* Posts by Duncan Cummings

11 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2008

Convicted felon busted for 3D printing gun parts

Duncan Cummings

Re: I don't own a gun, but...

We were warned that fully automatic version had a different barrel to handle heat and that using a standard SLR on automatic would destroy it. Didn't stop us when using blanks. Just had to remember to take the matchstick out when going from the training area to the live firing range. Ah - Seventeen year old reservists playing soldier.

Thinnet cables are no match for director's morning workout

Duncan Cummings

ARCNET still used

I know a site where they still use ARCNET. It is used for a custom designed control system and you can buy PCIe ARCNET cards so there has been no need to redesign it

No, I've not read the screen. Your software must be rubbish

Duncan Cummings

Re: Simples...

As part of a maintenance process on a certain SAN, if you ran a command on the wrong controller, the system would explain why it was a bad idea and ask if you wanted to abort, defaulting to yes. If you type no, it would say that it was a bad idea and ask if you wanted to continue. It would then say it was a really bad idea and ask again if you wanted to continue.

Despite this, I know at least three people who have done the wrong thing causing a complete outage. People don't read messages or bother to understand them before responding. Doesn't matter what you do.

Swooping in to claim the glory while the On Call engineer stands baffled

Duncan Cummings

Re: Hands On (and Eyes On Too) (and smell)

Sitting in the lunch room many years ago, when all of a sudden one of the techs head went back and he sniffed the air. Without a word being said suddenly all the techs stopped and sniffed the air, got up and ran for their benches.

Will never forget the smell of burning tantalum capacitors.

There's only one cure for passive-aggressive Space Invader bosses, and that's more passive aggression

Duncan Cummings

Working to Rule

Back in the early 80's, the hours were technically 9-5 but it was common for my team to come in after 9:30 and work until the days work was finished, normally between 6 and 7 but often after 8.

New boss, flexing his muscles, insists on us turning up at 9:00 am.

Monday start at 9, leave at 5.

Tuesday start at 9, leave at 5

Wednesday, arrive at 9:30 leave at 7 and starting time was never brought up again.

Electron-to-joule conversion formulae? Cute. Welcome to the school of hard knocks

Duncan Cummings

Re: Fluke logging multimeters

I have had my Fluke 75 and used it professionally in the field for over 30 years. Well worth the money! I bought it because I couldn't afford a Beckman at the time.

Try placing a pot plant directly above your CRT monitor – it really ties the desk together

Duncan Cummings

Re: Adjust the monitor settings?

Been there, done that. Carried 17" crt monitor up to the second floor with the aircon not working. Should of used a trolley but young and stupid. Take one look at the desk, and move the portable fan 20cm away from the side of the screen. Problem disappears! Carry monitor back to car mumbling about the intelligence of customers.

Looking back I realize that most people (including the new generation of hardware maintenance engineers) don't understand basic electro-magnetism or electronics so I was probably a bit harsh.

A decades-old lesson on not inserting Excel where it doesn't belong

Duncan Cummings

Still Happening


IT protip: Never try to be too helpful lest someone puts your contact details next to unruly boxen

Duncan Cummings

In the early 80's I worked for a company that made computers used by accountants in Australia and New Zealand. When we launched a new product (The Hartley 3923) I travelled around the country training the Field Engineers on it. 22 years later, I get a call from one of the guys I trained, asking if I know how to format a new hard drive. I wasn't able to help him and while talking to him asked how he found me. Turns out he had asked the engineer who designed it for help and he couldn't remember either.

*Beer icon because I like beer.

What did we say about Tesla's self-driving tech? SpaceX Roadster skips Mars, steers to asteroids

Duncan Cummings

Re: "a space-faring publication"?

On a side note, whatever happened to LOHAN?

There hasn't been an update since 2016.

Lewis Hamilton mulls riding Virgin

Duncan Cummings

Virgin Galactic

I could never fly with something called Virgin, Who wants to fly in an aeroplane that won't go all the way?

Jokes aside, I wish I was him. I wonder if my better half will let me mortgage the house and buy a ticket?