* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Edward who? GCHQ boss dodges Snowden topic during last speech

Ole Juul

Re: He needs to add the bureaucrats, busybodies and deceivers...

At the very least he should add himself . . . or does he need a warrant for that.

UNIX greybeards threaten Debian fork over systemd plan

Ole Juul

Go for it

“If systemd will be substituting sysvinit in Debian, we will fork the project and create a new distro. We hope this won't be necessary, but we are well prepared for it,”

I hope they do it. I look forward to Debian being turned around and getting back on track.

'LulzSec leader Aush0k' found to be naughty boy not worthy of jail

Ole Juul

Re: Humans need an upgrade

Yep, lots of zero day vulnerabilities. Tuesday then?

Ole Juul

Australia's Federal Police

These guys obviously want to prove themselves and are desperate for something to do.

EU Competition chief: So what if I didn't tame Google? You're all 'irrational' anyway

Ole Juul


If Almunia is correct, then a lot of regulators are being "defensive” and "irrational" everywhere all at once.

Internet finally ready to replace answering machine cassette tape

Ole Juul

718- 387-xxxx

If they started in 1983 then the number must have changed because the 718 area code was not created until September 1984. Also the 387 NXX was not introduced until 1994.

Data cops in charge of Facebook, LinkedIn, Google get a new office

Ole Juul

The office spends around €1.7m a year

Who pays for that?

Scientists skeptical of Lockheed Martin's truck-sized fusion reactor breakthrough boast

Ole Juul

Re: I Want To Believe

I think that belief is indeed part of the equation. When they say: " we’ve been able to make an inherently stable configuration." it sounds like they "made" something, whereas in fact they haven't even finished designing it. Those kinds of word choices, conscious or subconscious, are meaningful. Yes, they want you to believe.

Knives out for new EU rules forcing govts to reveal hacker attacks

Ole Juul

What do they class as a cyber attack?

If it's something like "someone tested our web site for a few obvious security holes but didn't get anywhere" then it must be 100% who got attacked.

Now we really got to wonder about that 7%.

Netscape Navigator - the browser that started it all - turns 20

Ole Juul

Cello and Winsock

I've got fond memories of trying Win 3.1 for the first time and figuring out how to install Winsock so I could run a shareware browser called Cello. It was pretty, but I quickly retreated back to DOS when Michal Polák got the Arachne browser up to snuff. For a short time Michal actually, as a single student, competed successfully with Netscape. Fun times.

€2 BILLION: Steelie Neelie wants US to pay for her Big Data splurge

Ole Juul

Re: Wait, why does she want my country to... oh.

Bad typography.

Something ate Google's at about eight in Asia's evening

Ole Juul

Re: Yeah...

I measure as an average 15ms slower than my own ISP. Still, it's in my list.

I'm actually a little curious as to why someone would have only one entry for DNS resolution. It's not a lot of typing for a small (and free) increment in reliability.

Philip Morris seeks pay-per-puff patent to help you STOP smoking

Ole Juul

I bet they did their research

And noted just how well paying for other addictions has worked to stop the addicted. Is this some kind of word game?

Here's your chance to buy an ancient, working APPLE ONE

Ole Juul

Decimal separator

You say 300,000, I say 300.000. Let's all the whole thing off.

Heistmeisters crack cost of safecrackers with $150 widget

Ole Juul

No video

I gave up after 20 minutes.

Rebellion sees Chromium reverse plans to dump EXT filesystem

Ole Juul


The Chromium project is surplus to my requirements.

Adobe spies on reading habits over unencrypted web because your 'privacy is important'

Ole Juul

Re: Somebody has gotta simplify that agreement

the company will be issuing an update to fix it.

Yes, I've been robbing banks, but I plan to fix that in the future. That should get me off. No?

Landline deregulation: Big EU telcos have Skype to thank

Ole Juul

Re: Please....

Callcentric has German DIDs if anybody wants them. However, the above poster is correct in that one needs to prove a German presence. CC's site says this:

PLEASE NOTE: Due to German regulations you must be able to provide documentary evidence of an existing physical address within the city you are ordering a number from. If you have questions please contact support.

I have several numbers which are not in my own country. Is there anything stopping a user from spoofing a German number? I don't think so. Germany is just a little old fashioned in this regard and it is a nuisance for somebody who wants to have a traditional "local" number for business purposes such as the earlier poster suggested. In that case a spoofed number is of no use, but my point is that there is no longer any practical purpose for that regulation.

This will all go away as people start to realize that there is no such thing as "long distance" any more. I don't have long distance charges, and no, I don't have any kind of plan. The ILECs are just clinging to old vocabulary so they can screw their users. Kroes is right when she suggests we're dealing with spoiled children.

Estonia to offer 'e-resident' status to world+dog

Ole Juul

Re: Some confusion?

For those who haven't been paying much attention to Estonia, it's one of the most e-friendly countries in the (pretty much) developed world.

So it would seem, but why does a .ee domain name cost 10 times as much as most others? I get .nl for about €6 and a quick check pegs .ee at €60. That certainly wouldn't encourage Estonians to participate.

Ole Juul

Another juicy database

I hope this isn't an indicator of where the Cloud for Europe is going.

Linux systemd dev says open source is 'SICK', kernel community 'awful'

Ole Juul

Re: Blaming Thorvalds is easy...

. . . it's a whole bloody religion you have to deal with sometimes. And no, the Few Good Men do not compensate for the hordes of cellardwellers** you had/have to contend with if you're even just looking for information on whether or not a partcular flavour is suitable/adaptable for something you're working on.

You don't need to deal with anyone you chose not to. That's the beauty of the internet. Like meatspace, it's who you chose to associate with. I've managed to find perfectly friendly and informative help with all my Linux problems since the beginning. The hand holding and detailed help I've gotten from the community over the years is amazing. I'm not now a huge Linux fan, but if you can't manage to find friendly and helpful people on the internet it is your own fault.

IRONY ALERT: Former MI6 chief warns of 'mass snooping' - by PAEDOS

Ole Juul

Re: Extraordinary claims

He's got other claims to back up as well:

“But we are a law-based state operating very tightly within a legal framework”

Facebook apologizes for binning accounts of drag queens

Ole Juul

"This guy needs to get off his high horse."

It is clear that he lacks integrity.

Google: Hey kids, dump all your files over here with us!

Ole Juul

Google likes students

Get them young and they can build some juicy personal profiles. I guess the grooming period is over.

So long Lotus 1-2-3: IBM ceases support after over 30 years of code

Ole Juul

Not quite dead

I've got an unopened box of version 3.1 sitting here. It might be a bit stale in some people's mind, but I know somebody who still uses an old version for writing invoices - simply because it still works.

A moment of brilliance? UPnP for Internet of Stuff lightbulbs

Ole Juul

Re: Making things simple....not

Never had your hands full of shopping?

Get rid of those stupid door knobs and use proper handles. You can have both arms full and just use your elbow as you walk in the door. I know, it's old fashioned and doesn't use batteries.

Anyway, as someone said higher up in this thread, it is possible to ignore the ridiculous claims of advertisers and promoters and only use IoT where it makes sense to you. However when you include all the trouble one has to go to, IoT is mostly more trouble than it's worth. For example, I solved the problem of needing a TV remote to avoid getting off the couch for every commercial by getting rid of the TV.

Ole Juul

Re: Making things simple

I'm using wood heat in a large historical building and I think that's still fairly secure. However, your neighbor's kid is welcome to have a go at hacking my wood pile.

New EU digi-commish struggles with concepts of net neutrality

Ole Juul

We do have a culture of favouring big business. /sigh

US stakes out 'net battleground ahead of ITU meeting

Ole Juul

Re: Governments shouldn't control 'content, technologies or services'

To them the NSA is not the government, so when they say "without excessive interference from governments" they mean it. Hypocrites indeed.

Spies, avert eyes! Tim Berners-Lee demands a UK digital bill of rights

Ole Juul

If only they cared

He has previously said that the NSA's spying tactics . . . were "appalling and foolish."'

A Norsified Linux for Windows and OS X wobblers

Ole Juul

Strange habits

You can of course, right click on a title bar and minimise windows that way, but the absence of a minimise button mars what I would otherwise consider perhaps the most new-user-friendly Linux desktop available right now.

There is no need to minimize on a modern computer. Move along your desktops and leave everything running that you usually use. Minimizing serves no practical purpose. Perhaps this is an old habit from the Windows 3.1 days?

FBI boss: Apple's iPhone, iPad encryption puts people 'ABOVE THE LAW'

Ole Juul

Re: @number6

Indeed, the people are above the law because the law is (theoretically) there to protect the people. Mr. FBI is confused. He thinks the government is the law.

Hackers thrash Bash Shellshock bug: World races to cover hole

Ole Juul

Re: OpenBSD for the win

I note too that the article keeps talking about UNIX as if it is the same as Linux. We all know that Linux is "unix like" but in this particular situation it is distinctly different. Last I saw, tcsh was the more popular shell in the UNIX camp.


Ole Juul

Re: Cost of Snowden

Actually, Snowden should be counted as a gain.

Huawei prez: A one-speed internet is bad for everyone

Ole Juul

Re: Net Neutrality Debate is a Symptom

The whole Net Neutrality Debate is a symptom of a much bigger problem. . . . One of the safeguards appears to be completely gone, that being competition. Now the other safeguard, regulation appears to be under attack.

I think you nailed it. I would add that without competition, net neutrality is actually a red herring.

FTC nails pin in Bitcoin mining rig maker Butterfly Labs

Ole Juul


I'm basically pro Bitcoin and anti FTC, but Butterfly Labs is just weakening Bitcoin and strengthening the FTC. Opportunists like this just screw things up for everybody.

Microsoft vs the long arm of US law: Straight outta Dublin

Ole Juul

Better sooner than later

a UK customer wants to make it harder for the US government to get access to its data, it must encrypt the data and remove every single US company from its IT cloud and data supply chains.

That last one appeals to me.

Will Europe's ISPs unmask anonymous IP infringers?

Ole Juul

Re: Anonimity is too important.

It fights against basic human rights. Next they'll be suing the mint because I used dollar bills to buy drugs. The mint is, after all, responsible for knowing its customers. No? Seriously, there are any number of situations where we (also) take our freedom for granted. There is no need for debate, and there is no need to clarify. These EU lawmaking folk are just very, very, twisted people.

Google grand fromage Eric Schmidt: Backing climate denier lobby a 'mistake'

Ole Juul

Re: A tabloid, yes, but still a shameful title

How you get from denier to Holocaust is beyond me, unless you're talking about global warming in terms of "burnt offering", which is a bit of a stretch. FYI, climate change denial is pretty standard vocabulary these days. In fact, I'm pretty sure the ALEC is used to the reference.

Linux? Bah! Red Hat has its eye on the CLOUD – and it wants to own it

Ole Juul

Re: News flash

When the clouds come the sun doesn't shine. Still, some will make money doing forecasts and others by making umbrellas.

Net Neutrality? Hold my coffee, I got this: FCC says it's still considering all options for Open Web

Ole Juul

Considering all options

For certain values of all.

Who.is does the Harlem Shake

Ole Juul

Re: What an awesome way to demonstrate a vunerability

My bank's site could use a bit of sprucing up like that.

Surprise: if you work from home you need the Internet

Ole Juul

Same problem in North America

You're right. We need "a modern, reliable and capable Internet infrastructure".

When it gets irritating I sometimes do a traceroute. Almost always the problem is not with my local ISP but actually the big guys in between who don't have what they say they have. Dropouts are a real irritation and I'd rather have a slower solid net without dropouts than a (fake) faster one with dropouts.

TOR users become FBI's No.1 hacking target after legal power grab

Ole Juul

Re: And here we go again...

Using encryption labels you as a criminal.

Unless you're the FBI.

Ten years on, TEN PER CENT of retailers aren't obeying CAN-SPAM

Ole Juul


How safe is it to click on unsubscribe links?

Spies would need superpowers to tap undersea cables

Ole Juul

Re: The big advantage of working under water ...

plenty of time to install your tap while the cable's owner dispatches a repair ship

Is there any history of the cable being broken? Surely that information is publicly available, and it would be of much interest in this discussion.

Ole Juul

Re: No need to splice fibres to evesdrop

there would probably be a lot more easy ways to get to the data

Exactly, but they're going to keep talking about the impossible ways until this blows over.

eBay promises to refund seller fees after latest MASSIVE OUTAGE

Ole Juul


Boehm signed off his missive by saying that the company was "committed to maintaining your trust."

Is there any to maintain?

Got your NUDE SELFIES in the cloud? Two-factor auth's your best bet for securing them

Ole Juul

Re: Would passphrases be better than passwords & 2FA?

The article is not about short or low entropy passwords vs. longer ones or more entropy. It is about passwords and phrases not being up to the task because they're a single factor. Hence 2FA.

Citadel Trojan phishes its way into petrochem firm's webmail

Ole Juul

Re: Pinch of salt

You're in luck. The issuers of the report also sell salt.