* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

MonkeyParking FLINGS AWAY San Francisco service

Ole Juul


Whether we like it or not, parking meters is not a "racket". It is the job of voted in councils to manage such public space. Democracy isn't perfect, but at least delegating power through voting is a good start. A private entity does not have that same authority.

I'm not fond of parking meters either, and certainly don't agree with much of what city councils are doing in different cities. However, I do prefer some version of democratic control as opposed to a private company trying to scam folks. Perhaps I'm wrong in my assessment of MonkeyParking and other posters can come up with a good justification of their actions. We'll see.

Ole Juul


I hope the city wins this one. MonkeyParking is obviously a parasite.

Acer cranks Chromebooks with Core i3 models

Ole Juul

Lower specs but

This looks almost identical to a Zenbook which sells for twice the price. I guess that's the current *book look.

German government orders local CIA station chief to pack his bags

Ole Juul

A mild reaction

Based on what other countries do in circumstances like this, the CIA station chief could have been jailed and charged (or worse). In fact one might imagine something like that happening if it had been a foreign agent on US soil.

World Meteorological Organization says climate data is uncool

Ole Juul

Re: Ministry of Truth demand more LIES....

I think you're getting things mixed up there. I didn't give you a downvote because I agree with "fake history, filtered news and financed with a fiat currency." However, there's a lot of sincere scientists out there.

Another Samsung supplier fingered in new 'child labor' probe

Ole Juul

I do think that Samsung has at least some responsibility as a corporate citizen. That said, in this case it really does look like CLW is missing the mark and it would be more effective to focus on those who have direct influence on the labour laws.

F1? No, it's Formula E as electric racing cars hit the track

Ole Juul

I think the noise will be missed at first, but the higher acceleration will make up for it in appeal.

That AMAZING Windows comeback: Wow – 0.5% growth in 2015

Ole Juul

Re: What's to look forward to?

You obviously have experience with MS-Windows. I don't. However, I hear lots of people griping that they loved XP and don't wish to change. I also notice that the price of Win7 went way up recently, as did Office2010. I figured that was an indication of what was going on.

Ole Juul

What's to look forward to?

It seems to me that everything people liked about Microsoft is in their past.

NORKS hacker corps reaches 5,900 sworn cyber soldiers - report

Ole Juul

Re: Out of curiosity ...

It's not the nation, nor the dictator, it's the hacking. Lots of it. Who knows, maybe they'll be good at it and be so successful that it will finally inspire people to secure their computers. Perhaps OS vendors will even improve their products in response.

Russian law will force citizens' personal data to be stored locally

Ole Juul

Re: Amazing.

Noting the proliferation of new payment systems these days, I bet it wouldn't take them long to come up with one. They're big enough.

Boeing to start work on most powerful rocket ... EVER!

Ole Juul

Re: Never launch

I'm not sure, but it would make sense that this is just an announcement to match the recent Russian announcement that they're going to restart their space program. It's just a war of announcements.

USA to insist on pre-flight mobe power probe

Ole Juul

Re: It's all a plot

And every bomb will have to have a cell phone glued to it so you can get it through security. Even more sales there.

Euro banks warned off Bitcoin as Canada regulates it

Ole Juul

I'm not surprised

Those businesses that Bitcoin is designed to circumvent don't see this as a good thing.

What do we want? CAT VIDEOS! How do we get them? TOR!

Ole Juul

Re: Ha ha ha...!

One does wonder why he's hiding. I'm guessing he's a cat video hoarder, though he could also be a cat.

Dotcom crypto keys not for the FBI: NZ High Court

Ole Juul

Re: Getting desperate?

Shoot first, ask questions later. It works.

Google BLOCKS access to Goldman client-leak email

Ole Juul


I'm curious if GS plans to learn from this and change procedures for sending e-mail which is this sensitive.

HOLD THE FRONT PAGE: US govt backs mass spying by US govt

Ole Juul

Re: Amazed

There's a lot of statists who accept what the government says. I suspect that the majority doesn't though. However, from the government's point of view is doesn't matter what people actually believe. They don't care about that and are only concerned with what they can get away with.

PayPal says sorry: Fat fingers froze fundraiser for anti-spy ProtonMail

Ole Juul

Re: Mmmh, its definitely a cock-up when it becomes world-wide news ....

"I check whether the specific PP site stores my credit card"

Why would you be giving somebody your credit card if you're paying with Paypal? Sounds like you're doing something wrong. The two shouldn't be connected if you're concerned about privacy.

EFF sues NSA over snoops 'hoarding' zero-day security bugs

Ole Juul


The NSA is a zero-day vulnerability.

MIT and CERN's secure webmail plan stumped by PayPal freeze

Ole Juul

Paypal is indeed convenient. I'm not clear on what actual financial problems a consumer can encounter with it though. I haven's seen any yet. For someone using it to take payment, obviously the US centric policies such as this story references, are not acceptable.

For online payment I also use a Bank of Montreal Travel card. I add money like a bill payment (without attachment to any other account), but it appears in 1-2 days, as opposed to 9-10 days for Paypal. Ability of anybody besides me to withdraw money is obviously a no no. A merchant account with them is likely as problematic as any of the others.

Ole Juul

Re: Paypal has issues, but I like them

I also use Paypal, as well as a Mastercard which is not attached to a bank account and which does not allow automatic withdrawal. The Mastercard may actually be the better service when I think about it. However, astroturfing or not, perhaps this thread is not the place for me to write a half page dissertation on why I like one or the other.

World's first ever Nobel Prize winning integrated circuit to be auctioned

Ole Juul

Re: Smithsonian display is a Chinese fake

They couldn't resist the free shipping offer on eBay.

Cisco's Chambers to Obama: Stop fiddling with our routers

Ole Juul

The grooming period is over

At some point Americans are going to wake up and see how they are being screwed by their high priests.

Bitcoin blockchain allegedly infected by ancient 'Stoned' virus

Ole Juul

Re: Many Monkey theorem

Or perhaps the complete works of Anonymous.

Google Maps can now tell cyclists how HIGH they will get

Ole Juul

Re: people are riding mountain bikes

Yes I'm aware that a lot of city folks ride hybrids but the world is a lot bigger than that and different parts of the world are not the same. There are more trails than roads in the greater area where I live. In fact there isn't a lot of paved travel to be had. The Trans Canada Trail is across the street from me and all I see are mountain bikes (and quads of course). It's the bicycle of choice in BC and that has a lot to do with the kinds of roads we have and the kind of terrain that is available.

Ole Juul

Re: This is not what cyclists need

I'm with you about paved roads, but I think we're showing our age. Gone are the days of 3/4" tyres pumped to 115lbs. These days people are riding mountain bikes with (what we would call) balloon rubber.

Real, hovering SPEEDER BIKE can be YOURS for cheaper than a house

Ole Juul

I'll take what's behind door number 3

I must say that after watching the video, I'm less impressed than I was before I saw it. Isn't that supposed to be the other way around?

FCC headman Wheeler calls for an 'open internet' – but what the %$#@! does he mean?

Ole Juul


Uncompressed G.711 VoIP needs 80 kbps. I just made a test call to confirm that. I'm on very low speed rural wireless and my VoIP calls are high quality and reliable. You've got something misconfigured or there's a flooded link somewhere.

Portable toilet mistaken for killer Nork drone

Ole Juul

Re: USA had Desert Storm..

Well, you get an upvote for "Operation ShitStorm".

Senate slams ad servers for security failings

Ole Juul

Better yet

Teach people not to click on ads.

Comcast exec says wired broadband customers should pay-as-they-go

Ole Juul

Re: aren't they doing this already?

Of course they are. We pay for a certain amount of data and are charged more if we go over. Comcast is just trying to screw their customers.

"And if Netflix doesn't bear its share of those costs to connect to the network then we have no choice but to raise prices for everyone else," Cohen said. "And ... why should two-thirds of the people who never use Netflix pay for the cost for Netflix to attach to our network? It doesn't make any sense."

This guy is either exceedingly stupid, or thinks that everyone else is. Possibly both.

Republicans turn up heat on FCC over net neutrality push

Ole Juul

Are these guys for real?

This is a rather unprofessional letter to be on House of Representatives letterhead. It looks more like something that belongs in a political campaign.

Anonymous: Why we're PICKETING Glenn Greenwald's book tour

Ole Juul

Re: epic fail

It's a stretch all right. I wonder if they every read any of Greenwald's articles but perhaps they're a bit long for the ADHT crowd.

Linux distros fix kernel terminal root-hole bug

Ole Juul

Re: In the Microsoft World

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a patch today.

Supposedly secure Dogecoin service Dogevault goes offline

Ole Juul

git along little dogies

" Head 'em up and move 'em out,... git along little dogies."

Canuck cops cuff teen suspect in swatter-for-hire case

Ole Juul

data transmission devices?

ATA, TDD? Why don't police ever say things directly?

Anyway, assuming they have the right guy, I'm glad they caught this idiot.

Spotty solar power management platform could crash the grid

Ole Juul


". . . bad guys can try to monetise it via blackmail," Goreychik said."

Or even sell software to protect against it.

Hey, does your Smart TV have a mic? Enjoy your surveillance, bro

Ole Juul


What TV?

WTF is Net Neutrality, anyway? And how can we make everything better?

Ole Juul

Can't vote on upstream providers either

Good post SoaG. In my case I'm definitely rural. Twelve miles from telco central, so no DSL. Satellite is not suitable for regular use either - as the provider will tell you. The only choice is good old wireless. So, no competition here either.

The good news is that my wireless is from a local mom and pop operation and their installation has gotten quite solid. I am able to use it for reliable quality VoIP which rivals the quality on the land line here. I basically have no complaints about my ISP.

The problems that I encounter are further afield. When some sites are slow to respond, I often do a traceroute. What I've found is that the bottlenecks are in the upstream provider. I have no input there, and they have no intentions of upgrading their network any time soon. They're just going to keep upping the price every year without putting any of those profits into their infrastructure. I can't see any way out of this dilemma we have here in NA.

Britain'll look like rural Albania without fracking – House of Lords report

Ole Juul

Re: Fresh water: It's the new oil.


Your comment is too simplistic. In Canada it's not about how much water there is in the whole country. It's about what is available in specific areas. Speaking specifically about the results of fracking, it can (and already has in some areas) caused serious pollution to water supplies. That happens for various reasons, one of which is the connection of clean water layers of water with non clean layers. That cannot be repaired, and the damage is permanent. The effected community will then have to get water from elsewhere. In my area we all have our own wells, but if the groundwater was to get polluted, it would not be economically feasible to bring in water from elsewhere. Most people would just have to move - which is not something everybody can afford, or wishes, to do. In a city situation, there would be a taxbase to fund the processing or bringing in of water, but that would still cost everybody a lot.

No, Canada is not short of water, but that doesn't mean it is all available to everybody everywhere. There are also treaties in place with the US which put limits on what we can do with what we have.

Yes, the writer is serious. He just didn't spell it all out for you.

Ole Juul

Fresh water: It's the new oil.

I'm in Canada so we still have some water left. I'd be worried about it if I was in Europe.

It's not entirely clear if fracking isn't going to be costing us more in water processing that we gain in energy. If not processing of sea water and/or polluted ground water, then import by ship or pipeline is going to cost. Yep, sounds like oil.

The amazing .uk domain: Less .co and loads more whalesong

Ole Juul

Re: Finally catching up?

@Lusty: Perhaps I'm showing my ignorance. Since as long as I can remember, all I've seen are .co.uk. I don't live in the UK, so I have rarely seen the government use like police.uk although I am aware of them. In any case, it seems odd that the registrar wouldn't allow .uk for anybody in the UK that wanted it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they make that decision near (or at) the beginning?

I suppose I could search the net before I ask this, but what was the original thinking on this? Was it some kind of attempt to display a hierarchy? What did they hope to achieve?

Ole Juul

Re: Finally catching up?

Because of what A Non e-mouse said up above. It is going to cause trouble and grief for a lot of businesses who will need to buy a second domain, and perhaps not have it available.

That said, yes the rest of the world has been using straight up tlds since the beginning. And yes, it is too bad that the .uk folks were too clever by half back then. It is also too bad that they are even less clever now.

Ole Juul

That settles that then

I just looked at the paradigm-busting new .uk logo which appeals to a new, tech-savvy audience. I failed the test.

Mozilla asks FCC to unleash the nuclear option on net neutrality

Ole Juul

Re: Can you say VoIP

You no doubt get multiple channels, mail boxes, and routing features. Probably also call treatments allowing filtering similar to e-mail spam. I do, and I love it. The reliability and voice quality is often better than POTS and I get real service.

So you see, when we have a company who offers both internet and phone service as separate revenue streams, they won't be too interested in saying goodbye to one of them. Europe may have a hope, but in Canada and US we're hooped.

Truck-sized asteroid slips silently between Moon and Earth

Ole Juul

Re: OH Look! There's a great big..........

Where I live, trucks go by all the time.

HALF of London has outdated Wi-Fi security, says roving World of War, er, BIKER

Ole Juul

Re: only allows specified MACs to connect

As for the original story Id be more impressed by the report if they had actually tried to access some of the insecure systems and proved the point rather than relying on supposition.

That's what I thought too. I'm not entirely sure that there is much to be learned for the information provided.

As for MAC blocking that is not secure, as you say, however it does mean that only "hackers" will get in. Nevertheless, if one only allows one connection at a time then the worst that someone could do is read the stream which is generally of no consequence.

Global cop co-operation treaties need cloudy reboot

Ole Juul

Was landgrab

Now cloudgrab. My question would be, who sets the limits?

Trans Pacific Partnership still stalled

Ole Juul

Post NSA

Lots of other countries are having second thoughts. And so they should.