* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

RIP Bill Lowe: Father of the IBM PC no longer reading drive C

Ole Juul

Re: Where Big Blue blew it?

You should read the book "Inside Intel", a very interesting and well written book, And 5150 is a Intel processor and AMD is a competitor to Intel with a Intel instruction set.

That's probably a fine book, however the 5150 is the model number of the IBM PC. The IBM PC came with mostly Intel CPUs indeed and all three of the motherboards in my own collection have Intel (I just checked), however AMD was a licensed second source for the 8088 processor. IBM would not use components unless they had a second source. There is no denying that there are machines around with AMD processors. A quick Google finds this one.

Ole Juul

Re: Where Big Blue blew it?

Choosing Intel was another big mistake.

They didn't stick to one supplier. You will see lots of 5150's with an AMD CPU, and even NEC. In fact, not sticking with one supplier was a smart move.

PS: Here's a picture of my version of a real PC.

Ahoy, scalliwags! FBI claims another haul of Silk Road booty - $26m of it

Ole Juul

the FBI official wouldn't say

In fact he may be clueless. This could just be the FBI making headlines to help their case.

Bitcoin laws are coming: US Senate launches virty currency probe

Ole Juul

Re: Merchant Network

I'll ask some prostitutes if they accept BitCoin

Tit for tat.

It sounds like you're building a pretty good case against US dollars, and why they should be outlawed since they're the currency of choice for illegal activity.

Ole Juul

Re: Not really interested in when

How? I guess they would do it the same way that they prevent illegal downloading. IOW, by terrorizing and bullying as many people as possible so as to intimidate them. And it will work just about as well.

'Look, give us Snowden' - this Friday's top US-Russia talks revealed

Ole Juul

Time for some new meds

The Americans are starting to get really tiresome. This is like some kind of disorder.

Bank of Thailand bans Bitcoin

Ole Juul

We'll see more of this

This is just a test of how well Bitcoin can function and will end up actually strengthening its reputation in the long run.

One month on, Edward Snowden cleared to leave Moscow airport

Ole Juul

Re: This does not make any sense

I'm guessing his statements about Snowden are all about his political image and don't actually reflect his personal feelings.

Only 1 in 5 Americans believe in pure evolution – and that's an upswing

Ole Juul

Re: UK?

I don't know about the UK, but these figures seem show that there has been little evolution in the US.

Ad man: Mozilla 'radicals' and 'extremists' want to wreck internet economy

Ole Juul

Re: And by dammit!

Not only a god-given right to a profit, but a god-given right to annoy others. Besides, his "anti-business value system" concept is completely wrong. If a company hasn't annoyed me, I'm more likely to buy their product if I decide I have a use for it. Ad blocking actually does some companies a favour.

IQ test: 'Artificial intelligence system as smart as a four year-old'

Ole Juul

Re: "common sense"

getting to 4 in 50 years is an amazing accomplishment.

They didn't get it to the level of a 4 year old child. The got it to the same level as the test would indicate. Not to put the developers down, but this could also be taken as a test of the IQ test.

Internet overlords deny Google's 'dotless' domains dream

Ole Juul

and conversely

dotless domains introduce potential security vulnerabilities

I'd be glad to use two dots if it would reduce vulnerabilities.

Giant human-powered quadricopter wins $250,000 Sikorsky Prize

Ole Juul

Re: curious

I assumed that was for stability reasons. ie the mechanics are designed specifically so it's slow and powerful pedaling rather than fast and unstable.

Hmm, you'll notice the cadence of track specialists is much higher and there is definitely no bounce, as it's called. And any extra movement side to side, or any other direction, is wasted and can't be afforded. Remember, the feet are moving in a circular motion exactly the same as if you were using your hands. Perhaps you're thinking about the amateur who only pushes down on pedals and doesn't spend hours learning to pedal efficiently, thus only using a small portion of available power and wasting a lot as well. In any case, you may be right, and if you are then that is good news, because it would mean that future attempts could possibly have much more power available.

Ole Juul


I too was looking for the power train. I believe the traditional chain provides a high strength to weight ratio, but even in titanium would be relatively heavy for such long runs. Perhaps this solution is one of the team's major innovations. I was also wondering why the pilot was pedalling so slowly. A somewhat faster cadence would likely give a higher power output for most riders. Could this be a sign of a weak "chain"?

Screw it, says NSA leaker Snowden: I'm applying for asylum in Russia

Ole Juul

Re: Wake up and realize this is global.

I agree with your post. However, the issue of the US is still the major problem here. It is a dangerous country. Yes it is an empire on the way down, but a wounded animal in its desperation can be even more dangerous than a healthy one.

Feds BANNED from DEF CON by founder (who is Obama's cyber-expert)

Ole Juul


Why is Jeff Moss still working for the feds after the recent events? One would think that he would have quit over that.

Optical archival system - where to buy from?

Ole Juul

function or fashion

It seems to me that the OP is looking for the cool factor. Nice to see the many answers here advocating function.

US states: Google making ad money on illegal YouTube vids

Ole Juul

Re: What exactly do they want?

In the case of illegal prescription drugs, they want the doctors to get their cut.

Speaking in Tech: 'Wanna come upstairs and look at my VRTX?'

Ole Juul

Re: Oh Canada

He wouldn't be safe with our current right wing government. The only reason we don't look so bad here is that we don't have the "police" power to cover such a large land, but I'm sure our best friend to the south could help us out - and would.


Ole Juul

Re: Well...

If its connected to a network its not secure... AT ALL...

As it stands, that statement is incorrect, unless you're talking about specific situations. Perhaps you're confusing server and client software. I can run a single user OS, connect to the net, and not have any possibility of outside control of the machine - you could too.

Ole Juul

That's no joke

CP/M. Very few viruses, rarely targeted by botnets. Currently has no Flash or Java clients available.

In addition to my desktop OS, I currently run a pure DOS machine for certain tasks. Despite it having network clients, I'm not expecting that machine to be compromised any time soon.

Crimelords: Stolen credit cards... keep 'em. It's all about banking logins now

Ole Juul

Re: Lazy users,Lazy politicians

It's rare that you get chance to downvote stupid comments twice.

It's an open source comment and he decided to fork it.

Ole Juul

Over drought

No, it's like when the glass has run dry.

Energy sector under increasing attack: DHS

Ole Juul

Makes sense

The energy sector is one of the oldest so they're probably the most bone headed.

What's the difference between GEEKS and NERDS?

Ole Juul

I hate pizza

so I don't fall into either category. Besides, they seem to have ignored the age requirement here. People over 60 who do technical things as a way of life don't call themselves anything. It's only the younger generation who think there is anything unusual about being interested in something.

US cops make 'first ever' Bitcoin seizure following house raid

Ole Juul

Re: Legality and fractional amounts

so why can't they seize bitcoins

It is unclear that they know how to do that. Do you know how?

Ole Juul

Re: Legality and fractional amounts

How does a fractional bitcoin work?

Bitcoins are not physical. They're just numbers in a database so you can have any fraction you like. Bitcoin currently allows 8 decimal places, but that can also be expanded in the future.

Privacy activists sue FBI for access to facial recognition records

Ole Juul

false positives

I suspect they would like as many positives as possible, false or not, because it justifies their project.

ICANN puts Whois on end-of-life list

Ole Juul

I hope they don't break it

I like whois. It allows me to find useful information about sites. It's also a major phone book for me, especially in cases where I don't know or remember the last name. That said, I think the number of people who put garbage in there is also a problem. Is it the responsibility of the registrar to police that? I don't know, but it's certainly a nuisance and if people had their domains taken away for violating the ICANN TOS, I'd be happy. Regarding spam bots, I haven't had a problem with that and I've religiously followed the TOS for some years now. Sure, whois should probably be updated, but let's not loose the good parts in the process.

Internet daddies win Blighty's 'Nobel for engineering'

Ole Juul

I think some people vote without regard to the content of the post. It's just a differnet way of looking at the world.

'Do the right thing and tell on a pirate' - software bods

Ole Juul

Re: Charming

They do suggest that you'll get a tax receipt and a job, so no, anonymity wouldn't work.

Steelie Neelie eyeballs ENCRYPTION PLAN for telco data breaches

Ole Juul

Re: Unelected

I must say this "unelected" bit is getting a bit tedious. Does the writer think that Kroes is self elected? Let's raise the bar a bit, shall we?

PRISM leaker strands hacks on booze-free flight

Ole Juul

Re: International law?

with secretary of state John Kerry saying: “In the last two years we have transferred seven prisoners to Russia that they wanted, so I think reciprocity and the enforcement of the law is pretty important”.

Is he saying that the reason that enforcement of the law is important is because the US has transferred seven prisoners to Russia, or is his English not so good?

Using encryption? That means the US spooks have you on file

Ole Juul


Sarcasm? Satire? Txt-speak?

Google staffing boss: Our old hiring procedures were 'worthless'

Ole Juul

Re: World's cleverest company states the obvious

I've been interviewing people for 20 years and I figured that out after about 5 interviews. And I didn't need an algorithm to do it. Does this qualify me for a job at Google?

No. Because at Google you need an algorithm. Perhaps you could make one up.

NSA: We COULD track you by your phone ... if we WANTED to

Ole Juul

Re: Big deal

That's the thing, this stuff doesn't work for its intended purpose.

I think you mean "stated" purpose. We don't know the "intended" purpose - though there some credible suggestions.

Ecuador: All right, Julian, you CAN stay on our sofa - it's your human right

Ole Juul

Re: Roger the Lodger

That couch is going to be famous some day. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up at Sotheby's.

Google launches broadband balloons, radio astronomy frets

Ole Juul

Re: For heavens' sake . . .


Ole Juul

Big Science vs Big Nerd

Google didn't get in touch before blowing air into a project that has the potential to disrupt our search for the origins of the universe.

Rackspace elastic cloud goes live in Australia

Ole Juul

Higher costs in Australia

Shipping costs for clouds are high, and transporting them around such a vast country also adds to the price. Just ask Apple. I don't know about the elastic though.

SCO vs. IBM battle resumes over ownership of Unix

Ole Juul

Re: SCO ... do us all a favour . . .

They are long dead. That's what so scary.

It's official: 'tweet' an English word – not just in the avian sense

Ole Juul

Re: Thing is, OED ...

While we're at it, let's add tweetards and tweethats shall we?

Ole Juul


A dictionary doesn't define language, it reflects common usage.

Common usage by which group, when? I can sprout quite a few "common" words which are not going to be in the OED any time soon. Different dictionaries for different diction.

Report: Foreign owners blocked T-Mobile, Verizon from NSA snoops

Ole Juul

Re: Americans are NOT being terrorized !

Terror is winning but I'm afraid it isn't the terrorists bringing the fear. It is a combination of ignorance and our own government propaganda machine that is scaring the people . . .

Eating away from the inside. That sounds like a cancer. My guess is that chemo won't be enough and it's going to require amputation.

EU signs off on eCall emergency-phone-in-every-car plan

Ole Juul

Re: Define "crash"

. . . and perhaps the pre tensioners not even fired. The car should already know a "threshold" that is bad enough to call.

If I got hit that hard, I'd fire the tre pensioners though.

Ole Juul

Re: Guaranteed not to track you

I'm also doubtful about where they got the 2500 lives over 10 years number. However, I'm guessing that this will result in many more stolen cars being returned sooner - although a bit bent up.

Badger bloodbath brouhaha brings 'bodge' bumpkin bank burgle bluster

Ole Juul

Bearded activists?

Badgers are used to make shaving brushes, so I'm just guessing.

Japan proposes NSA-style agency and new snooping laws

Ole Juul

Re: Really?

And prime minister Shinzo Abe wants to strengthen ties with the United States.

WTO sets new date for copyright crunch

Ole Juul

2021 deadline?

Hopefully it will be irrelevant by then. OK, I'm dreaming, but hopefully it will be extended again (and again).

NSA: 'Dozens of attacks' prevented by snooping

Ole Juul

Re: $80 Billion divided by HOW many attacks prevented? Mmmm!

"It's dozens of terrorist events that these have helped prevent," Alexander said.

I wonder what he suffers from. Does he have a diagnosis?