. It's about coding to standards and letting the public do whatever they want with it. Some of us use a reader, some of us have mental issues with flickering images, there's all kinds of us out here. Would you try to restrict someone from using any particular translator? Stick to the standards and leave people alone.

"People *are* free to look at the web in anyway they want. What is restricting you?"

Apparently you and Douglas Crockford would like some restrictions.

Yes, a standard browser would be a good thing, and certainly a boon to developers, but it would require controlling hardware specifications and thus also what operating systems it could run on. It will be impossible to please all skill levels, interest levels, and economic groups. There are many reasons why it is not a good idea to demand standards on the client side.

PS: I have never been able to use IE6 and would never defend its quality. I am just defending other people's use of it - for any reason whatsoever.

Ole Juul

Control freaks

Who cares what browser someone uses? I think this is just a matter of arrogant web developers wanting their work to look and work the way they think it is supposed to. Shouldn't people be free to look at the web in any way they want?

I have never used any version of IE because it won't run on most operating systems, but the various browsers that I do use are all set up to render web pages to suit my own taste. Sometimes that is very different from what someone else might want or expect. Any web developer who feels that they are the ones that should be in control should go back to printing fine art books. It is not how the web works, nor the way it is supposed to work.

Pirate Bay co-founder hopes it will die

Ole Juul

Gate keeping

What strange arguments come up here. Of course everyone needs money. How you get it is not always connected with where the value lies. In this case we are making a random connection with artistic value and a digital record - to me that is absurd.

Since when is a recording "music"? I've played music for over half a century, (yes, I play well) and although I agree that getting money for anything is indeed a way to make a living, a recording is still only a recording. Let's pay musicians when they play and not for a recording of when they once did. That is a random gate to guard.

In a digital economy, the people who pay for a recording are the ones getting raped. I'd be in favour of paying all artists just for their existence, but not for a digital copy of something they've once done.

If royalties represented real value then what is stopping everyone else from also demanding them? I can't imagine paying royalties on everything that we use daily. I've paid the plumber, electrician, bricklayer, and all the other artists for their work and now I get to use the fruits of their labour. Charging for the use of a recording used to be a viable way to get some well deserved money into the hands of musicians but it is a random, and no longer viable, way to do it. Let's find some other way then.

Stick a fork in floppies - they're done

Ole Juul

Re: I needed a couple floppies about ten days ago.

@jake: Come and visit us at The Vintage Computer Forum. There's lots of us there who like, and run, that old stuff.

I like floppies. The other day I took a Sharp PC4501 laptop, which only has 720K floppies, and connected it to the internet using it's internal 1200 baud modem. I was able to download the local weather report with htget and view the html file. Telnet to some BBSs was also good over both PPP and plain serial, though slow. It's fun to play with a floppy only system instead of the, essentially unlimited resource, systems we all have now.

Google tweaks search results with mystery site speedometer

Ole Juul

About time

Things are looking up.

"For experienced Google-watchers, this means Google has thrown web design as we know it into the trashcan,"

That's where trash goes isn't it?

Nerd alert: First Lucid Lynx Ubuntu beta fun

Ole Juul

re: gnome

Jelliphiish: "i'm not very penguin experienced.. if i want to improve how the front end looks, what's the best thing a nonce can do to improve it and make it a look little more impressive? without having to go to any great lengths.."

I don't know why people keep talking about the way Linux looks out of the box because it is not really relevant. Just chose what you want. System settings allows you to change colours, themes, and icons, as well as things like mouse and keyboard behaviour.

You can also use some other windowing system. Personally, I usually install the server edition and then pick a windowing system of my choice - usually KDE. If you can type ONE simple request on the command line then that way if open to you too. Otherwise, just click on your package manager and go to town.

Tiny TV could make billions for FCC

Ole Juul

Self serving

The elephant in the room is that we'd still have TV. This proposal doesn't address that problem.

Serial slurry fetish man jailed again

Ole Juul

It's all good

So he went from hot shit to deep shit. Sounds like he can't go wrong.

Moller Skycar to finally crash and burn?

Ole Juul

Moller did alright

It's a colourful piece of history.

Wikipedia sued for publishing convicted murderer's name

Ole Juul

A method whereby . . .

Perhaps they have a patent on the facts of this case.

Intel lampooned by Nvidia toons

Ole Juul

Cartoonist wanted

I like the idea. Now they just need to carry it through.

EMI saves world from unauthorised Beatles downloads

Ole Juul

Old hippies listen to the Beatles?

I don't think so! Anybody who was around back then has had more than their fill long ago. It's young people who listen to this old fart music nowadays. Pathetic, really.

Pirates get extra seat in Euro Parliament

Ole Juul

Let's encourage innovation

and abolish all patents. Patents just allow innovators to stop at version one and prevent others from moving ahead as well.

Bug in latest Linux gives untrusted users root access

Ole Juul

This is only FUD

I just checked my unpatched Ubuntu box here and that vulnerability isn't there. The guy that "found" this doesn't know what he's talking about.

Early adopters bloodied by Ubuntu's Karmic Koala

Ole Juul

Use the current LTS version instead

Hardy Heron 8.04 is still the current long term support (LTS) version. For production machines and corporate use, or if you don't want to fool around, then the LTS is what you should be using. It offers 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server edition.

Microsoft security report shows worms are returning

Ole Juul

Re: See

"* For Linux distro's not backed by a corporate body, perhaps the fine should be placed on the user."

Yes, all software should be backed by a corporate body. We don't want dangerous individuals taking control of their own computers. Also, since most Linux "distro's" do not have corporate backing, that would also help scare people away from using them. Brilliant idea - depending on where you're coming from.

Microsoft in Bing jingle kiddie vid outrage

Ole Juul

Sue the school

I think there are a lot of jurisdictions where this would be illegal. Other companies wanting to sell various products could demand equal time with the children. If that sort of thing ever happened at my school, I'd be taking my kid out of there and suing the school board.

Punked US Chamber sues faux press release pranksters

Ole Juul

Just goes to show

that much of the press have no idea of what is going on. If they did, they would have sent a theatre critic. Also, anyone who can't tell the difference between the real and the obviously fake url in this case, needs to have their eyes examined.

Great press conference, by the way. I like the part where the fake Chamberguy comes in and tries to pawn off his business cards. . .

Think you're tech savvy? You won't be when you're old

Ole Juul

Re: I call Bullshit

I agree. Technological savvy is only age related in that the older you are the more time you've had to learn. Kids still come home to get dad to fix the car or ask him to fix their cell phone because he knows how to use a soldering iron. Actually, from looking at the "geeky" sites on the net, it is clear that kids aren't nearly as technologically skilled as they used to be - but they're equally arrogant.

Hotspot sniffer eavesdrops on iPhone in real-time

Ole Juul

Include SASE

Radio, by it's very nature is public. No one in their right mind would have any expectation of privacy for an unencrypted broadcast. However, most WiFi users might be surprised to get a QSL request.

Bing advertisers on wane, says report

Ole Juul

Bing likes me

Google may be better for really esoteric searches, and it has some good features as well so I will continue to use it, but really, in most cases you get about the same results with Bing. However, I just Googled myself on Bing :) and despite having a common name, my insignificant home page comes up on top! How can I argue with that? Actually, that _is_ the argument. There are several well known people with the same name who should realistically rank higher - and in Google they do.

Pirate Bay co-founders deny ownership of site

Ole Juul

Re: There is a prison cell with their name on it

I assume you're talking about BRIEN. It certainly does look like they're providing false reports. Sunde actually has an update of this story on his blog. Anyway, I'm looking forward to finding out who Reservella really is.

Ralph Lauren says sorry for incredible shrinking pelvis

Ole Juul

Re: Never mind the girl

PT got it right:

" ... What about the perjury? The necessary wording for the DMCA takedown includes, "I declare, under penalty of perjury, that..... (etc)"

They completely sidestepped the legal issue. Who cares about the picture? The problem is perjury - and they know it.

Debian to harness FreeBSD with kernel port

Ole Juul

This article needs clarity

It's really quite simple. From the Debian site:

"Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is a port of the Debian operating system that consists of the GNU userland, GNU C library, Debian package management and system tools, on top of the FreeBSD kernel. Think Debian GNU/Linux, with FreeBSD's kernel in place of Linux. All the benefits of your typical Debian system, along with a modern, robust FreeBSD kernel."

Ballmer mixed on Windows 7's success

Ole Juul

Balmer vs reality

I know Mr. Balmer pulls a lot of weight within the company, but from our point of view: does anything he says actually mean anything?

IE, Chrome, Safari duped by bogus PayPal SSL cert

Ole Juul


Neal 5 says: ". . . crptoApi isn't broken, it has performed exactly as it should have,"

People who complain about coding are making this much too complicated. I agree with Neal that code is not the real culprit here and we should simply get rid of all crime on the internet so we won't have to worry about vulnerabilities.

10,000 Hotmail passwords mysteriously leaked to web

Ole Juul

Is this for real?

It seems entirely possible that someone just generated a list of likely sounding Hotmail names and passwords. The article makes no mention of these accounts being checked.

Google strips Pirate Bay homepage from search results

Ole Juul

Google search works fine here

A search for pirate bay on google.ca and google.dk both bring up TPB as would be expected. However, right now the link doesn't work because TPB seems to be down. What's up with that?

Ubuntu's Karmic Koala opens its eyes

Ole Juul

@ MS trolls

It's truly amazing that whenever there is a Linux review here, we all of a sudden get a lot of remarks from people with crippled computer skills. I've never used MS-Windows, but you're certainly not going to convince me to do so by telling me how difficult you find Linux. This is an IT site and people are going to laugh at you if you admit to having difficulty setting up a computer - regardless of the OS. Get a grip!

Pirate Bay's would-be saviour hit by 'bankruptcy order'

Ole Juul

Some days

The CEO apparently even had his BMW, Harley, and boat confiscated because of a tax debt. Just bad luck.

Complexity and confusion drive Microsoft's licensing

Ole Juul

One or the other, but not both

First they make you figure out all the legal paperwork, and then they have the audacity to charge you money on top of that. I honestly think that is asking too much.

Linux webserver botnet pushes malware

Ole Juul

OS independent

It sounds like the vulnerability, whatever it actually is, has nothing to do with the OS in this case.

Worm wiggles through weary WordPress

Ole Juul

Deceptive news

This news is all over the place and I can't help but notice that the most significant part of the story is missing. Few blog admins use user registration on comments and you have to deliberately turn that on in order to be eligible for this vulnerability. In other words, most aren't affected, and immunity is only a click away.

Kettle car breaks speed record

Ole Juul

23 mph

That's pretty cool, and I certainly don't want to belittle their achievements, but I'm a little puzzled by the relatively small increase in speed over the SS record. Yes, 23mph is quite a bit, but still the improvements in materials and other technology in the last century should account for even more shouldn't it?

Electric motorcycle world championships planned

Ole Juul

batteries definitely included

I like the quiet, it's just so much more impressive than a bunch of noise. E-bikes also go pretty fast; like the killacycle which will do a quarter mile in 7.89 seconds or reach 174mph in the same distance - and that's on AA cells!

Swedish court orders The Pirate Bay shutdown

Ole Juul

Where next?

I just tried thepiratebay.ru and they don't seem to be there yet.

Microsoft at a loss in Word patent case?

Ole Juul


This is only a legal ruling. It won't have much effect.

Microsoft's Windows 7 price gamble - and why it's flawed

Ole Juul

Limited edition?

"... it will let you install Windows 7 Home Premium on three home PCs. This is a limited time offer and will run until supplies run out."

That's funny.

Microsoft sues family over alleged click fraud

Ole Juul

Ads offend me

Martin 19: "Or would you prefer that the advertising merged with the content, so you could never trust an article or review again?"

That's what's happening now. No, I don't prefer it.

Many commercial sites are not worth the paper they are printed on. I don't like them and I don't usually go there. Content providers like the Reg are a different story and I don't know the answer, but ads are a terrible way to fund sites. Ads degrade the user experience and clog up the tubes. I personally do the advertisers a favour by using Adblock. I am more likely to buy a product which hasn't irritated me by putting advertising in my face.

As for search engine rankings, many click hungry sites make finding things very difficult. Try searching for information on an older computer and see how many memory salesmen get in the way. Look for information on older cards and see how many driver links clog the list. Most (not all) of these sites are just jerks looking for clicks.

Ole Juul

Exactly how many clicks are legal?

If someone wants to click on something for any reason, I feel they should have the right to do so. If you can only click a certain number of times, perhaps that should be in TOS. I would like to know what kind of contract Microsoft has with the the clickers.

IBM launching American-only software support

Ole Juul

Correct answer

"... and what's the capitol of British Columbia (correct answer: I have no idea)."

Nailed it!

Microsoft's Bing feeds you, tries to keep you captive

Ole Juul

Balance in the marketplace?

Bing actually works well for me and it shows my own sites at the top of a search so what can I say? Although I'm generally anti-MS, I'll give this a go for a while because I like to see more search engines and Google is starting to worry me.

Turkish hackers breach US Army servers, says report

Ole Juul
Black Helicopters

Army loves it

I do think that the army likes to have these things to report. It's part of their plan to get more funding for "cyberwar".

US military shows off hack-by-numbers battlefield gadget

Ole Juul

What age group is this aimed at?

"A sliding lever can be moved to increase an attack or dial it down to reduce collateral damage." lol

Wall Street Journal wants your micro-payments

Ole Juul

EOL syndrome

Pay money for news? You gotta be kidding. Besides, if I can't read the story first, then how would I know if it was worth anything?

Seriously, what is it about end-of-life business models and the seemingly inevitable need to hasten their own death? These guys are just looking for a way out like someone who has given up on life.

Microsoft's new search - Built on open-source

Ole Juul


I see problems for open source.

US P2P bill aims shackles at browsers, IM

Ole Juul

What constitutes "file sharing"?

Does that mean that someone has to sit and click yes to every http request? I kinda liked the idea of just clicking a link and someone like the Reg would share their html file with me. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to find some other use for my internet connection.