* Posts by Alan

4 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Nov 2008

BT slammed for 'importing' cheap Indian contractors


Stop going on about the rates

"no wonder BT lost so much money. Contracters - get a grip on reality, you really are not worth that much. Regardless of your skill set."

I'm sick of green eyed monsters knocking contractors rates, it says much for the basic mindset of humanity that instead of thinking "hell yeah , good on him/her , another guy in the rat race like me but making it work better , now how do I get me some of that action" , instead wanting them to get paid less , like you.

People should just stop moaning about contractors rates , especially fellow workers. You are envious of it? Take the step , form your own company , choose to live without the security of steady work and do it ! :) ( As long as you have long years of experience and skills for people to want to hire you that is)

Bada Bing tickles UK fancies

Paris Hilton

And so?

What do people think safe search is for? Pretty much the same happens in google .

Disabling safety protocols and then whining about the results is just idiotic.

UK.gov thinks internet should be run like BSkyB


Not suprised

This goverment just goes from bad to worse , dragging the country with it.

Thought they were wank 10 years ago , still think they are wank.

Adobe, profs working on web time-machine app


True, but

Well thats true , just as javascript opening locations have lead to the braking of the Internet Archive. But that was somewhat due to the naive indexing of the IA, writing routines to take into account javascript and Ajax paths would not be implausible.