* Posts by Adam Connelly

5 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2008

Twitter suffering chronic banality, diagnoses Dr House

Adam Connelly


He added: "I think if people were able to take these 140 characters and develop a poetic Western form - a haiku of our own in which all human existence could be compressed into those 140 characters - that would be a satisfying thing, but that's not what I see when I read them."

Surely something for Lvvvies in the Private Eye

BOFH: Spontaneous Legal Combustion

Adam Connelly
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Mormons demand ICANN plugs net smut hole

Adam Connelly

Smoke Screen

"Utah is 58 per cent Mormon, and according to a recent study has the highest consumption of internet pornography of any US state"

This isn't an attempt to make it less likely that innocent [insert item here] view porn, it's an attempt at making it easier to find porno sites! Might I suggest the .utah domain?

DSGi crosses fingers on new store format

Adam Connelly

PC World Salesmen

Have you ever noticed how you get ignored in PC World until the exact moment that you shove something onto your trolley, then all of a sudden a member of staff appears and offers to put it through the till for you?

If I was a cynic, I'd say that their customer service was directly proportional to the amount of commission available to the staff. Lucky I'm not a cynic.

Scots vote out ID cards

Adam Connelly

RE: Can parents overrule their kids?

AFAIK, in Scotland it's not quite like that. I believe that children actually have legal responsibility for themselves as long as they are thought able to understand the implications of their decisions. This is often thought of as around the age of 12, although I don't think any age is actually set.

So, I'm not 100% on this, but I think a child could decide that they wanted a card even if their parents didn't want them to, because under Scots law they may be entitled to make their own legal decisions.

Like I say, I'm not certain of this.