Re : All those snearing about no backups etc
Don't know much abou the whole thing myself, so I could be totally wrong. However I understand Avsim was a hobbist site, run by an Av Simming fan. Was he an IT professional? if he was then you may have some just cause to snear at his lack of backups. However it is most likely that he wasn't an IT expert (unlike you lot) and didn't realise that the environment that had been built (wasn't it built by an IT professional for him) was structually unsound. Another IT professional worked on the site (the alleged stealing of email addys is another topic) did _HE_ tell the site owner of the dangers?
You probably know precisely how a modern PC works and what is happening in each part of the whole system. You _DO_ don't you? Most users think that a PC is filled with magic faries and you wake them up when you switch the box on. Thats why there are so many computer viruses about, the faries catch them from each other. Mention Backups to a normal user and they'll think that you're talking about getting angry. And copying the data from one machine to another is probably more than most would ever consider doing.
Snigger to yourselve about his lack of knowledge while you take your car to the garage for a service at £40 to £50 an hour labour. Because _you_ don't know how to do it. How about a bit of plastering to repair a wall? Gonna throw together a bucket of muck and slap it on the wall then? Oh look, lady over there has broken her arm and _LOOK HOW FAR THE BLOOD'S SPURTING_. What are you going to do? faint at the sight of the bone sticking out?
How about remembering that you get paid to do what you do because others don't have your skills. Just like you don't have other skills that are neaded from time to time.
Give the bloke a break. If you want to help then you offer help. REAL HELP. Go over and help setup his servers. Maintain them for him. Set up the backup routine and archives and mirror sites.
Until then STFU.