* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

Canned laughter for Canadians selling cans of air at $15 a pop

Ole Juul

Mandatory labelling

Total calories and daily percentage of oxygen per serving is probably mandatory. I'd also push for full disclosure of possible contaminants. This time of year there's a lot of berries out there in the Rockies and I'd be concerned about bear farts.

Linux Foundation releases PARANOID internal infosec guide

Ole Juul

Re: Hardening requirements?

"Is that the door over there?"

No. Those are Windows.

Ole Juul

burn a hard drive?

I don't think physics is front and centre in the common discussion of secure hard drive destruction. Rather, this is part of a culture with a long history of mythology and unproven beliefs.

Ole Juul

Privacy Badger Privacy

I'm curious about the recommendation of Privacy Badger. Since it has a learning heuristic based on the sites you visit surely it can be turned into a privacy vulnerability if someone hasn't already done so.

Jeep Cherokee 2.2: Capable, comfortable ... but just not very Jeep

Ole Juul

City car

This is not the same old Jeep that people use in the woods or for mud bogging. This is an outright city car.

NCA arrests six Lizard Squad users after gaming firms, retailers targeted

Ole Juul

Re: National Crime Agency?

No doubt they mean anticrime agency, but perhaps they didn't want to sound so negative.

Company in shambles, marriages ruined. My work here is done, says Ashley Madison CEO

Ole Juul

Re: no longer with the company

"the guy will end up as the lightning rod during the lawsuits, "

Well after that he will be no more - or at least tired and shagged out after a long squawk.

Ole Juul

no longer with the company

The affair is over.

BACS Bank Holiday BALLS UP borks 275,000 payments

Ole Juul

Re: The bank could close for a month and I'd be OK.

@ Loyal Commenter said:

Yes, you're an OAP, which means you were working, and earning, at a time where reasonably paid employment was available for pretty much all, property was affordable, and for those who couldn't afford to buy a house, rent and bills didn't consume the majority of your take-home earnings.

That's just a bunch of bullshit that you made up! I've had disabilities for years and have had a very hard time of it. I'm not blaming anyone for that and the world owes me nothing. My income for years has been welfare level (current pension cheques total $811.16 per month) and food is very expensive for me. That said, I did come out well on the property and am grateful for that. I am also grateful that I have learned to manage my life and my income.

Let me tell you something else that I've learnt. Living with credit in order to facilitate the lifestyle to which you allude is a choice. It is not something which is thrust upon you. If you need to have a new car (mine cost $700 10 years ago), go on holidays (like rich people), buy things for your home instead of making them, and play silly financial games like deal with the bank on a regular basis, then you have only yourself to blame.

The generation you're talking about is the ones working in the 50's and 60's. That was indeed a sweet spot. However, even then not everybody lucked out and not everybody led the same life. My dad worked bloody hard for what he got.

Maybe considering doing something to help those who aren't so lucky as to be in your position, rather than gloating about it,

Gloating about it? Boy, you're some piece of work. I am in fact very grateful for what I got. Not only that, I spend what little energy I can muster outside of home on community work.

Ole Juul

The bank could close for a month and I'd be OK.

This just reminds me of parts of my life where I was living beyond my means and couldn't keep cash on hand without spending it. I'm now an old aged pensioner, but have learnt to save my money before I spend it and don't put all my savings in the bank specifically because they're troublesome and sometimes (like this) unreliable. I'm probably a bit of a trowback.

New low for humanity: ONE BEELLION lost souls log on to Facebook in one day

Ole Juul

I sense a new vulnerability coming

Fake accounts set up to take advantage of M and all hell could break loose.

Another chance to win a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive

Ole Juul

Browser history:

Frontier web crawler.

Google makes it official: Chrome will freeze Flash ads on sight from Sept 1

Ole Juul


Interestingly, Google's security engineers have been helping Adobe's programmers

Adobe is a rich company. How embarrassing for them not to be doing their own homework.

French woman gets €800 a month for electromagnetic-field 'disability'

Ole Juul

electrosensitivity sufferers

give me a headache.

AT&T accused of Wi-Fi interception, ad injection

Ole Juul

Re: Legality?

Or has the world just caved in to the big companies?


More deaths linked to Ashley Madison hack as scammers move in

Ole Juul

Re: Insane

I think what's interesting on this board is that many of them don't reveal their identities. I'm sure the odd one has good reason to post AC, but others are probably suffering from some level of cognitive dissonance - much like the Ashley Madison members.

Big trouble in big China: Crashing economy in Middle Kingdom body slams US tech stocks

Ole Juul

Re: Rule 48

It's about letting the big guys sneak away with minor losses, leaving the suckers to get hosed.

Dude, you're getting a few thousand custom Dells!

Ole Juul

Where's the info?

So Dell has a new product line and delivery model. Their press release says:

"Dell DSS features new and optimized hardware designs, enhanced fulfillment models and accelerated product introductions to give customers exactly what they want"

Claiming that they give their customers "exactly what they want" is not particularly informative. Let's hear about that optimized hardware.

Samsung smart fridge leaves Gmail logins open to attack

Ole Juul

My fridge is my friend

I've got a 1950's ROY that just keeps on chugging along doing what he does best - keep my food from rotting and my ice cream from melting. Roy doesn't have any allegiances outside of the house. He answers to me alone. I trust Roy.

Canadians taking to spying on their spies

Ole Juul


"While the Net is retentive unto itself, poll after poll have indicated that the social media generation do not vote in significant numbers."

Good point, but the "social media" that is really working here is different from things like Facebook. To quote the article:

"Online civil liberties movements Leadnow.ca and Openmedia.ca are seeing membership and engagement treble ahead of the election."

These are e-mail based and appeal to a politically engaged audience. This is quite different from the world of lolcats and selfies.

Spotify now officially even worse than the NSA

Ole Juul

Re: So, wait

Did anyone think they weren't collecting this stuff?

Probably not. But the point of the article is that Spotify is now much worse than most other companies in this regard.

Ole Juul

Re: And there goes my subscription...

I don't have one, but this serves as a warning to not even bother looking into getting one.

TalkTalk not talking much as systems take a tumble

Ole Juul


And this is a communications company.

Unholy Hong Kong hackers hit evangelicals with IE 0day

Ole Juul

Re: Hallelujah!

Ah yes, fax vobiscum and all that. I was thinking more along the lines of finding some hot daily affirmations or racy prayers.

Ole Juul


The unholy blackhats can gain unfettered access to the church-goer's computers

I bet the Evangelical Lutheran Church members have some of the most exciting computers you're likely to encounter. No?

Biz that OK'd Edward Snowden for security clearance is fined $30m for obvious reasons

Ole Juul

And the buck stops where?

So who gave clearance to USIS?

Stop the war between privacy and security – EU data watchdog

Ole Juul

Re: Stating the blindingly obvious here

"Yeah, when I was reading I thought I wasn't sure what's he talking about, but since I've believed that there's a continual proportion between privacy and security, I'm going to assume he's talking about The WAr on Terrorism or something."

I too was wondering what he was talking about because the basic statement is obvious. But I think you're right. He's not talking about security in the obvious meaning of the word, but rather using the political meaning of taking away people's freedoms and destroying the fabric of society. That kind of "security" is not compatible with privacy. In short, he's a lunatic.

Bruce Schneier: 'We're in early years of a cyber arms race'

Ole Juul

cyber canary

So the first sign that the "cyber cold war" is turning hot will be conventional military strikes against 1980s_coder and other IT experts?

No. The first sign will be the crippling effect on cyberfashionistas - the ones running highly proprietary apps and who don't know, or don't care, what's in the box.

US government tweaks internet handover date: 1 October 2016

Ole Juul

their head what?

The problem was not that he left, but that he was there to begin with. If he had the competency to listen to the internet community instead of trying to push his own ideas, we'd be much further ahead.

NSA: Here’s $300,000, people. Go build us a safer Internet of Things

Ole Juul


Soon there could be a marketing opportunity with NSA FREE labelling.

John McAfee launches cert authority but it's got a POODLE problem

Ole Juul

Re: 2048-bit

NIST's deadline for CAs to stop issuing 1024-bit certificates and revoke any below 2048 was December 2013.

Samsung says micro-sats could blanket the world with Internet

Ole Juul


I think there's actually a lot of spaaaaaace, but you're right, with Musk's proposed Ku-band satellites in 625 Km high orbits it could start to look like a locust swarm to those who want to go straight through. Presumably they'll all be going the same way around and staying to the right . . . eh, I mean left . . . do they actually have any traffic rules for space yet? Can you get a ticket?

Blacklists miss 90% of malware blogged IP love

Ole Juul

Re: Static- tistics?

Zombies on changing addresses may not be on any list until they activate that day.

Exactly. Anybody who's been watching connection attempts from the open net will have seen the ever changing IPs from attackers who obviously have huge IP blocks available. I'm pretty sure that RecordedFuture knows that and are just saying stuff to get more attention - and perhaps impress some of their corporate clients who've never looked at server logs in their life.

ICANN chairman loses mind over his domain-name privacy shakeup

Ole Juul

"He has failed to respond."

Is there a doctor in the house?

TXT message leaves Corvette wrecked

Ole Juul

Re: Next!

and car thieves don't need to leave the sofa, they can even deliver the 'goods' automatically

The recipient of the stolen car subsequently getting a surprise when they discover the original owner still onboard.

Repeatedly robocalling? That's a paddlin' – a record $3m paddlin'

Ole Juul

outdated rule

Robocalls made to mobile numbers are always required to have consent from the recipient.

And how can they tell if the number is forwarded or not? Some people have multiple numbers and forward them all to their cell.

Thirty five Flash Player holes plugged (and there's one quick fix)

Ole Juul

Re: BBC in the dark ages

Please feel free to ask them why

But dont expect a quick reply

Rupert Bear?

Illinois man steals vibrator, strips naked, attacks Obama

Ole Juul

American politics

Business as usual.

IoT security is RUBBISH says IoT vendor collective

Ole Juul


In other words, vendors can't simply abandon users either at the end of the warranty, or at some arbitrary end-of-life date.

Sounds good.

If a security vulnerability emerges (and the vendor still exists), it should be patched.

Hey waitaminnit. You mean some company that I probably don't trust and who I'll never know what I need to know about them, is going to have access to my stuff in my house - forever?

Deal's off.

STOP! You – away from the keyboard. There's no free speech in our China

Ole Juul

Free Speech

I wonder if all the Anonymous Coward postings have anything to do with free speech. There's an awful lot of them and they can't all be from China.

Sengled lightbulb speakers: The best worst stereo on Earth

Ole Juul

oh I get it

So do they have a really, really expensive one that sounds really, really, really bad?

Lights out for Ada Initiative – women's group closing shop

Ole Juul

Re: Unfortunately doomed to fail

Reading through the vitriol . . .

I don't see any comments there now. Perhaps they decided that would not be a positive legacy - and that's probably a good thing.

Wait, what? TrueCrypt 'decrypted' by FBI to nail doc-stealing sysadmin

Ole Juul

remember a strong 30-char pw?

I agree with you, but the AC above has a point too - only 10 years sounds like negotiation.

Vodafone adopts hydrogen fuel cells to dodge African outages

Ole Juul

Re: Masai

Well, Vodafone has expanded into Kenya.

Sick of politicians robo-calling you? Bin your landline, says the FCC

Ole Juul

Re: What about VOIP?

I use VoIP a la carte and pay for both in and out on some numbers. Luckily I also use a telemarketing block so don't get nailed by these sorts of attacks.

This hospital drug pump can be hacked over a network – and the US FDA is freaking out

Ole Juul

including secure firewalls

Firewall. They just had to get that word in there because it's all good then.

Start learning parallel programming and make these supercomputers sing, Prez Obama orders

Ole Juul

continued failure to accurately predict the weather

They can't even predict if Adobe flash is going to work on any given day.

So just WHO ARE the 15 per cent of Americans still not online?

Ole Juul

Re: Small Town Minnesota

I'm now living in ranch/mining/logging land in Canada and I can corroborate what you say. In many cases it's neither lack of intelligence nor money. Some people here really like their life the way it is.

US to rethink hacker tool export rules after mass freakout in security land

Ole Juul

The pen is mightier than the sword.

"items that have both civilian and military applications."

There goes MS Word.

Let kids delete their online rants, demand campaigners

Ole Juul

Re: May I suggest...

I probably agree with you, but what right is that? The way I read the iRights bulletin is that we should help young people to see the net with a wider perspective and help them disengage when they get too involved. I would hope that parents and those interacting with young people already take on that kind of mentoring. It seems the iRights folk are suggesting that developers play a role in that. I agree.