re: "How did we all end up with Windows?"
As much as my gut hates monopoly (and in particular loves to hate Micro$oft!), my brain knows there are no easy explanations or answers. Whilst monopoly generally is bad for consumers, standardization is good for many consumers, especially business. An optimum standard, however, isn't guaranteed by monopoly. For example, few open-minded consumers would deny, all other things being equal, the Mac is more functional than the PC. On the other hand, through standardization, few get stuck with eight-track, RCA video disc, or betamax. The issue then, is not standardization, but how to get there. Industry consensus (often by way of working group or committee) theoretically is preferable to monopoly, but also can be plodding (witness the current finger-drumming wait for the next-generation DVD standard). Industry consensus also can have at least as many anti-competitive concerens as monopoly and is no guarantee of the best alternative. The best we can hope for is Abraham Lincoln's "you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time". Thus I look forward to a day when Mac, Solaris, Linux and operating systems as yet unknown equitably share the desktop with Windo$e.
Best regards.