A person who uses a mobile phone to recreate the sound of an instrument is not a musician.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Nov 2008
I mean Mr Jobs, for your funny comments. Can we all have what you're on?
Just as a reference point try and listen to iRiver, Cowon, Creative, Sony and lots more mp3 players, that is if you're allowed. Also, these all support drag and drop so I'm sure it's easier than installing iTunes, setting up a library, connecting the ipod.... is it ready yet?
Also, when you get the chance visit http://www.apple.com/uk/downloads/ and you'll see that it clearly states that Safari is 'The world's best browser'.
Please stop wasting the admins time and post ridiculous comments. Pick up a book instead Mr Jobs.
I have both the Xbox 360 and the PS3. I must say at first I didn't like the 360 but the more I used it the more I got to love it. This update worked like a treat and the fact that you can install games on the hdd is a huge plus.
Now I only buy games on the PS3 if they are exclusive to the system, otherwise it's the 360 for me.