* Posts by Ole Juul

2726 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

US govt pleads: What's it gonna take to get you people using IPv6?

Ole Juul

Less than honest

ARIN is out of IPv4 addresses and that is what is being peddled as we are out of IPv4 addresses. Of course we're starting to run into a different landscape of IP economics now, but there are lots of addresses to be had. As a low end user I'm still getting an address with all my services, even getting server space with two addresses for a buck a month. Until I see the price becoming unreasonable I won't believe that we are running out.

Narcissist Heidi Powell wants her dot-com and she wants it now, now, NOW!

Ole Juul

Oh dear

I fear we're soon going to get a Heidi Powell icon here. In any case, she's a great meme.

Add 'fattism' and hacker stereotyping to the list of Donald Trump's list of non-PC positions

Ole Juul

Someone weighing 400 pounds

probably American then

Google rushes in where Akamai fears to tread, shields Krebs after world's-worst DDoS

Ole Juul

Re: Who gains?

The gain is to whoever is profiling the infrastructure through this.

Ole Juul

Thanks Google

But this is just not going to be a fix in the long run. This situation is really a heads-up on the vulnerability of the internet and we're going to need the cooperation of a lot more companies to get a grip on this. Let's hope everyone rallies.

Yahoo! joins! Adobe! Flash! flush! mob!

Ole Juul

"while maintaining a seamless experience. "

I'll believe it when I see it.

Forgive me, father, for I have used an ad-blocker on news websites...

Ole Juul

less inclined to visit websites that forced them to “whitelist”

Indeed. But there's no guilt. It's just because they piss me off.

WTF is OpenResty? The world's fifth-most-used Web server, that's what!

Ole Juul

but the name

I can't get comfortable with that. It's too much slumber lodge or mattress or something.

Apple seeks patent for paper bag - you read that right, a paper bag

Ole Juul

Re: It'll never catch on

it's sure to upset the apple bag.

JDK 9 release delayed another four months

Ole Juul

Or a browser using a 1Gb of RAM,

I'm with you. Surely nobody is considering 1GB to be of any practical significance these days. I hope to see the day when these programs are optimised for performance and not for some long outdated spec like amount of RAM.

Upstart AI dreams of 'disrupting' digital marketing – with sex

Ole Juul

They'll never figure it out.

As usual, this is marketers talking to marketers. The rest of us live in a different world.

VW Dieselgate engineer sings like a canary: Entire design team was in on it – not just a few bad apples, allegedly

Ole Juul

Re: If the government had better tests...

Like everything else in the physical world, it's not really about tests. What matters here is the actual pollution.

Wait, wait – I got it this time, says FCC as it swings again at rip-off US TV cable boxes

Ole Juul

loop the loop

I'm hoping that consumers will see this and start to support future efforts to reign in the telcos.

Filmmaker Werner Herzog interviews Elon Musk for internet doco

Ole Juul

Re: The ultimate Herzog + Musk + Internet film

Is that what it is? The podcast just sits there spinning waiting for an ad here. When is El Reg going to learn how to post videos? The effect does have a certain existential quality though.

Sony wins case over pre-installed Windows software

Ole Juul

@James 51 I'm with you, but don't feel there is such a big problem when people who care and have the skill to install an OS can quite easily get a box with no OS or with hardly any effort put one together. Where that goes awry is that "computer" to many people nowadays actual means "laptop" and one cannot easily get a custom built one or do so oneself. So, for many people now there is indeed no option but to swallow some unwanted OS or at least pay for one. Personally I think that is a chicken shit marketing strategy for companies like Microsoft.

Come in HTTP, your time is up: Google Chrome to shame leaky non-HTTPS sites from January

Ole Juul

Re: It's pretty minimal cost

"Realise this might be a bit late for you but have you considered LetsEncrypt?"

Don't know if you were referring to me, but in any case, yes I have. It works fine and is not too difficult for those of us with a little experience. It is nevertheless more work and understanding that should be required for newcomers or casual users of the net. That sort of thing is fine but for basic sites only serves to have more stuff done and determined by concerns like, you guessed it, Google.

Ole Juul

Re: Thin end of the whatsit.

Fine, let the ones that require a login use https. They should. However, lots of us like to just throw up a static page here and there, and there is no reason we should have to deal with that kind of thing. In that case it's a complication that serves only to empower the big guys and screw the common folk for whom the internet should remain simple, direct, and easily available. Google with its elitist attitude is not everybody's friend.

Fight over internet handover to ICANN goes right down to the wire

Ole Juul


"tear up ICANN and its fossilized flaws, get the internet back to its technical roots, and set up a new body focused on resolving the political and commercial issues that have turned ICANN into the mess it is."

I vote for Kieren McCarthy.

Printers now the least-secure things on the internet

Ole Juul

"I wouldn't connect it to the Internet."

Ya but there's nothing worse than your fridge giving you a 404 instead of a beer.

Read the damning dossier on the security stupidity that let China ransack OPM's systems

Ole Juul

The real news

recommendations include . . . investing in better security systems, and increasing the amount it pays security staff, so that it can get the best talent

This has got to be the first time I've heard that.

McAfee's back! Intel flogs security software biz, pockets $3.1bn

Ole Juul

Re: A captive set of succkers? BUY IT NOW !!!

"a highly strategic platform that is growing consistently and addressing significant and evolving market demand."

Suckers indeed. There's more marketeers than security experts involved in that decision. I'm sure they don't want to hear that others are now saying that anti virus software is increasingly useless and has had its day.

FCC goes over the top again to battle America's cable-box rip-off

Ole Juul

How about

just not watching TV?

Adobe reverses decision to kill NPAPI Flash plugin for Linux

Ole Juul


Adobe's sole purpose is to screw people around. That they're upping the ante just shows that they truly are evil. And the web site builders who insist on perpetrating this crap can take a hike. You don't want to hear what else I have to say about it.

Microsoft thought of the children and decided to ban some browsers

Ole Juul

Re: Starbucks

with no free upgrades either

McAfee-the-man wants McAfee-the-brand, Chipzilla says no

Ole Juul


loves trolling

Is it time to unplug frail OpenOffice's life support? Apache Project asked to mull it over

Ole Juul

Re: Word Perfect?

I have WP 5.1 running on a DOS machine. Works nicely, and prints to 24pin dot matrix if I want. That said, I do tend to use LibreOffice (much) more often. Mostly since it integrates better with a modern environment. But damn, it has polish and snap like we haven't seen since.

Hey, uh ICANN. US govt here. You know we said we'd give you the keys to the 'net? Yeaahhh...

Ole Juul

Re: Who do you trust??

"At least the US Government listens to the people. I'm not sure that ICANN does."

ICANN is stone deaf.

EU 'net neutrality' may stop ISPs from blocking child abuse material

Ole Juul

Re: Easy to solve

It's only easy to solve if the user is willing to take control of their end. They can use OpenDNS and many other services as well as direct local filters. The problem, as the article points out, is that many devices don't allow user control. That people willingly chose such a device is beyond me, but it's their choice to make. Subsequently complaining about the consequences of that choice is a bit off in my opinion.

Obviously a lot of people don't want to deal with such technicalities. Fair enough. But if they simply demand it, there will soon be lots of commercial and free offerings ready to meet their needs.

Newest Royal Navy warship weighs as much as 120 London buses

Ole Juul

Re: 120 London buses

I didn't realise London buses were that heavy. They're hollow aren't they?

FBI Director wants 'adult conversation' about backdooring encryption

Ole Juul

Re: sympathetic towards these agencies and support the backdooring.

"Either he's totally deluded about how security and encryption works or this is about something else, noise, a distraction"

I don't think he's stupid. I think he is just totally into law enforcement. The more people break the law, the better for him - he gets to do his thing and get paid for it. One could be tempted to call that evil.

Dotcom extradition stream

Ole Juul

That's nice but

The stream will be allowed to stay up until the end of the hearings, at which point the judge somehow believes it can then be scrubbed from the internet.

This judge might not understand the case either.

New booze guidelines: We'd rather you didn't enjoy yourselves

Ole Juul

Re: I've consumed a lot of alcohol in my day but

"10ml of pure alcohol, so it's easier to make comparisons"

So they thought they'd rename the centiliter. I bet they were drunk when they came up with that.

Ole Juul

I've consumed a lot of alcohol in my day but

what the hell are units?

False Northern Lights alert issued to entire UK because of a lawnmower

Ole Juul

Blackhat gardeners

what's next

Breaker, breaker: LTE is coming to America's CB radio frequencies

Ole Juul

Re: That's not CB...

Agreed. The article is using the wrong vocabulary and ends up being meaningless. CB is 26.9650 MHz to 27.4050 MHz and that only. Any other use of the word CB is just ignorant. The nearest related band is FRS (Family Radio Service) which goes from 462.5625 MHz for channel 1 up to 467.7125 MHz for channel 14.

ISS astronauts begin spacewalk to install new docking adapter

Ole Juul

NASA faux pas

You can watch the rest of it here. ®

No I can't. It requires flash.

WikiLeaks uploads 300+ pieces of malware among email dumps

Ole Juul

Re: Seems less than I'd expect

"Anyone downloading the files should be running them through antivirus etc as a matter of course, but other than flagging the file with a warning, I don't see how this is a wikileaks problem (or that of any other disclosure site)"

Indeed it is ultimately the downloader's responsibility, but many will not be so savvy as we might hope. I think it is a WikiLeaks oversight that they're not giving warnings, or even any suggestions at all, for those who would download files. Taking the high road because "it is not their responsibility" is not consistent with being responsible and doing a good job. Hopefully they will add some general warning, and perhaps a suggestion or two, after this incident.

Ole Juul

Should be part of their threat model

Not warning users is a serious oversight.

If this headline was a security warning, 90% of you would ignore it

Ole Juul

Perhaps popups aren't the way to communicate this

The reason is that we're collectively rubbish at multi-tasking, leading the team to say 90 percent of people clicking ignore, dismiss, or cancel when legitimate but distracting messages appear.

I may be bad at multitasking, but that is not the relevant info here and I suggest the above statement may be an assumption and nothing to do with science beyond being perhaps made by a scientist. I personally dismiss all popups as fast as possible because that is the most efficient use of my time. Experience has shown me that the less time I spend looking at them the better for me. So, I concentrate only on hitting that X as quickly as possible.

Also, I'm probably not the only one who doesn't use a GUI for administrative tasks, which is where security warnings are particularly important.

Australia's Telstra and Optus outed as two of the world's six most expensive ISPs

Ole Juul

Most expensive?

So, the Louis Vuitton of ISPs. That's gotta have a bit of cachet.

Russia investigates downsizing space station crew from three to two

Ole Juul

grab your coat

and call a cab

#Censusfail aftermath: Here's what's happening inside Australia's board rooms this morning

Ole Juul

just asking

The vendors' leaders know they'll have to spend more time attempting to impress the likes of El Reg . . .

How does one impress someone who bites your hand?

Dell to change name to 'Dell Technologies'

Ole Juul


I'm just delirious.

Again with the cheap internet access in India, Facebook?

Ole Juul

what a dog

When is Facebook going to stop humping my leg.

Yahoo! is! not! killing! Messenger! today!, just! the! desktop! client!

Ole Juul

Re: How many Messengers?

At least you know what it does. I'm not sure the common alternative naming scheme is all that creative either. For example: YAM (yet another messenger).

How many zero-day vulns is Uncle Sam sitting on? Not as many as you think, apparently

Ole Juul

putting the public at risk

is another

Canadian govt to cloud providers: Want our business? Stay local, eh

Ole Juul

carry through

So are we going to get some tax breaks for data centres? I resent the fact that I have to go to US companies to get a decent deal, some of which are actually ex-Canadian companies who found the business environment more favourable down there.

Three times as bad as malware: Google shines light on pay-per-install

Ole Juul

Re: PPI ?

"So that's what all those nuisance phone calls I get are talking about."

Yep. And they're offering you more of the same.

Mozilla 404s '404 Not Found' pages: Firefox fills in blanks with archive.org copies

Ole Juul

Re: 404.5

"I can see some end-users getting mightily confused"

Then send them to 404 101.

Ole Juul


I had the same question about resources. It could also slow down your browsing on a slow connection as you encounter yet another wait, though I suppose you'd turn it off in that case.