* Posts by Michael

3 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Nov 2008

Microsoft promises 'lessons learned' on IE 8 download day

Dead Vulture

Don't spread misinformation...

The best way to get people to dislike IE, is of course to spread misinformation.

It's sad to see so many people getting their knickers in a twist over an el Reg article which talks nonsense. If you bothered to read other sources, especially the IE blog, you would know the truth.

Microsoft's Automatic Update - the way to browser competition?


What about OSX and Linux distros?

Surely Apple bundling Safari with OSX and Lunix distros eg Ubuntu bundling Firefox with their OS are just as bad as Microsoft?

Nasty Toryboy bloggers ate my politics, claims Blears


Today's walk...

Details: http://bastardoldholborn.blogspot.com/2008/07/old-holborn-is-going-for-walk.html

And seems like next year there'll be a lot more for the police to deal with if this crap from the govt continues....