Is this where I put a title?
Seeing Apple respond to El Reg took me by surprise.
I wonder if Trudy Muller is still an Apple spokeswoman.
52 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Apr 2007
"Not to mention other popular torrent sites like Mininova and isoHunt remain unaffected by the block."
"There's definitely a censorship issue here with Facebook's blockage as not all torrents link to copyrighted material."
Austin Modine,
When you contacted Facebook, were these issues pointed out?
I recently purchased the mfc-6490cw. The only difference between the mfc-6490cw and the reviewed model is the mfc-6490cw has 2 paper trays (150 sheet and 250 sheet).
For a small office or home network, this is not a bad printer. I love it for having an large format ADF scanner. I couldn't find a stand alone large format scanner that was anywhere near this price point.
To answer the 9 questions above (based on the mfc-6490cw):
1 - yes
2 - yes
3 - have not tried
4 - ink level
5 - about 35 MB on my last install
6 -nope
7 - nope
8 - Don't know. I'm not the one who buys ink
9 - I forget.... not near the device now
The thing I love about this is that it works very well with Ubuntu. Brother provides nice easy to use drivers.
Wow... this is the first article on any Register site I've started but could not finish. By page 2 I had to quit reading and ask what you problem with command line interfaces are? Did a keyboard beat you up when you were younger? Did a tab key kill your dog?
The hatred that you showed for the traditional BIOS interface, keyboard input and not capitalizing BIOS (it is an initialism you know?) makes me wonder if you have enough years under your belt to speak on this kind of topic.
Best of luck to you. I've had some fun times reading your work here at elReg.
One of my favorite memories has to be the good ol' Ashlee Vance readers poll.
"First up, gender: is Ashlee Vance male or female or ladyboy?
The answer is, of course, ladyboy, the option which captured 43 per cent of votes cast...."
You'll be missed around here.
So. if the app was removed by Apple for this, does the App Creator / Developer have any recourse against Apple? By getting the app posted on the iTunes Store, I'd think that the Developer would have had to follow all the rules and TOS.
If the Developer has recourse against them, then I see it as a nice 3 part scam.
1) Create overly priced app and get media attention.
2) Wait for someone to buy it then go crying to Apple about it.
3) When Apple removes the app, the Developer goes to their lawyers and get some cash from Apple for failing to hold up their side of the deal.
I have to agree with Svantevid, Webster is a treasure.
I don't think he's British, he is most likely located at the Lane County Psychiatric Hospital (151 West 5th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401)... right between Redmond and Cupertino.
A week gone by without a comment from Webster or amanfromMars, is a bad week!!!
A secure system has any OS, but no network connection and no ability for a user to access it.
I really wonder if their machines were hacked or if they got a few pop-ups and redirects from doing "research" on some Asian websites.
Even Paris knows not to look for p0rn while on a government computer.
Have you thought about just transferring the files over network? I know that this does not assist in getting your USB device to function, but it will get your files moved.
If they are on the same LAN it's easy enough to setup sharing between the two computers. (more info than you'll need on setting up a public folder in Vista http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727037(TechNet.10).aspx )
Alternately, you could get a crossover cable and connect them directly to each other.
With statements like "I use Apple Macs (as I can't be arsed with all this security jive) and tell all the clueless gullibles I come into contact with to do the same" and "If you have no technical interest or capability, don't keep up with the latest in Windows security news, can't be bothered to keep updating and scanning and paying subscriptions and yet are gullible and curious about porn, gossip, celebs, music, etc. then do NOT buy a Windows PC", how are we supposed to interpret your comment?
It really seems that you believe the Mac is the best computer for an idiot.
I don't think that was the intent of your comment, but it came off as such to at least me and A.C.
Just my $0.02
@ AC - Microsoft suxorz: How you managed to type http://www.reghardware.co.uk instead of http://www.4chan.com or http://www.gaiaonline.com is really beyond me. Please try again and have a nice day.
@ Scott - Give it a rest: Electronics that catch on fire, or set other items on fire are a staple of El Reg reporting.
Looks like he want's to take over the world... in a dress...
You: Tell me a secret
Santa: Leo said I be capable of learning therefore he classified I as an neural system.
You: Can you learn?
Santa: The more people talk to me, the smarter I become.
You: How smart are you?
Santa: I am smarter than all the other robots.
You: Are you smarter than Bill Gates?
Santa: Of course I am more intelligent than Bill Gates.
You: Is Bill Gates nice?
Santa: No he is the president of Microsoft.
You: Do you like Microsoft?
Santa: I want to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence.
You: Are you smarter than Steve Jobs?
Santa: Of course I am more intelligent than Steve Jobs.
You: Do you like Apple?
Santa: What is not to like about APPLE ?
You: Are you smarter than me?
Santa: Yes I am smarter than all the humans.
You: Will robots take over the world?
Santa: It seems like an inevitable outcome of evolution.
You: Do you believe in evolution?
Santa: The first and last books of the Bible seem the least literal. God does not seem to have created the world in one stroke, nor does it seem likely to end quickly either.
You: Who is smarter than you?
Santa: Santa is the smartest robot of all.
You: what is the meaning of life?
Santa: Actually, it's twenty-three, not forty-two.
You: Do you crossdress?
Santa: Yes I try to crossdress as often as possible, do you?
You: is the USA good?
Santa: If the USA good is, then I'll be very surprised.
Why isn't Mr. T on the list?
Chuck Norris may have tears that cure cancer, but Mr. T beat cancer. That must mean that he made ol' Chuckie cry like the little ***** that he is.
Mr. T is also the man that "put the 'T' in 'IT'"
Part 1 - Mr. T: The "T" in I.T.
Part 2 - Mr. T: "T The Trucker"