* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Facebook pumps up ENTIRELY SELFLESS, altruistic Internet.org

Ole Juul

Another option

Give everybody a free cat.

Fiat Chrysler recall BLUNDERING could lump carmaker with $105m fine – report

Ole Juul

Re: Wow !

I don't know about the USA or Canada, but here in blighty that feature could get someone fined since it's illegal leave a vehicle unattended with the engine running on a public highway.

It's illegal in Canada and probably in most of the US as well. However, it's not typically enforced here in Canada. Also, I think we have a luxury of space on this continent. Most people park their cars in their own driveway.

Ole Juul

Re: Wow !

"I'm not sure they are that bright...."

They may actually be very bright, but they are in a universe very far from ours so it looks dim to us.

Crazy Chrysler security hole: USB stick fix incoming for 1.4 million cars

Ole Juul

Re: chrysler said..

"Only hackers can do this."

That's Chrysler's way of saying that only people who know how to do this can do this.

ICANN further implicated in .Africa controversy

Ole Juul

Re: I wish more commentards were interested in this

As someone who cares about Africa, and Africa on the internet, I agree.

"Apparently our fellow commentards don't care as much as we do."

What "we" are you talking about?

Ole Juul

Re: My question is: who cares about a .africa domain?

You have a point. Certainly the general idea of these .name domains is suspect, but if we're going to accept them perhaps Africa is a special case. I have a feeling that the beleaguered continent could benefit from a sense of unity that such a thing may provide, all be it likely to a small extent.

BURN ALL BLOGS! WordPress has a critical cross-site scripting flaw

Ole Juul

Yep, just checked, and it was already done.

Boffins sting spooks with 'HORNET' onion router

Ole Juul

Re: Should've googled before they named this..?

I got the same from New York and thought perhaps your results were tied to a specific area. So I tried it from the Netherlands, same result. How about Ukraine? A little better - gay social is number 3 there. Hornet is a great name though, regardless of what you use it for.

Facebook fails to block NY DA's fat warrants for profiles of suspected September 11 fraudsters

Ole Juul

Re: We are all screwed.

"it's past the point where we can do anything about it"

"Out of control" would be another way to word that.

Intelsat to FCC: For the love of satellites, STOP ELON MUSK!

Ole Juul

communications companies

I expect Intelsat will say and do anything to stop this, so I wouldn't take anything they say seriously.

OpenSSH server open to almost unlimited password-guessing bug

Ole Juul

PermitRootLogin no

As the article suggests, key authentication is probably the safer choice here. I'd say the best. But I do think that not a lot of people permit root login any more. I certainly don't. That means that an attacker still has to guess the user name for logging in. With a hypothetical name like K2fRln4b it could take them a while to even get to use their exploit - especially since fail2ban will have locked them out for a day after the third try.

Jeep hackers broke DMCA, says EFF, and that's stupid

Ole Juul

Re: self driving car

Self driving cars will also be self crashing cars. Perhaps a car named Autoshop manufactured by a company who also make a model called Flash?

Google swears blind it doesn't give SEO advantage to new internet dot-words

Ole Juul


If people are searching for, say, pizza and there is a website ending in .pizza, there is a much higher likelihood that you can find information about pizza there.

I just did a search on "pizza" and all the results on the first page were about pizza. Why would I expect otherwise?

Cyber-security's dirty little secret: It's not as bad as you think

Ole Juul

It's not a dirty secret

It's a dubious assumption based on dirty logic.

CVS shutters photo website in credit-card hack attack scare

Ole Juul

According to KrebsOnSecurity, Costco and Tesco also have shut down their photo sites.

This could end up causing a bit of a revision war on Wikipedia.

Flubbed hardware fix knocked out 911 calls, T-Mobile US cops big fine

Ole Juul

FCC has the right idea

The FCC accused T-Mobile US of creating a public danger.

Boy, you guys in the US are lucky the FCC even bothers to mention this sort of thing. In Canada Telus gets away with not providing service on a regular basis and the CRTC refuses to recognize it as even a problem.

Loan application data hacked, company responds: Meh, not our customers

Ole Juul

"What that group did is illegal . . ."

You just tell them that and I'm sure they'll stop.

GOOGLE GMAIL ATE MY LINUX: Gobbled email enrages Torvalds

Ole Juul

Gmail users

don't know what they're missing

Wicked WikiLeaks leaks considered harmful: Alert over malware lurking in dumped docs

Ole Juul


These documents wouldn't have been specially prepared for Wikileaks, would they? Because that would be a good method of distribution to journalists.

600 MEELLION apps open to brute force account guessing

Ole Juul

Login retry limit

Apparently not fashionable any more.

Having been slammed and embarrassed, ICANN tells the world: We've done nowt wrong

Ole Juul

Re: Are they arrogant or is this a legal tactic.

It's an arrogant coveryourass tactic.

I believe that DCA CEO Sophia Bekele is in with ICANN and was hoping that she could do an end run. Perhaps I'm wrong. This whole thing stinks and it's hard to get close enough to get a good view.

Ole Juul

Sleeze all around

This should never have happened in the first place. This tld should go to the ZACR which is supported by the African Union. The DotConnectAfrica CEO apparently said "thanks to God for helping to correct this act of victimization" in regards to ICANN's actions here, and she obviously also wrote the Wikipedia article about her company. Too weird.

Microsoft to offer (very) limited support for Linux on Azure

Ole Juul

Re: Hell just froze over

You do know that Microsoft contributes to the FreeBSD kernel and is a gold sponsor of OpenBSD, right?

Of course, Microsoft contributes to a lot of things, even medical research. I don't see how I could use that information to make a choice about whether or not to use BSD.

Ole Juul

Re: Hell just froze over

"Don't count on that! . . . if you want to use Linux,

In fact I don't. I've been using BSD for years - partly because I want to stay clear of stuff like that.

Ole Juul

Re: Hell just froze over

"What changed, was it finding out that they won't be taken seriously as a "cloud" provider if they don't offer Linux?"


You care about TIN? Why the Open Compute Project is irrelevant

Ole Juul

the missing parts

Where's the internet infrastructure going to come from, or is this spiel specific to a certain area with extraordinary uptimes? Many countries have real problems with net stability. Some countries are really bad, but it's not that good here in Canada either. Should one not count the cost of downtime?

eBay about to put part of self on eBay

Ole Juul

Re: Comparisions

How about the butcher offering the cow a cut of the action?

Free internet for kids! Obama's offering free internet to kids! (Yes, there's a catch)

Ole Juul

Re: On the other hand

"If only a few benefit, then we're ahead."

That is the broken logic we see behind the typical politicians response: do something... anything...

Perhaps I didn't phrase that in a way that was meaningful to you. I agree with everything in you post, particularly about environment. I do think that an effort to influence that environment is worth attempting and don't plan to give up just like that.

Ole Juul

Re: On the other hand

No educational benefit? How about being able to do the homework in the first place? I'm sure one can find examples of schools that don't use internet access to supplement teaching, but there are many that do.

I know it's an uphill climb. Less advantaged kids often live in families where research and self learning is not valued, but showing them the way is still important. If only a few benefit, then we're ahead.

Free software fans land crucial punch in Ubuntu row – but it's not over

Ole Juul

Re: Ubuntu is not the only Linux Distro

I gave up on Ubuntu around the 10.4 release. I just didn't like the general direction it was going. I now use CentOS as my Distro of choice. . . . I really prefer the stability.

I bailed at 8.4 and went to FreeBSD. Yes, stability is nice.

Tour de France leader's cycling data may have been hacked by doping critics

Ole Juul


Just how important is it to have an athlete's training data connected to the net?

New racks, cables for aging and neglected data centres

Ole Juul

show and tell

I Spy an OKIData dot matrix printer in there!

I saw that, but couldn't find anything else that I knew. Anybody else see something they can put a name to?

ACLU wants to end NSA mass spying forever – good luck with that

Ole Juul

short circuit

The NSA thinks they can break the law to uphold the law.

Citizenfour director Laura Poitras sues US for years of border security harassment

Ole Juul

Re: No doubt that "our democracy" is anything but

Democracy has simply been redefined.

the government leaves the impression that her detentions were a form of retaliation and harassment

In the US, it's the government versus the people.

Sixty-five THOUSAND Range Rovers recalled over DOOR software glitch

Ole Juul

Re: As I've commented previously

Nothing quite like the look on an operators face when they lose monitoring and control of a 100,000hp machine and the red button does nothing.

Don't want to be too pedantic, but what kind of machine has 100,000hp? The Komatsu D575A is billed as the world's biggest bulldozer (24' bucket) and it only has 1,150 horsepower. The world's biggest machine, Bagger 288 doesn't even come close to 100,000 hp - though it probably has more than one red button.

Ole Juul

Re: As I've commented previously

Still running a 1987 Reliant here. The doors are manual. I open them. I close them. It's a very elegant engineering solution.

Been hacked? Now to decide if you chase the WHO or the HOW

Ole Juul

Re: Rubbish

However most attacks are run-of-the-mill crap that isn't worth chasing the who. . . . Do you really care who stole your can of beans, or do you care more about how they broke into your house? I know which one I'd spend my time looking into

Right on. However, you've lost a can of beans. In the cyber world, chances are that you've only lost a copy of your can of beans, making your argument even stronger. It's more like the broke in and took a picture.

Adobe: We REALLY are taking Flash security seriously – honest

Ole Juul

Leading the way

No amount of malicious code by Russian, Chinese, North Korean, or disgruntled employees could possibly compete with Adobe when it comes to contributing to cyberterrorism.

Ireland loses entire airport amid new postcode chaos

Ole Juul

Limiting searches

"When the limit is reached an alert is shown, although you may look up a further 15 searches the following day,” it continued.

So what's stopping someone at 15 searches? Can't you just log out and back in? If it's IP, change it. If it's your name, change that. If it's a cookie, delete it.

we "do not collect or store your name or address as part of this data", in its Code of Practice it admits that in some circumstances, Google Analytics "can capture the IP address of the user

It seems to me that if they don't collect or store any information then they wouldn't have an identity whereby to tell if it's the same person/computer making the query. Perhaps they're just not explaining themselves clearly.

Hacking Team: We’ll be back in the spyware biz before you know it

Ole Juul


. . . that this buyer maintained the same code of ethics as our own.

Hacking Team: We're the good guys, but SO misunderstood. Like Batman

Ole Juul

Re: "We're the good guys."

"You sure? I don't recall Clint Eastwood ever saying a line of that sort in any of his three Sergio Leone movies."

Fine, so let's call it Spaghetti Hacking.

Ole Juul

Re: "We're the good guys."

"uttered by the good guys in cheesy action dramas"

Spaghetti Westerns, to be exact.

China makes internet shut-downs official with new security law

Ole Juul

social security incidents

We have our own version of chilling effects here, but in the press vocabulary is everything.

Google says its AI will jetwash all traces of malodorous spam from your box

Ole Juul

Re: Meh

Fixed IP address £2.50 per month.

That's out of line. The wholesale price is around 50 cents per year. You can get a whole VPS with one IPv4 addresses included for five bucks a year. (I have several) Using an RPi may be fun, but it's not the most economical solution.

I too run a mail server for my own use, but with your attitude I'm suspecting it will go wrong at some point. Yes, it's pretty easy to set up, but there are issues that make a professional service worthwhile.

Google seems to provide a sterling e-mail service. However, I'll never use it because I don't want to buy into the Google eco-system. That's my choice, and my cross to bear, but I certainly wouldn't be smug about my solution.

PS: I didn't give you an up or down vote. :)

US Homeland Security boss wants nationwide law for reporting network break-ins

Ole Juul

And no more NDAs

"Key to cybersecurity is information sharing," he said.

Crap crypto crackdown coming as FBI boss testifies to US Congress

Ole Juul

Re: them intertubes be dangerous

Ignorance trumps maths.

Evil NSA runs on saintly Linux, Apache, MySQL

Ole Juul

Re: Well...

I'm always surprised when government intrusions are reported that it turns out that they were running Windows. However, that must be the minority then, judging by the number of downvotes my previous comment got.

Ole Juul

runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

“It uses the Apache web server and stores collected data in MySQL databases. File systems in a cluster are handled by the NFS distributed file system and the autofs service, and scheduled tasks are handled by the cron scheduling service.”

It sounds like it doesn't run on anything else, or at least only on a limited set of installations. Most desktop users don't bother to install Apache2, if they even know what that is.

Ole Juul

Re: Well...

You wouldn't want to rely on trusting Windows for Mission Critical stuff would you?

Many, perhaps most, do.

US senate committee wants Twitter, Facebook to report 'terrorist' posts

Ole Juul

Facebook and Twitter must raise a red flag on terror activity

The assumption of course is that all terrorists are extremely stupid and will talk openly about their intentions, and with clear reference, on Facebook and Twitter. No doubt Burr and Feinstein are unusually brilliant.