* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Twitter won't unmask racist Frenchie unless US judge says so

Ole Juul

Re: Who the hell cares what a nameless, faceless idiot has to say?

Apparently some people do, and will expend considerable effort to seek them out.

Ole Juul

Re: People have opinions, it's not a crime.

Racist remarks are not opinion, they're an offence. You shouldn't be allowed to get away with it online any more than your should in public.

That's the whole point. The internet is not "in public". You have to decide what to read, and you can turn it off. It is of course possible that the complainants were forced to use Twitter and follow specific people, in which case they should sue whomever is forcing them. In any case, this all has nothing to do with racism or Twitter, and everything to do with self-righteousness.

Drop that can of sweet pop and grab a coffee - for your sanity's sake

Ole Juul

Dyslexic analysis disorder

So, people who are depressed like to drink sweetened and "diet" drinks. How did they turn that around and make the "association" into a "risk"?

FCC to unleash unlicensed spectrum, relieve 'Wi-Fi traffic jam'

Ole Juul

"If that number's wrong"

I hope FCC chairman Julius Genachowski didn't actually write that himself.

Chinese Twitter Sina Weibo goes bilingual

Ole Juul

Re: Oddly enough...

I was just thinking the same thing. My reasoning would be that the Chinese government would see westerners as not being of any particular consequence to their country's politics. This could actually be an advantage for us. I'm certainly going to watch that aspect when they launch.

Just what the world needs: Android in the rice cooker

Ole Juul

Re: The internet fork...

I'm waiting for the internet connected socks, with separate IPv6 addresses for left and right. Comes with an app that tells you when it's time to wash them and, optionally (but the default), posts it to Facebook.

Texas schoolgirl loses case over RFID tag suspension

Ole Juul

Re: The benefits still outweigh the negative...if only clear lenses are used.

AC 20:43 said:

"On a side not "


Ole Juul

Re: She doesn't have to wear the RFID

I'm all for tech, but not even the bank I worked for required that sort of "security." Whatever the issues in this case, I'm not sure we should be accustomising children to this sort of thing.

I teaches the children to be submissive to authority. Some people think this is a good thing. I think it causes psychological harm. Respect and submission are not the same thing. Respect is earned - submission is enforced.

Ole Juul

Re: ...training them to be dependent upon little pieces of plastic

Fatman: There is another side to this - bullies stealing lunch money. At many schools this has been an ongoing problem; and by eliminating the need to carry coin, you thwart the bully.

This doesn't solve the bully problem - they are simply accommodating it. There will still be bullies, they just won't get other people's lunch money.

US gov blames Iran for cyberattacks on American banks

Ole Juul


Nonetheless, unnamed US intelligence officials appear adamant that the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters is actually a cover for Iran.

Being adamant isn't exactly a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of being bone headed. There are better ways to prove something.

Boffins hide messages in Skype ‘silence packets’

Ole Juul

encrypted silence?

The idea of encrypting silence so it is impossible to detect is not new. TV and AM radio have been using this technique for years.

Chinese go online to protest censorship

Ole Juul

I couldn't help but notice

There are an awful lot of anonymous postings on the Reg and elsewhere on the web. Is there anything to be afraid of? I mean, if this is such a free society as is commonly implied, then we can all just be ourselves - right?

Ole Juul


They need the general population to play like a team in order to move the country forward. Suppression, like we've seen in the past, cannot continue in the same way any more. Perhaps I'm too optimistic, but I'm sure we will see changes, even if they are very small.

Forget the internet: Americans still glued to TV sets in 2012

Ole Juul

Re: Subservient

That's not even the worst of it. The problem is that it stunts intellectual growth and it's going to take another generation to recover from that. I'm glad to see more self directed activities coming to the forefront.

Boffins create quantum gas with temperature BELOW absolute zero

Ole Juul

Re: When they "suddenly adjust the magnetic field...."

I was under the impression that "suddenly" only occurs when you're just walking along minding your own business and not paying attention. In this case however, we're talking science, so it will have a more strict definition - could we perhaps talk of multiple suddenlies, or even 1/2 suddenly?

Eric Schmidt's Norks outing poorly timed, tuts US govt

Ole Juul

Just wondering

How come Ballmer isn't going too? That would make it even more fun, but perhaps he had to work that day.

Ole Juul

Re: It's time

In fact I'm guessing the visit is referred to as not "particularly helpful" because they beat the government to it before it had time to come up with some convoluted way to use the situation for its own nefarious, but otherwise ineffective purposes.

Satnav-murdering Google slips its Maps into car dashboards

Ole Juul

How would this work?

Wouldn't you have to have maps where both names and roads match the real world? Google maps are all wrong in my area, which is quite mountainous. You'd get stuck, go to the wrong place, or get killed trying to go places where terrestrial vehicles land too fast.

30 years ago, at flip of a switch, the internet as we know it WAS BORN

Ole Juul

Re: Actually...

The internet as we know it was born on September 182, 1993,

That must be the longest September on record.

Facebook continues to CONQUER THE WORLD

Ole Juul

I would argue that Facebook has a higher percentage of active accounts than a typical forum where it's probably no higher than 10%. St Helena could be a good indication. I bet Facebook might even have 20% active accounts.

Eric Schmidt heading on mystery mission to North Korea

Ole Juul

Re: Why all the scepticism?

Point is, the regime there needs to start being nice of its own accord.

As I suggested, that's an obvious situation. I just don't think that monopolist American companies are going to make any political inroads there at this point in time. Perhaps you think differently about that. Do you really think that Google hopes to effect North Korean politics? I think this has more to do with US politics since Bill Richardson appears well positioned to deal with relations here. I have no idea what his real agenda is, but suspect that it is the more significant part of this story.

Ole Juul

Why all the scepticism?

Obviously some things aren't going to change and the situation as it stands is obvious. So what? If North Korea wants to move ahead with more internet adoption, regardless of under what terms, then talking with Schmidt is sensible. However, I doubt that Google expects to get a lot out of this just yet. It is nevertheless a good idea for any business to communicate with as wide a user base as possible.

Microsoft scrambles to thwart new Internet Explorer 0-day attack

Ole Juul

Re: I'm shocked!!

Being a bit of a conservative type, I don't really play around with Microsoft much. However, it certainly sounds like IE can be very exciting, and that does have a certain appeal.

Anti-virus products are rubbish, says Imperva

Ole Juul

Re: The reality is all too real

To think that windows is the only vulnerable system is naive, in this Univeral Plug and Play world!

You might well be totally correct. I'm always into learning. Since I have a box here where it wouldn't matter, would you be so kind as to post a link that I could click on with a NIX system and get a virus? That would really help me learn about this situation and I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

The year GNOMES, Ubuntu sufferers forked off to Mint Linux

Ole Juul

Re: Spot on

My feeling is that Canonical is, as the article says, desperately trying to find sources of revenue for Ubuntu.

The funny thing is that if they were to provide what lots of us want, they could probably make money by just charging for it. That's worked for other businesses in the past.

Steve Jobs' Apple yacht freed after family settles the bill

Ole Juul

It's a stretch houseboat.

Yep, you nailed it.

Ole Juul

Re: I have a question

The end without propellers.

It could have a bow thruster.

Ole Juul

Re: I have a question

Which end is the front?

Yachts don't have a "front".

Ole Juul

Re: Typical Jobsian Design

So seaworthiness really is't a prime consideration.

Obviously not here, but seaworthiness used to be one of the prime considerations of a yacht. Also, contemporary American usage tends to convey size and power rather than more traditional nautical ideals. I don't know much about Jobs, but I suspect he did not have much of a nautical background and probably didn't really understand the aesthetic in that field. With all due respect, it is entirely possible that he was actually out of his depth here.

Christmas ruined for 2,100 sex offenders booted off online games

Ole Juul

Is there even a significant problem?

The reason I'm asking is that the article quotes what is presumably the worst case they could find.

In 2011, a 19-year-old man in Monroe County, NY, was indicted on sexual abuse charges after allegedly meeting and abusing a 12-year-old . . .

This was certainly not good, but I question calling a 19 year old a man in this context. People do mature at different rates, but at 19 most have a lot of growing up to do, and most actually do. In other words the article is not talking about older, set in their ways, and perhaps downright evil, people. They're talking about stuff in their imagination - and having a hard time justifying their conclusions.

Amazon outage whacked Netflix US customers on Christmas Eve

Ole Juul

Castles in the clouds

And YOU want to trust your data with the cloud?

Trust and trustworthiness are only related in reality.

Senator pushes data cap and ISP monitoring legislation

Ole Juul

Re: Dangerous plan...

IMO this shouldn't be something the government is to be involved with. If consumers feel they're paying too much for their ISP's services then what's stopping them from going to another ?

The lack of regulation is what has caused the US internet infrastructure to fall so far behind. This may not be the most important piece of legislation, but more controls are definitely needed in order to bring back competition. As for going to another ISP, how would that solve the problem? Besides, many of us don't have another ISP to go to.

Ole Juul

Regarding the article

I have no idea what most of the previous comments are talking about, or why they came here to talk about it. Nevertheless, regarding this part of the article:

Americans are increasingly tethered to the Internet and connecting more devices to it, but they don't really have the tools to effectively manage data consumption across their networks

That actually makes sense. Most users are not that tech savvy and are not really aware of what their data usage is or how to find out for each of their devices and add them up. I personally don't see anything wrong with service providers helping with this. I've seen people get unexpected bills, and one of my neighbours has just been throttled so they can only check e-mail because they went over some limit they have no idea of how to monitor. This is a couple who normally only browse and have no interest in bandwidth consuming media. These things shouldn't happen.

Facebook tests feature to let strangers pay to message you

Ole Juul


I don't see any reason why Facebook should get a cut.

Rampaging gnu crashes Microsoft Store, hands out literature

Ole Juul

Re: *bangs head against desk*

Would you trust your important work to something written by a bunch of protesters who stormed our store?

You're probably right that many think like that, but these days there are likely some people who don't necessarily think that the protesters are the coders, and who could even understand the intended message.

What Compsci textbooks don't tell you: Real world code sucks

Ole Juul

Re: it's all about the requirements

I suspect conflicting requirements in many cases. Trying to balance the demands of managers, clients, and ultimate users' needs is probably not even possible in many cases.

Do users have enough power?

Ole Juul

Enough power to do what?

Nearby workplace - yesterday. Young employee (new) asks co-worker for admin password. Installs messaging software, and changes password. Promptly forgets what it is. Now neither of them have e-mail until IT support gets back from holidays in 3 days. What's wrong with this picture?

10,000 Indian government and military emails hacked

Ole Juul

Clever tactic

“We would not like to name the state actors but D4 — destroy, disrupt, deny and degrade — process was initiated and counter offensive launched,” the NTRO official told the Express.

And what exactly is a "counter offensive" supposed to do? Prevent 10,000 email accounts belonging to top officials from being compromised? Perhaps too clever by half.

Apple shifts iTunes to HTTPS, sidesteps China’s censors

Ole Juul

Does this scale?

By that I mean, they can't seriously expect to remain one ahead of China's government censorship for long can they?

Take a number, says new social network

Ole Juul

You are logged in as 598-317-25

Not you?

Euro Commission abandons ACTA court request

Ole Juul


The US continues to press their anti-counterfeiting agenda. Referring to reproduction gold coins sold on eBay as "simply a unique form of domestic terrorism." the US Secret Service (who is pressing these charges) will continue plying their agenda without ACTA. They appear to be pretty good at pressuring other governments to see things their way too.

ICANN'T believe it's not Apple: Vatican wins domain-handout lottery

Ole Juul

Re: Bah!

Surely the vatican should get .virgin ?

That should go to an olive oil company, perhaps not a Saudi one - though they might savour the .extravirgin TLD.

Ole Juul


I certainly hope that the .apple TLD does not go to a computer company. That would be extremely objectionable considering that the name normally refers to a fruit. In fact there is considerable prior art to that effect. If a computer company gets that name it would make a sham out of this whole thing . . . oh wait ...

Yahoo! China! kills! music! search! service!

Ole Juul


The IP lobby virus is spreading to China.

After Sandy Hook, Senator calls for violent video game probe

Ole Juul

How about

a probe into the effects of fundamentalism on children? That could perhaps provide more fertile ground for a study.

Report: US government plans legal assault on foreign hackers

Ole Juul

Shady characters

. . . including the FBI, Homeland Security, and NSA.

Pretty rough crowd that.

"I'll give you a prediction,” he said. "Now that we are having people look at bringing one of these cases, it's there to be brought, and you'll see a case brought."

And this guy is definitely looking for a fight.

Kim Dotcom flashes his rack

Ole Juul

anywhere except the US

Exclusion to counter rabid protectionism. Just might catch on ...

And I hope it does. The quicker this "rabid" behaviour becomes irrelevant, the better. I don't care about Dotcom's enterprise as such, but see it as beneficial to the current situation - particularly the one in the US.

Ole Juul

KD is using every ad op he can

And I don't blame him. That's how you get something big going. I do think his internet and PR skills are saving him money in this regard too. I personally have little use for his service at this time, but bringing encryption to the masses is indeed an interesting idea and we might see some surprises in his upcoming user base.

Google unlikely to get kid-glove treatment THIS side of pond - Euro biz players

Ole Juul

Re: Perhaps...

they'd like to see what a democracy looks like.

We have a very modern democracy here in Canada. In fact it's so modern it can even operate without user input.

Canadians nab syrup rustlers after massive maple sap heist

Ole Juul

Re: Golden snow?

Canadians have a hundred words for things to pick out of the snow.