* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Intel ME controller chip has secret kill switch

Ole Juul

Intel back doors

Positive Technologies in its blog post acknowledged that it would be typical for government agencies to want to reduce the possibility of unauthorized access.

I'm not too adverse to reducing unauthorized access myself. What gets me is that if Intel didn't advertise this as a feature, then they probably know a lot of people don't want it.

China to identify commentards with real‑name policy

Ole Juul

is this for real?

Real names are often so common that there is not much identity in them compared to the colourful nicks that people use, so presumably there will be something like social insurance number or passport involved in this identity scheme. And you probably won't be able to connect with Tor either.

If words are that hurtful and difficult to deal with, then it's probably a good idea to lock yourself in a quiet room, turn of the TV and radio, and disconnect the computer and phone. Seriously - these guys are sick.

Chrome wants to remember which Websites to silence

Ole Juul

I have a sinking feeling

The kinds of companies that do this will not be listening to the public anyway. Someone that puts autoplay on a site is far too into themselves.

Brazilians waxed: Uni's Tor relay node booted after harvesting .onions

Ole Juul

Re: Self-important little pricks

As for ethical guidelines, normally any university has an ethical review board which is required to pass all research projects. In this case either the university is not up to snuff, or the researcher made an effort to bypass the review.

NSA ramps up PR campaign to keep its mass spying powers

Ole Juul

A click is just a click

Very few users would even know if they're connecting to a "foreign target". I bet the NSA knows that too.

India's Aadhaar national biometric ID scheme at risk after Supreme Court rules privacy is a right

Ole Juul

upcoming conflict

What will happen to the Aadhaar database of scans that they have collected? How willing will they be to let go of that?

FYI: Web ad fraud looks really bad. Like, really, really bad. Bigly bad

Ole Juul

Re: Advertising is often overhyped...

The thing is that advertisers are held hostage. Although there is little gain, none of them dare stop. They'd all have to stop at once.

Apple bag-search class action sueball moves to Cali supreme court

Ole Juul

Re: Dear Lord!

I say they get double time for that.

Cloudflare: We dumped Daily Stormer not because they're Nazis but because they said we love Nazis

Ole Juul

now fled to the dark web

Another story here just said they went to Yandex for DNS. I just checked their .onion site and it says it will display the clearnet link there. I see they are using a .ru domain now.

Strip club selfie bloke's accidental discharge gets him 6 years in clink

Ole Juul

This is the kind of goofball that's dangerous to have around. It's better for everybody, including himself, if he's locked up.

Hey America! Your internet is going to be so much better this January

Ole Juul

And low and behold

It's lo and behold.

Your top five dreadful people the Google manifesto has pulled out of the woodwork

Ole Juul

Good article

Some good insights there Kieren.

Our day with Larry Page: Embedded with one of the world's richest men

Ole Juul

Thanks Kieren

I thoroughly enjoyed that. In fact I just came back to have a second laugh.

Apple removes VPN apps in China as Russia's Putin puts in the boot with VPN banlaw

Ole Juul


They always increase censorship before the National Congress. Nevertheless, I note that comments from some Chinese people indicate that they are not really having a huge problem with VPN availability even at this time. This is probably more of a news opportunity for western news.

It took DEF CON hackers minutes to pwn these US voting machines

Ole Juul

Re: The security of voting machines

The money is in the contract, not the software.

So who exactly was to blame for Marketo losing its dotcom?

Ole Juul

can't see the trees

I'm with @a_yank_lurker on the possibility that emails could be deleted because they get confused with a lot of similar span. I'm a nobody, but I get an awful lot of emails to renew my domains and they're almost all scams - not to mention the snail mail scam renewal requests I get. In a large company, how likely is it that these emails end up in the account of somebody who is less skilled and overwhelmed with registration spam?

Uncle Sam says 'nyet' to Kaspersky amid fresh claims of Russian ties

Ole Juul

Only in USA

Evidence does not cut the mustard here.

Microsoft drops Office 365 for biz. Now it's just Microsoft 365. Word

Ole Juul

missing link

Now all we need is 365 internet.

Google blows $800k on bots to flood the UK with 30,000 'articles' a month

Ole Juul


I always wanted to hear how a bot feels about things.

Breached Bitcoin Bithumb bosses blame bod's BYOD

Ole Juul


the crooks phoned Bitcoin holders pretending to be Bithumb bosses

So, opposable thumbs then.

Watch: Armed Ukrainian cyber-cops raid MeDoc in NotPetya probe

Ole Juul

Re: Hmm

"@ Ole Juul, who has been cited, the company or the tax authorities?"

@ Richard Jones 1, sorry about the bad sentence structure. MeDoc, the software company has been cited. Reuters had quite a bit of information on this. I can't remember the article, but here's another relevant one. Also, the BBC mentions that the country's national Cyberpolice say the company will face criminal responsibility for their neglect.

Ole Juul

Re: Hmm

With 80% of the countries businesses using M.E.Doc the government is proposing to postpone this year's tax deadline. Not only that, but they've been warned about their lack of security and will face criminal charges. An accounting company of such a size that doesn't care to secure their software needs to be cut down a notch.

PCs will get pricier and you're gonna like it, say Gartner market shamans

Ole Juul

Rolling release

I use a really big box with a decent PSU and everything else just gets updated with the times.

America's net neutrality rage hits academia

Ole Juul

Re: economics

You say that like it's a bad thing."

It's not a bad thing. The problem is that there is more to the internet than making money from it. There is a social value to it as well. But more specifically, when these guys talk about money, they're not referring to you and I but to the monopolies that they either represent or believe are the only important participants.

Ole Juul


"... remake communications markets along the lines that incumbent telecommunications, broadband Internet, and media industries have desired all along."

Do any of these guys ever think about anything other than money?

Useful Ajit Pai's lawyer nominated for top US telco watchdog role

Ole Juul

Public interest?

Unfortunately that won't be possible with only five commissioners since they are all needed to represent the monopolies.

US Senators want Kaspersky shut out of military contracts

Ole Juul

retaliatory measures?

Like blocking imports of US operating systems? Oh wait ...

WikiLeaks doc dump reveals CIA tools for infecting air-gapped PCs

Ole Juul

I you're a target, move

a target computer that is set up to autorun its contents and is using Windows 7

Seriously, is that so hard to avoid?

UK and Ecuador working on Assange escape mechanism

Ole Juul

Re: Shown the Ecuadoor

This is made possible because the US is losing it's grip on other countries, such as the UK. Ecuador has maintained its sovereignty for a long time already, so Assange may well be safer there than where he is now.

Google plans to scrub 'inflammatory' and terror vids from youTube

Ole Juul

about time

No more Rickrolling then.

It's 2017, and UPnP is helping black-hats run banking malware

Ole Juul

Who uses UPnP?

I haven't found a use for it and it's not been available on this lan for as long as I remember. My VoIP doesn't complain, nothing does.

Backdoor backlash: European Parliament wants better privacy

Ole Juul

Re: Unintended consequences

The providers of electronic communications services

I'm never sure who is a "provider". The internet being what it is, I often provide for myself, as it were.

Oh, wow, Canada: No more carrier-locked phones for Canucks

Ole Juul

Internet tax is wrong

The suggestion of a 5% internet tax was nixed by our Prime Minister before it could even get out of the news conference. This is a good thing.

A primary value of the internet is that it treats everybody the same. A tax would be for the benefit of the few. Only large corporations would get paid from such a thing. Those of us who spend a lot of time and effort providing content on the internet would have to pay for that privilege. I can't even begin to express how wrong that is.

Russian search engine Yandex's Ukraine offices raided for 'treason'

Ole Juul


I guess the Ukrainian government will now commission some software to replace Yandex and the others.

US laptops-on-planes ban may extend to flights from ALL nations

Ole Juul

Work time

I think many business travellers will not like this. For someone on a busy schedule, this is a good time to do a bit of work. Not being able to do that will add an hour or two to the time spend working, either before or after the flight.

Three Nigerians sentenced to 235 years in prison for online scamming

Ole Juul



Cloudflare doubles down on its troll-hunting crusade

Ole Juul

Re: Wow! New Definition!

Not new. Laws are indeed generally influenced by corporate lobbyists, but it is also common that they are mostly written by them. No doubt some countries see democracy differently, but the old adage is still true: "what you cannot buy with money, you can buy with a lot of money."

US citizens complain their names were used for FCC robo-comments

Ole Juul


Surely this is just another example of the Russians interfering with an American democratic process.

(Hope I don't need a sarcasm tag for this.)

Init freedom declared as systemd-free Devuan hits stable 1.0.0 status

Ole Juul

Hell yeah!

Hell yeah! - systemd is evil and I can't wait to run Devuan

There's a missing option on the poll. Surely there are others like me who are not waiting but are already running Devuan.

Chinese e-tailer beats Amazon to the skies with one-ton delivery drones

Ole Juul


So what weighs more, a ton of Chinese tat or a one ton piano? To my way of thinking, either one could flatten your lunch.

Ole Juul

sounds familiar

I don't think the problem in the west is as much "federal dithering" as it is the strong grip that the traditional aviation authorities holds over everything even vaguely related. Reminds me of the grip that movie rights unions have on society.

Emissions cheating detection shines light on black box code

Ole Juul

Mandate open source

As it stands, both the legal compliance and safety of this software hinges on trust. That's not how society normally deals with these issues, at least legally. Does the tax department trust you when you say "don't worry, our accounting is just fine". Or does compliance with fire regulations hinge on builders and designers simply saying, "trust us". No. There is a transparent audit process. With software the only way to bring it into line with the rest of society is to make it open source. Without that, regulation is just a farce.

Yahoo! retires! bleeding! ImageMagick! to! kill! 0-day! vulnerability!

Ole Juul

Re: What! The! Hell! Does! ImageMagick! Have! To! Do! With! Yahoo!?

Typically that would be because they've had the account so long it's hard to change. Still a good point. However, I bet it's so people who have no idea about the size of a file can send pictures.

Hi! I’m Foxy! It looks like you want to run Flash. Do you need help?

Ole Juul


The sooner the better.

Julian Assange wins at hide-and-seek game against Sweden

Ole Juul

big savings

The MPS will provide a level of resourcing which is proportionate to that offence.

Without further comment one could imagine that the "proportionate" resourcing wouldn't amount to even one officer. They'd probably still have to keep the resources quite high for political reasons though.

We're heading back… to the future! Net neutrality rules on chopping block

Ole Juul

"the great diversion"

Indeed. As someone once said, the Communism in Russia might have survived had they made two parties that differ only in less important, but publicly distracting, ways.

We're calling it now: FCC votes 2-1 to rip up net neutrality on Thurs

Ole Juul

Re: (unsurprising)

"Internet is owned by the U.S.? What the hell was the point of Brexit, then?"

Good point. However, the people who voted for Brexit weren't the ones who use the internet much.

Ole Juul

alternative facts

Or should the process itself lead to the conclusion?

Unfortunately process isn't what it used to be.

China staggering under WannaCrypt outbreak

Ole Juul

It's cash for gas now.

From what I read in the South China Morning Post, 20,000 gas stations went off line and will only take cash right now. The China National Petroleum Corporation is apparently running a customised version of XP.

'Judge Java' to sueball-slinging smut studio: Test your pirate-hunting tools or walk the plank

Ole Juul

Re: it's all too obvious

@JassMan good point and a funny scenario.